9 - The Rule of Science

The Brotherhood had grown enormously in numbers and power over the six thousand years since Sumer and Egypt and it was now to enter a new phase in its desire for world domination.

It inspired scores of ‘people’s revolutions’ and civil wars to replace the monarchies and it achieved this in the normal way - by working through both sides to create the conflict and the atmosphere of unrest. Sometimes the monarch would hold on, more often the revolution would usher in a people’s dictatorship or ‘democratic government’.


The Brotherhood could work more covertly behind the smokescreen of democracy, but it wished to ensure that enough ‘bogeymen’ existed around the world to unite people in mutual fear. People in fear are so much easier to control, as we shall see. It also had a longer term aim to replace traditional religion with the Godless version of science called materialism. This was the final stage of the Brotherhood plan to persuade people they were just physical, one-life, accidents, with no spirit or eternal purpose.


The more that people can be encouraged to think that way the more they become locked in materialism and lose touch with who they are. In that state of mind they are perfectly placed to become the robots of the Brotherhood by closing down their connections with higher levels of themselves and Creation.

In the 1800s some documents surfaced called the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion. Almost everything these documents proposed to do has happened in this century. Perhaps, in part, they were made public for purposes of disinformation, not least in using a title that blames it all on the Jews. The Brotherhood manipulation of the world is not a purely Jewish phenomenon.


Yes there are Jews involved, but so are others of many other races, and people of all political persuasions, from capitalist to communist to anarchist. All play their part in the covert game plan and the Jews in general have suffered tremendously at times from the manipulation of the Brotherhood.


The Protocols do, however, give such an excellent indication of the Brotherhood’s intentions that I will use passages from them through the book. I only came across them after the rest of the book was completed. To overcome the misleading reference to Zion, I will refer to them as the Illuminati Protocols and from this point I will also use the name Illuminati to describe the Brotherhood elite who are aware of the real agenda.

The Protocols make clear the Illuminati’s view of the masses. Its contempt of the general population, the Goyim as it calls us, knows no bounds. It sees us as mere cattle and a mob and, while its analysis is distasteful, it cannot, unfortunately, be accused of inaccuracy in its contention of how easily most people allow themselves to be manipulated.


The Protocols acknowledge the Brotherhood’s role in the overthrow of the monarchies:

“On the ruins of the natural and genealogical aristocracy of the Goyim we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class, headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent on us ....“

(Protocol 1).

“Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave the name of ‘Great’: the secrets of its preparations are well known to us, for it was all the work of our hands. Ever since that time we have been leading the people from one disenchantment to another.”

(Protocol 3).

The great majority of people who campaigned for the end of the monarchies and against the imposition of religion, have done so with the finest of intentions, and it was exactly what needed to happen. The Brotherhood was often pushing against an open door with that part of its plan, because people were getting fed up with Church and monarchs.


But while most campaigners wanted to replace both with true freedom for the human mind and true democracy, the Brotherhood Illuminati elite had other ideas. It used popular sentiment to overthrow monarchs and reduce the credibility of the Church, but then used its power to replace them with an illusion of democracy and a science which denied that people have any other dimension, apart from the physical body.

“The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the mob in all countries that their government is nothing but the steward of the people who are the owners of the country and that the steward may be replaced like a worn out glove. It is this possibility of replacing the representatives of the people which has placed them at our disposal and, as it were, given us the power of appointment. . . . The (politicians) whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capabilities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of government and will therefore easily become pawns in our game in the hands of learning and genius who will be their advisors, specialists bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.”

(Protocol 2).


“In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some “Panama” or other - then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of privileges, advantages, and honor connected with the office of President.”

(Protocol 10).

Freemasonry was to undergo a significant change after the English Civil War and into early the 1700s. The Craft was opened up to more and more people who were not masons or craftsmen by profession and soon they would be by far the majority.


In 1717 a new Grand Lodge was launched at a meeting in London and some were to call this the Mother Grand Lodge of the World. This was the lodge the American freemasons were connected with before the War of Independence. The old links with the profession of masonry became purely symbolic with titles like Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason, no longer relating in any way to the masons work, but only to the levels of initiation within the new Freemasonry, the so called three Blue Degrees.


The Mother Grand Lodge quickly expanded its influence across Europe and the British Empire, issuing permission for other branches to practice the Blue Degree System. In Scotland, Michael Ramsey would establish another branch of Freemasonry based on the old Knights Templar system, and what became known as the Scottish Degrees or Rites of Freemasonry would go on to become the dominant form of the Craft.


Today it is the Scottish Rites, with the thirty-three degrees of initiation, which is behind the Freemasonic mafia that controls the United States and many other countries from behind the scenes today.

“We shall create and multiply freemasonic lodges in all countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for in these lodges we shall find our principle intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders (Illuminati) . .

In these lodges we shall tie together the knot which binds together all revolutionary and liberal movements. Their composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plot will be known to us and will fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception.”

(Protocol 15).

The English civil war brought a temporary end to the monarchy and even in the longer term, dramatically reduced its power. The Royalists (Anglicans) were defeated by the Roundheads (Nonconformists) and Charles I was executed in 1649.


The first attempt at government by the people was in fact government by Oliver Cromwell, a morose Puritan squire, who ruled as Lord Protector with the support of his army. He banned Anglican services and continued penal laws against the Catholics. Cromwell purged non-believers in his view of Christianity and continued the dreadful treatment of the Irish, while also abolishing amusements, the arts, fun, laughter, and affection. This is how the Puritans interpreted the Bible.


Laughter and happiness were a sin. They remind me of those signs you see sometimes in comic stories which say: No dancing, no singing, no laughing, no nuffin’. They accepted and expanded upon the beliefs of Calvinism, and they promoted the extraordinary claims that war and conflict were signs of spiritual salvation, because it was evidence of the struggle to remove Satan from the Earth. Peace meant that Satan was not being challenged!


Such thinking governed Britain at this time and would, as we have seen, also be exported to America with the Puritan ‘pilgrims’. After Cromwell died in 1658, parliament invited the exiled brother of Charles I to take the throne as Charles II on the understanding that there would be religious tolerance. He agreed, but then began a reign of persecution against the Puritans and those who didn’t worship the Anglican Faith.


Tens of thousands of Nonconformists were killed, tortured, or shipped off as slaves to the colonies. In Scotland they still call this period the Killing Time. What Charles II really wanted to do was return Britain to the Roman Catholic Faith.

This story of Britain is the story of World. It was going on everywhere with one Faith persecuting another over the interpretation of a flawed and largely invented book. Almost everything emerged from religion or the battle against religious tyranny. The two political parties at the time were divided on religious lines. The Tories (now Conservatives) were the Anglicans while the Whigs were largely Nonconformists.


Through these decades of terrible religious intolerance and unrepresentative parliaments, many individuals made their contributions to human consciousness. Isaac Newton made several important scientific discoveries. He studied astronomy and advanced the development of the telescope. When he saw an apple fall from a tree it triggered a line of thought which led to him identifying the law of gravity. But he was also very much involved with the Brotherhood as a grand master of the Priory of Sion. Further discoveries by his successors would undermine the claims of religion.


Writers like John Milton and John Bunyan opposed the behavior of the Church and state, and Bunyan spent twelve years in Bedford Jail for refusing to accept the Anglican Faith. George Fox founded the Society of Friends (Quakers). He argued against the Church dictatorship and urged toleration, mercy, and peace. The Quakers have largely been the acceptable face of religion, opposing slavery and persecution. Fox was jailed for blasphemy and thousands of his supporters suffered the same fate.

The Whigs were behind the next ‘coup’ on the British people. When Charles I died in 1685, his brother, James II began a bloody three year reign of terror which failed in its avowed attempt to restore Papal power to Britain when he was overthrown by the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688. The Whigs, a powerful group of English and Scottish Protestants, may have been a British political party, later to become the Liberals, but they were actually based in Holland.


They had close links with the Dutch House of Orange and with William, Prince of Orange, who had married Mary, the daughter of James II. The House of Orange, like the German royal family, often used marriage to expand its power and effect bloodless takeovers of other countries. Another branch of the Brotherhood was set up to put William on the British throne. It was called the Orange Order and this still continues, particularly in Northern Ireland. It is one of the secret societies which fuels the fires of that ongoing Northern Ireland conflict.


The Orange Order was pledged to make sure that Britain remained a Protestant country, and it was based on the principles of Freemasonry, a craft of which William was almost certainly a member, and William was to treat Irish Catholics so badly that the hatred of him there still festers through the generations.

He was crowned William III and ruled over both Britain and Holland. His wife became Mary II. It was now that the Bank of England was created in the image of the Bank of Amsterdam and the Brotherhood control of the financial system took a mighty step forward. The Bank of England scheme was presented by William Paterson, a Scot, but the British parliament was not terribly keen on the idea.


They were, however, trapped by the Brotherhood. William and Mary had started a war with Catholic France and they orchestrated other conflicts also. These were costing the country so much of its wealth that Britain was in terrible debt. They could not put up taxes any higher without fear of rebellion, so they reluctantly accepted the Bank of England which would then issue lots of bits of paper representing money that did not exist and charge interest to the government (the people) for doing so.


As William Bramley writes in The Gods of Eden:

“The standard practice of bankers during that period was to issue notes four or five times in excess of their precious metals. The Bank of England, however, issued an incredible multiplication of 16 2/3rds. The British Government agreed to borrow those notes and honor them as legal money for use in its purchases. The government accepted this plan because the government was not required to repay the initial loan, only the interest on the loan. Would not the Bank of England lose money on such a deal?”

Not at all.

“The face value of the loan notes were many times in excess of the value of the actual assets on which the notes were based. The interest on the loan in just one year surpassed the total value of the precious metals of the Bank of England! Specifically, the financiers had put together a total base of £72,000 of actual gold and silver. By issuing notes valued at 162/3 times the base, the bank was able to make a loan of £1,200,000 in paper money. The yearly interest was 8 1/3% which equaled £100,000. This amounted to a profit of £28, 000, or 39% in just one year!”

And who paid for that, and still pays for this system of legalized theft today?


The people. In toil, sweat, and suffering.


Another Scot, John Law, an agent of the Brotherhood, would later become the Finance Minister of France and he set up a similar central bank there with disastrous consequences for the economy when too many notes were issued and they became subsequently worth less money. More of them were required to buy goods and services and this is the nightmare called inflation.

With the death of William, his sister Anne took the throne and then she was succeeded by the German House of Hanover, from which the House of Windsor, Britain’s present royal family, descends. The first Hanoverian King, George I, couldn’t even speak English!


The Hanoverians were not welcomed by the people who could not see why Germans should be on the British throne. This allowed the House of Hanover to work a nice little earner. They refused to have a large British army, because they said they feared a coup given their unpopularity. And so they enlisted mercenary soldiers from their German homeland at a massive cost to the British people and at a large profit to themselves.

At least religious persecution now began to diminish. It would not disappear, but it would start to fade. It took nearly another hundred years for Roman Catholics to be allowed to worship in public and the Irish had to wait for this right until 1829. The legal prejudice against Nonconformist Protestants lasted even longer. They were not allowed to sit in Parliament until 1828 and the Anglican Universities of Oxford and Cambridge were only opened to them in 1871.

The Pope’s control of Britain was removed by Henry VIII and his daughter, Elizabeth I. Now the power of the monarchs to rule as the representative of God was similarly curtailed, as parliaments took over Government. But these were grossly unrepresentative parliaments and there was little liberation for the masses. You will identify many themes running through this very brief history.


One is that those who fight for change in the name of freedom often have no regard for the freedom of others once they are in power. Catholics persecuted Protestants only for Protestants to persecute them when the opportunity arose. You still see this in tit-for-tat killings in today’s trouble spots. The gentry campaigned for parliamentary freedom and the end of royal dictatorship, only to deny democratic and human rights to those who might vote them out of power. The Parliamentary gentry ran the country for themselves, the Church, and, although many will not have realized it, the Brotherhood.

Most people were in grinding poverty. There were no schools although the money could always be found to fight wars of acquisition and build churches. Lives were hard and short while Britain’s privileged grew richer and the empire expanded.


This continued into the 19th century. Boys and girls of five were being forced to work up to ninety hours a week, and they were often beaten if they fell asleep. Starving children were left to die in the gutter. They were sent up chimneys to clean them and, together with women, worked down the mines earning money for the Anglican Church.


The Church received royalties on the profits of many pits and in Northumberland and Durham alone this was earning them £400,000 a year. This is still a lot of money today, but then it was a staggering sum. No wonder the Church hierarchy never complained at the treatment of the children, women, and miners.


It was left to radicals who were often non-believers to put humanity and compassion ahead of religious doctrine. Not so the Church. As long as the poor wretches had agreed to be baptized, they were saved for all eternity, so why bother trying to improve their lot on Earth? What was happening to them was God’s will.

At one time 223 offences were punishable by death, including stealing a handkerchief or anything worth over five shillings. Edmund Burke, the Whig politician and philosopher, reckoned it was possible to get anything through parliament that carried the death penalty. People, including children, were flogged in the streets and hanged in public. It was only in the 1960s that Britain abolished the death penalty.


Many countries and some American states continue to indulge in this barbarism. Into the 19th century wives were still being sold to the highest bidder in British markets and the treatment of women in general was shocking in its inhumanity.


The prisons were full of ‘debtors’ - people who could not afford to feed their families, and the poor people couldn’t go to law to fight their case, because the legal system was there primarily to provide an income for the legal profession - and control the people. It had nothing to do with justice. Widows and children of the poor were thrown out of their homes when their husbands or parents died. Beggars filled the streets.

This was the world which 1,500 years of Christianity had visited upon Britain and the rest of Christendom. And where were the shouts of protest from the Church?


Into the last century, Christendom was no further advanced than the Babylonians had been 5,000 years earlier. When Robert Raikes began to organize schools to teach children to read and write on Sundays (their only day off) the Anglican Church opposed them because some of the teachers were Nonconformists. In the 19th century Hannah More was prosecuted by an Ecclesiastical Court for her attempts at educating people.


The clergy believed that everything anyone needed to know was in the Bible and they also realized that education was bad news for them. If people started to think for themselves it was goodbye Church power. A bill of 1807 to introduce state education which was passed by the House of Commons was blocked by the Bishops in the House of Lords. This when only one in seventeen people in England could write.


The efforts of other reformers like Joseph Lancaster to educate the young so frightened the Church that it began to take an interest in schools. It knew these non-believing reformers would insist on the teaching of knowledge and reason, not theology. Once the Church realized that education was now inevitable, it wanted to gain control of the curriculum. Still today in England we have Church of England controlled schools in some areas with the local vicar on the Board of Governors.


The Bishops in the House of Lords also opposed every Reform Bill designed to widen the franchise and give people a greater say in who governs them. They even opposed legislation to abolish the death penalty for thefts of more than five shillings. The Christian Church civilized the world??

The credibility of the Church was fatally breached during the Victorian era in Britain which accelerated the emergence of scientific explanations for what had hitherto been explained by ludicrous theology. The Church was now fighting a rearguard action trying to stay upright as the ground slipped beneath its feet. Tradition and the close links of Church and state maintained its privileges and influence and this continues to the present day, but its power to dictate was fading.

Unfortunately, most of the scientists who were undermining religion’s credibility with their claims and discoveries, people like Charles Darwin and countless others, were going too far in the other direction. They didn’t realize, and most of their successors still don’t, that the evolution of the physical body and that of the eternal us, the consciousness which activates the physical body, are not the same.


We were now being offered a choice between the ridiculous contentions of Christianity which were fast losing ground, and the materialist scientists who claimed that the physical world is all that exists and life after death is a myth. This view, which to me is as equally bereft of credibility as religion, remains the stance of the scientific establishment to this day, though not for much longer. It was also exactly what the Brotherhood elite wanted to happen as a key part of its New World Order.


A world without God or belief in an eternal self was its ambition, even though it knew and knows the truth of who we really are. Religion would continue to be used when appropriate, but the aim was really to replace that with the view of a godless science in the minds of the people.

“It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these (scientific) theories. The intellectuals of the Goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of it will put into affect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism...

(Protocol 2).

It is indispensable to undermine all faith, to tear out of the minds of the Goyim the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs.”

(Protocol 4).

Are you listening university lecturers, science students, and establishment scientists? You have been and continue to be duped.


The British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, could see some of what was going on when he said this in the House of Commons in July 1856:

“There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House. I mean the secret societies... It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal that a great part of Europe, the whole of Italy and France, and a great part of Germany, to say nothing of other countries, is covered with a network of secret societies, just as the surfaces of the earth are covered with railroads. And what are their objects? .... They do not want constitutional government, they do not want ameliorated institutions.. they want to change the tenure of the land, to drive out the present owners of the soil, and put an end to the ecclesiastical establishments. Some may even go further.”

One of the groups in Italy he was referring to was the Mafia. Giuseppe Garibaldi, a thirty-third degree Mason and Grand Master of Italy, had led the rebellion in the Italian wars of unification and the Mafia, up until then a secret society resisting foreign rule in Sicily, supported him.


The Mafia formed an underground government in Sicily and used criminal acts to undermine the foreign occupation. When Italy was unified, the Mafia became the underground terrorist and criminal movement it is today. One of the most notorious freemason lodges is also based in Italy. It is known as P2 and it controls the Vatican.

We saw our familiar theme at work again in these Victorian and Edwardian times. The science which had for so long been suppressed and crushed by the Church, was winning its freedom to research and discover knowledge which the priests would rather have remained hidden.


But when open minded scientists found evidence to challenge the materialist this-world-is-all-there-is view of the establishment scientists their work was likewise suppressed and crushed by their own colleagues. Instead of one powerful interest group suggesting that reincarnation and eternal life for everyone did not exist, now there were two. The last thing the Brotherhood wanted was for the population to know the spiritual truths.

Both ‘science’ and religion were fierce in their opposition to the growth in interest in Spiritualism during the Victorian era. Mediums were, until 1951, liable to a fine and imprisonment for the crime of being a medium, but their art began to return to public attention thanks to the emergence of Spiritualism. The law of the land incorporated the Church’s contention that contact with the ‘dead’ was impossible and therefore anyone claiming to do so must by definition be a fraud.


Little did the people know that Queen Victoria had a medium working with her for many years after the death of her husband, Albert, the Prince Consort. Arthur Findlay revealed the story for the first time in The Curse of Ignorance in 1947. He was given the details by the daughter of James Robert Lees who, as a thirteen year old, was found to have outstanding psychic gifts. One communicator claimed to be the entity who had been Prince Albert and he asked that he be allowed to speak with Victoria.

The Queen, who had been grief-stricken by his death, heard of this and sent along two members of her court to investigate. They posed as members of the public who wanted to see what the boy could do. He began to channel Prince Albert, who proceeded to greet the two courtiers by their correct names and he said he knew they had been sent by Victoria. He gave them information for the Queen that only he could have known.


He also wrote a letter to her through the hand of Robert Lees, a process called automatic writing. The contents greatly impressed the Queen, and Robert was invited to meet her and channel Albert in her presence. She was not in the least phased by all this, because she had experienced sittings with other mediums before the Prince’s death. She invited Robert to become a permanent member of her court where he could channel her husband whenever she wished.


But Albert said he could communicate through the son of a worker on her Balmoral estate, a man called John Brown. He was summoned, and a long relationship began between John and the Queen. Through him, Albert would advise her throughout the rest of her life.


When John Brown died the Queen wrote about him and intended to publish her work, but she was persuaded not to do so by her Private Secretary, Sir Henry Ponsonby, and Dr. Davidson, the Dean of Windsor and later Archbishop of Canterbury. He had long opposed her interest in Spiritualism and threatened to resign as Court Chaplain if she published anything about John Brown. Ponsonby also destroyed Brown’s private diaries to make sure the truth was never revealed.

Spiritualism, the belief in the ability to communicate with discarnate souls, had begun in the United States in the mid 1800s and spread to Europe. In Britain it had a number of famous advocates including the scientists Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Crookes, and Sir William Barrett, and the writers Victor Hugo and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories. The scientists were dismissed by their fellows, but they had begun to understand the nature of vibrations and how many worlds could share the same space. Conan Doyle dedicated his later life to the cause of Spiritualism at a time when the escapologist, Houdini, was running a virtual witch hunt against mediums in the United States.

In 1938, a committee appointed by the Church reported favorably on its investigations into Spiritualism, but Dr Lang the Archbishop of Canterbury refused to publish it. He was, however, quite happy to pass into the public arena the report of another committee at that time which supported belief in the Anglican Church’s Thirty-nine Articles of Faith.


As twenty-one of the twenty-five members of the committee were priests we should not be surprised at their verdict. If only Victoria and others had stood up and revealed their experiences and beliefs, the suppression of knowledge by Church and science would have been broken by now. Instead it is left to our generations to do it.

The movement and religion of Spiritualism deserves great credit for keeping the understandings alive in the face of tremendous opposition from the Church and materialist science. The scientists became dominant in the public mind, and although medicine progressed enormously in its understanding, it, too, failed to acknowledge that there is more to the human being than a physical body.


Again the materialist view held sway in medicine and the foundations of the ‘tradition’ thus created are still with us today. The most important advances in human health were the improvement in sanitation and water supplies, although atrocious poverty and terrible living conditions remained the lot of the majority.


This was despite the increasing wealth of the rich and the country in general gained through the exploitation of the people and the Empire. In this period from Victoria to the present day the world would discover the means of mass production; electricity; radio; television; the telephone; the aeroplane; spacecraft; the list goes on and on.


The freedom of many human minds from the religious thought-police unleashed so much potential - more than the public have been told about, as we shall discuss later. But cleverness is one thing, wisdom quite another. The invention of the steam engine revolutionized production and the exploitation of oil would give us the petrol engine.


All over the world inventions and discoveries were coming to light which changed the nature of work, life, and the potential for both construction and catastrophe. I will look at the economic and environmental consequences of this in chapter 11, but here I wish to expand on the difference between cleverness and wisdom.

To unlock the secrets of nature’s potential is clever, but it takes wisdom to,

  • use that knowledge for positive and constructive purposes

  • to have the humility to appreciate that there is always, but always, a great deal more to know

As Socrates said: “Wisdom is knowing how little we know”.


The scientist Carl Sagan was also correct when he pointed out that intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong. The Victorian and post-Victorian world has not understood that and humility has rarely been a feature of the human condition among those in power. So the true nature of life and creation went on being ignored by the Church and the scientific establishment, even though Socrates and Plato had known the basis of it in Ancient Greece.


Cleverness without wisdom is also the bringer of war. Wise people would have used and expanded their gathering knowledge for the benefit of all, and by that I don’t mean only those in their own country. All means all. Instead the collective mind of humanity was still reacting like a spoilt child being guided along a destructive path by the Illuminati elite.

Whatever is the dominating belief of the collective mind can have an enormous influence on the way individuals think. Unfortunately, as we have seen, the behavior of Church, Brotherhood and State over the period covered in this book has programmed the collective consciousness to pass on its responsibility to think and act to others, the Pope, priests, kings and queens, dictators, gentry, bosses, the Bible, the Koran, whoever and whatever they can find.


Humanity in general has been programmed to think and behave like robots and to indoctrinate their children to do the same. This they have done. When you look at all the slaughter, the invasions and counter-invasions, the bloody persecutions over minute differences in the same religious faith, the mass of the people never benefited from any of them. When a place was plundered by an army, the proceeds and the power didn’t go to them, but to those they blindly followed and, increasingly, to those they didn’t even know about.


People may believe those days are over, but they’re not, you know. There is still an enormous amount to do to free the human mind from subservience and indoctrination. Through the Victorian period while reforms were won by courageous and compassionate people under fierce opposition by the Church and other self-interest groups, the old beliefs were still there.

The tribes had become communities, then states, and now they had formed together into countries and nations. The way they came together was no foundation for their future peace and stability. Often it was the result of one religion or belief being imposed upon everyone through Brotherhood-inspired invasion or civil war, and the resentment simmered away until the oppressed could get their revenge, encouraged by other Brotherhood groups.


Everyone believed that they were doing what was right without realizing that a higher, secret force, was pulling their strings and taking advantage of their sense of injustice. Some parts of Europe changed hands so many times they must have woken up in the morning and asked who was in charge that day. Among these political and military rugby balls were Bosnia, Serbia, Herzegovina and Montenegro, and the bitter resentment at this and each other has exploded again in this decade in a terrible religious and ethnic war.


The Turks, Greeks, Germans, French, Italians, Spanish, British, Dutch, Russians, anyone with sufficient military muscle, fought and squabbled with each other over who should add different countries or regions to their empires of exploitation. School children arguing over sweets would have shown more maturity. The resentments and impositions this created are the cause of many ongoing conflicts and simmering feuds, in the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere.

By the end of the 19th century this powder keg had to blow, and it did in a series of conflicts leading to the two World Wars. And the knowledge gained by materialist science was used to create weapons with a greater destructive potential than ever before.


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10 - The World at War

In the early years of the 20th century, Brotherhood bankers and industrialists were expanding their control of the world financial system.

Two names were particularly prominent, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. The Rockefellers are one of America’s best-known families. They became famous after John Davidson Rockefeller and his brother, William, made their fortune with the highly-controversial Standard Oil Company with its web of financial wheeler-dealing which no one could fathom.


J.D.Rockefeller’s grandson, Nelson, would become a Vice-President of the United States and play a leading part behind the scenes, too, in the course of US politics.

The Rothschilds are a European banking dynasty started by Meyer Amschel Rothschild who was born in Germany in 1744. The name comes from the red (rot) shield on the house in a ghetto in which Meyer’s ancestors once lived. By 1820, the Rothschild empire had branches in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. They made vast profits from the Napoleonic and French Revolutionary Wars of 1792 to 1815 and had a very significant influence on the course of European history. They diversified into railways, coal and other industrial investments.

Meyer Amschel Rothschild summed up the approach of the Brotherhood bankers and the Illuminati elite when he said:

“Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes the ]’ laws.’’

The Rockefeller and Rothschild empires will feature in the story from now on, but I want to stress most emphatically that I will be highlighting certain individual people and the way in which the empires have been used. I do not wish to suggest that everyone called Rockefeller or Rothschild is involved. Most of them will not know what is going on either.

At the centre of the gathering empire of the banking and industrial elite was the Round Table. This had been founded, quite possibly with the best of intentions, by an Englishman, Cecil Rhodes, after whom Rhodesia was named, before its independence. Supported by the Rothschild empire, he made a colossal fortune exploiting the diamond reserves and resources of South Africa.


Rhodes often expressed a desire to stop wars by creating a world government, centered on Britain, which could intervene in disputes before they became violent. In 1891 he set up his now infamous Round Table which was obviously inspired by the King Arthur stories. It was designed on Brotherhood lines with secret rituals, inner and outer circles, and much of the other paraphernalia of such organizations.


Among the supporters of the Round Table were Lord Rothschild, head of the Rothschild empire in England, and another English banker, Alfred Milner. But it was after Rhodes died* in 1902 that the big switch was made and the Illuminati, in classic fashion, hijacked his creation.

The international Brotherhood bankers began to give the Round Table substantial financial support and these backers included the Rockefellers. The Round Table was used to coordinate the activities of central banks and Brotherhood bankers across the world and to increase enormously their influence on governments. The Table created other branches to further, and also to mask, its activities.


Adam Weishaupt, a German professor who started a famous branch of the Illuminati in 1776, said:

“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in its own name, but always covered by another name, another occupation.”

These ‘front’ organizations were to include the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, and, in the British Empire, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Both were created to direct the foreign policy of governments to suit Brotherhood ambitions.


David Rockefeller was chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations for many years. Today it has infiltrated its people and policies throughout United States government. This Brotherhood illuminati elite began to infiltrate the universities and the media, and this is now widespread. It controls the media, for sure.


Dr Carrol Quigley wrote of this time:

"Cecil Rhodes bequeathed large sums of money to found the “Rhodes Scholarships” to Oxford University for overseas students and to promote his belief in a one world government. The most famous “Rhodes Scholar” today is Bill Clinton.

“There grew up in the 20th century a power structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university lift, the Press, and the practice of foreign policy. In England the centre was the Round Table group, while in the United States it was J.P. Morgan and Company, or its local branches in Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland.”

The aim of the Brotherhood banking and political network was to create a world financial system in which the central banks and other private banking interests would work together. They would coordinate their activities to control governments and economies by creating booms and busts, manipulating foreign exchanges and bribing politicians with well-paid jobs in the financial world.


You can see all of these things happening daily every time you pick up a newspaper. The centre of this banking network was to be the Bank for International Settlements, based in Basle, Switzerland. The overwhelming aim of this banking cartel was to create a situation in which governments were so deeply in debt to them that they had to do as the bankers demanded. Like lambs to the slaughter, governments all over the world have fallen for it, or, through Brotherhood channels, helped to arrange it, the United States, more than anyone.

The idea of a central bank inventing money that doesn’t exist has long been controversial in America. Two of its founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, wanted any such bank to be under government control. They could see the dangers of any other system.


But another, Alexander Hamilton, was determined to create a Central Bank in private hands. His backers were reputed to be the Bank of England and the Rothschilds. By 1786, the US was plunged into its first major economic depression caused by the lending and interest policies of the money-out-of-nothing banks, including Hamilton’s own Bank of New York. Heavy taxes were levied on the population to pay for the interest on bank loans to the federal government and the state authorities.


Farmers were ruined by the banks and Captain Daniel Shay led two thousand desperate farmers to take over a number of towns in Massachusetts, most famously Worcester. They wanted an end to interest banking, but Shay’s Rebellion, as it was termed, was put down.

When George Washington became President in 1789, he made Hamilton the Secretary to the Treasury. Two years later, Hamilton got his way when the Bank of the United States, the new nation’s first central bank, opened its doors. It was privately owned, but the Government entrusted to it the country’s finances. Only five years later, the taxes imposed on the people were so high, to pay the interest on borrowing from this bank, that farmers again rebelled, this time in western Pennsylvania.


This so-called Whisky Rebellion was crushed on the orders of George Washington. The Bank of the United States lost its power in the 1830s when President Andrew Jackson won his ‘bank war’ against Nicholas Biddle, the president of the bank. But, early in the next century, this would be replaced by today’s Federal Reserve system, the private banking network that controls the US economy for its own benefit.

President Woodrow Wilson came to office in 1909 and one of his close aides was a man called Colonel House. It was House who actually controlled events and his masters were the Brotherhood banking interests, not the American people. His brief from the bankers was to ensure that the administration introduced the Federal Reserve system and the income tax bill known as the Federal Income Tax Amendment (the 16th Amendment to the American Constitution).


This combination would be the means of controlling the US economy. The Federal Reserve would lend the government enormous amounts of largely invented money to boost the economy and, when it suited the bankers, the Federal Income Tax Amendment would suppress the economy by raising taxation.


The manner in which both were introduced raised much criticism. President Wilson must have had some idea of what was going on behind the scenes. He once talked of,

“A power so organized, so complete, so persuasive, that they had better not speak above their breaths when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Persuading people to do what you want them to do, while believing they are doing the opposite is a method constantly used by the Brotherhood. The Federal Reserve Bill was painted as a measure to curtail the power of banking interests and those same interests opposed the idea to add to the conjuring trick.


The plot was hatched at a meeting of Illuminati bankers and industrialists at Jekyll Island, Georgia, towards the end of 1910. The location of the meeting was extremely symbolic in that, while the Brotherhood was playing Dr Jekyll, it was really Mr Hyde. The Federal Reserve Bill was pushed through Congress in the last few days before Christmas 1913 and Congressman Charles A Lindbergh, senior, the father of the aviator, recognized the sleight of hand for what it was.


He said that the financial insiders had only opposed the Federal Reserve legislation because they wished to promote the fiction that it was a ‘People’s Bill’.


He added:

“This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth...... When the President signs this Act, the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trust wants inflation.


“The Federal Reserve was, and still is, hailed as a victory for democracy over the Money Trust. Nothing could be further from the truth. The whole Central Bank concept was engineered by the very group it was supposed to strip of power.”

The Federal Reserve system has refused to be audited since the day it was formed. It is so important for everyone to lift their eyes from what appears to be a certain situation, because this type of double bluff is being used all the time to make us act in the interests of the Illuminati, while thinking we are doing the opposite.


When the plan was first presented by the Republicans it was rejected by Congress. There was a feeling in the public mind that the Republicans were too close to banking interests. The Brotherhood had an answer for that. They got the Democrats to present it and it was passed! Only two states agreed to the Federal Income Tax Amendment and it required at least thirty-six if it was to be legally ratified.


When this was obviously not going to happen, the Secretary of State, Filander Knox, simply told Congress in 1913 that the amendment had been ratified, even though it had not. From that moment, all the income tax paid under the Act through the Internal Revenue Service has been purely voluntary (although everyone is told it’s the law) and all the money that people have been forced to pay by the IRS has been a theft!


The IRS is a private organization controlling the federal tax system of America, and it is a Brotherhood tool*. The financial network, led by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and others, was now in place for the biggest Brotherhood project so far - the First World War.


* A secret document “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” reveals that the IRS passes personal details about American people to the Brotherhood manipulators.

In the first years of this century a number of secret, mystical societies in Germany began to promote the idea of a master race.

They claimed the white Aryan race was superior to all the others and said the Germans were a part of that. The myth of the German Aryan master race had begun. An English-born writer, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, was a great supporter of this view. He believed that Germany could breed a super-race to lead Europe into a New Order. He was fiercely anti-Jewish.

Wilhelm II, the Kaiser of Germany, was another religious fanatic who believed he was God’s representative on Earth. He was an avid reader of Chamberlain’s work and met him to discuss their mutual belief that Germans were God’s chosen people and should rule the whole of Europe, if not the world.


He dismissed his Chancellor, Bismark, in 1890 and assumed control of the country. You would have thought the people would have resisted this but, once again, we see the consequences of human dependence on someone else to tell them what to do, which had been part of life for centuries. Wilhelm prepared for war.


The Prussian Hohenzollern dynasty, of which Wilhelm was a member, had been encouraging the unification of Germany and building up its war machine for many years. There was an outbreak of conflicts around Europe rather like musical chairs. Alliances were agreed on religious and political grounds but, mostly, countries were looking around for allies to support them in the increasingly-likely event of attack.


Wilhelm was waiting for any excuse to make his play for European domination, and it came in 1914. The mutual dislike between Austria and Serbia came to a head when the Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital.


The Austrians accused the Serbs of involvement in the murder and sent an ultimatum. The Serbs agreed to all but two of its demands, and asked for those to be decided by arbitration. But the Austrians and Germans wanted a fight and Austria declared war on Serbia. Russia supported Serbia. Who actually killed Ferdinand to create the spark for what followed?


A Serbian secret society called the Black Hand. Count Czerin, a friend of Ferdinand, said,

“The Archduke knew quite well that the risk of an attempt on his life was imminent. A year before the war he informed me that the freemasons had resolved on his death”.

Wilhelm declared war on Russia and France. His idea was that Germany would win a swift battle with France before turning its full might on Russia. The Germans invaded Belgium and entered France from the north. Britain declared war on Germany and the bloodiest conflict in human history was underway.


Germany didn’t win the quick victory over the French she had hoped for. It became a war of attrition in the trenches of Northern France. There, in the mud and desolation, European manhood died in its millions to win or defend a few acres of devastated land. Scientific knowledge was used to improve the efficiency with which humanity slaughtered each other, and never had this been achieved on a greater scale than this.


The battles are written in the memory forever of anyone who wishes to see an end to the stupidity and manipulation that has diverted humankind from its true purpose. Verdun, the Somme, Passchendaele, saw millions killed on both sides, often in suicidal assaults on well-fortified trenches, on the orders of insane generals.

Turkey entered the war on Germany’s side, but Italy supported Britain on the promise of being given Trentino and Trieste. They opened a front against Austria, while Britain was becoming increasingly stretched by the need to support the French Western Front and protect their interests in India and Egypt from the Turks. It was now that T.E.Lawrence, ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, organized a revolt by the Arabs against the Turks.


The British went on to occupy Palestine, Jerusalem and Mesopotamia. The courage and determination of the Russian people in defending their land from the Germans, at a cost of four million casualties, had done much to stretch the German resources and reduce their ability to break through in France. But, in 1917, they agreed a peace treaty with Germany after the Russian revolution or, rather, the Russian Brotherhood Revolution.

There had been riots and unrest for a long time over the often cruel persecution of the people by the Tsars. There were strikes and mutinies in the Russian army, and Tsar Nicholas II was taken to Siberia where he and his family were executed by a bunch of extreme revolutionaries who were no more enlightened in their humanity than the Tsars they removed. The more moderate reformers were cast aside by the followers of Lenin and Trotsky.


They abolished plans for a parliamentary constitution and imposed upon an already oppressed people the Communist State which replaced Tsarist fascism with state fascism. This had all the same economic and political flaws of the capitalism it so despised. It was capitalism under another name and with greater control of the economy. One extreme is invariably followed by another, because of the absence of wisdom. Anyone who wins control and power by violence shows themselves unfit to govern anyone. If they will use violence to win power they will use violence against the people to keep it. Violence is not something you can switch on and off. It is either in your psyche or it is not.

So who was really behind this ‘Revolution of the People’? Freemasonry was at the heart of it. Coil’s Masonic Encyclopaedia says that there was a Supreme Masonic Council in Russia with forty subordinate groups at the start of the war. Tsar Alexander had become so concerned at the agenda of Russian freemasonry that he had banned the craft in August 1822 when its own Grand Master had warned him that it was a threat to the state and should be stopped or reorganized.


You can see that the Brotherhood does not speak only with one voice. Playing one against the other is all part of the strategy. This decree was renewed by Tsar Nicholas but, as freemasonry is a secret society, the subversion went on. It was right that the Tsar’s abuse of power should end but, again, it is the secret agenda behind this that we have to watch.

The Germans naturally supported Lenin and gave him safe passage in a sealed train across Germany from Switzerland on his way to Russia, because they wanted them to withdraw the Russians from the war. They also gave him and his Bolshevik revolutionaries tens of thousands of marks for propaganda and to make sure the revolution succeeded.


What a surprise, then, that after Lenin 5 coup against the provisional ‘people’s government’ the Russians pulled out of the war and allowed the Germans to concentrate on other fronts! The Communists were supported by German and other Western bankers and financiers.


The German banker, Max Warburg, supported Lenin’s regime. So did the American banker, Jacob Schiff. His family originated in Germany where it had enjoyed close links with the Rothschild banking empire, the key financial supporter of the revolution. The father of modern Communism and of the beliefs which the Bolsheviks promoted is said to be Karl Marx, who died in 1883. He was a member of a Brotherhood organization, the League of the Just (later the Communist League), an offshoot of the Society of the Seasons which played a major part in the French Revolution.


The German industrialist, Friedrich Engels, supported Marx and wrote with him the Communist Manifesto on behalf of the secret societies which were behind them. Fifteen international bankers used the cover of a Red Cross mission in 1918 to travel to Petrograd to support the original revolution, the provisional ‘people’s government’, and the Bolsheviks who would replace it.


Professor Stuart Crane pointed out the scam:

“If you look back at every war in Europe......you will see that they always ended with the establishment of a balance of power. With every reshuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England, France, or Austria. They grouped nations so that if any king got out of line, a war would break out and the war would be decided by which way the financing went. Researching the debt positions of the warring nations will usually indicate who was being punished.”

Or as the Illuminati Protocols put it in the 1800s:

“Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage. In the first place we keep in check all countries, for they well know that we have the power whenever we like to create disorders or to restore order . . . . In the second place, by our intrigues we shall tangle up all the threads which we have stretched into the cabinets of all states by means of politics, by economic treaties, or loan obligations.


In order to succeed in this we must use great cunning and penetration during negotiations and agreements, but, as regards what is called the ‘official language’ we shall keep to the opposite tactics and assume the mask of honesty and compliancy . . . . We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.”

(Protocol 7)

Communism was a form of designer politics created by the Brotherhood as an opposition to the ‘free’ society of America. Millions of dollars of Brotherhood money* was poured into the Russian revolution because the fear of a Russian ‘bogeyman’ was going to be used when the time was right. Russia became a bogeyman on ice waiting to be exploited thirty years later.


* The Brotherhood bankers did, however, make a fantastic profit by stealing the Russian gold reserves -just as they would in Germany after World War II. Gold is their great economic weapon.

Its beliefs in workers as units of production and people without spirit in a godless world was exactly what the Brotherhood wished the masses to believe.

The secret societies of the Brotherhood had taken control of the intelligence agencies that had emerged since the 17th century and so it was with the Tsarist intelligence agency, the Okhrana. There is great illusion that the secret services of the world are set up in opposition to each other when, in fact, at the highest level, well above anyone known to the public, they work largely as one unit.


Even the lower levels of these agencies don’t realize that, but they are stooges for the Brotherhood, too. Intelligence agencies are organizations (the Brotherhood) within organizations. There is a secret world government which is continually destabilizing and directing the actions of nation states.


In typical Brotherhood fashion, Lenin and the Bolsheviks were attacking the Tsar for the brutality of the Okhrana while, behind the scenes, the Okhrana were supporting the Lenin revolution! The Okhrana were supplying funds and undermining the revolutionary opposition to the Bolsheviks, while many of the main protagonists within the Bolshevik movement were its members. The soon-to-be Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin, was, at the very least, extremely close to the Okhrana, probably a member. The first editor of the Communist mouthpiece, Pravda, was from there.

It is no surprise, therefore, that when Lenin and his supporters came to power, the intelligence agency they apparently so hated and condemned was greatly expanded and given a change of name - from Okhrana to the KGB. The revolution of the people was just another ball and chain in disguise. There was a considerable Jewish flavor to the revolution, and the Brotherhood was now preparing the ground for a return of the Jews to Palestine.


Some research I have seen claims that, of 388 members of the Russian Revolutionary Government in 1918, only sixteen were Russians by birth. All but two of the rest were Jews from elsewhere, mostly from New York. How people have been tricked right through the ages to the present day. The Brotherhood was deeply involved in all the ‘people’s revolutions’ which exploded after the American War of Independence. This includes, as we have seen, the French Revolution which led to the extermination of at least 100,000 people in the Reign of Terror that followed.

The blow for the Allies of losing Russian support against the Germans in World War I was compensated by the arrival of the Americans. President Woodrow Wilson led them into the war when Germany began a policy of sinking all shipping of whatever nationality, or rather that’s what the allies said.


The sinking of the American ship, the Lusitania, was simply the excuse President Wilson had been looking for to justify entering the war, and I have no doubt that the sinking was manufactured by him in collusion with the British. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor would be used by President Franklin D Roosevelt in the same way in the Second World War.


As Commander Joseph Kenworthy of British Naval Intelligence said:

“The Lusitania was deliberately sent at considerably reduced speed into an area where a U-boat was known to be waiting and with her escort withdrawn.”

The Lusitania was carrying military supplies for Great Britain and was not, as the Americans claimed, merely a passenger vessel. Slowly, after the US soldiers arrived in Europe, the initiative turned against Germany and Wilhelm surrendered and abdicated, to be allowed to live out his life in comfort in the Netherlands.


With his going, the German monarchy ended. This was the war which had been fought for the first time with the submarine, aeroplane and tank and this had taken everything onto a new level of horror and destruction. By the time it ended, tens of millions of men, women and children had lost their lives in a war manufactured by the Brotherhood for its own purposes. Words just cannot describe how that makes you feel.


Germany was ordered to pay reparations to the nations she had attacked and agreed to accept strict limitations on the size of her armed forces. The Austrian Empire was divided into the individual states of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia, an amalgamation of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Dalmatia and Bosnia Herzegovina.


The colonies of the defeated countries were shared out among the victors under the heading of ‘protectorates’. Syria went to France while Britain was handed Palestine, Jordan and Iraq. It’s hard to believe that countries could be passed around like this, but it happened in this century.

In Britain, the war had hastened social reform and the widening of the franchise. After the French Revolution in 1789, the British gentry had been so terrified that it added yet more capital offences to the statute book and imposed even harsher laws against rebellion of any kind. But, when they could see their possessions under threat from a foreign power, they began to make concessions to the oppressed, because they knew they needed them to defend their wealth. Also, with every widening of the franchise, the power of the upper class elite was curtailed, though not that of the Brotherhood elite.

The rights of all children to an education had to be won in stages against Church and factory-owner opposition but, in 1918, came the most important victory yet in the form of the Education Act. This ensured a full-time education for all children up to the age of fourteen, and ended the practice of children going to work for half the day and school for the rest. It also introduced nursery schools and medical checks for children at school. The only sad thing was that the Church would continue to have a significant say in the education of children with the Bible taught as if it were historical fact. This continues even today.

The most significant development in the years between the wars was the rise of the dictator to replace monarchs and fledgling democracies. Here again it shows how desperate are the people for someone to lead them and tell them when to breathe; how the Brotherhood exploited that!


The American President, Woodrow Wilson, proposed an organization called the League of Nations after the First World War, to arbitrate disputes between countries before they became violent. It was a fine idea in theory, but, in practice, it was the first tentative and unsuccessful attempt at a centralized body on which to base a World Government.


The Brotherhood is very adept at presenting something in terms that seem highly laudable, which can brilliantly obscure the hidden agenda. The League of Nations struggled into life but quickly collapsed because everyone ignored it.

The support of the Roman Catholic Church for the dictators is not surprising. Its survival depends on the suppression of knowledge and the imposition of belief. Here we were in the first thirty-odd years of this century, seeing the expansion of education, materialistic sciences and more democratic political systems and the Roman Church was getting very worried as support for Christianity fell away.


They knew that what they needed was a return to the old days of repression and oppression when they ran the show. The Vatican has also been run to a larger or lesser extent by the Brotherhood for centuries, probably from the start, and if; by mistake, they elect a Pope who won’t play the game, he conveniently dies, as was the case with Pope John Paul I in 1978. His successor, Pope John Paul II, has rescinded a ban on freemasonry imposed by Pope Clement XII in 1738.


Clement at least knew what was going on and wished to stop it. In 1978, the year John Paul II took the papal throne, a special issue of Vatican stamps featured the triangle and all-seeing eye. Celebrating an Illuminati victory, perhaps?

Pope Pius XI and those who controlled the Vatican saw Benito Mussolini as the man who could lead them to a return to past glories. The global financial crash of the 1920s brought great hardship which proved fertile ground for a dictator to step forward and hoodwink the people into believing he had their best interests at heart.


Mussolini, the son of a blacksmith, came to power in the accepted way of dictators, through bribery, corruption, murder and support from the secret societies. He was obsessed with restoring the Roman Empire and his brand of violence and patriotism were so successful that the king gave him control of the state to avoid a civil war. Once ensconced, he removed all democratic rights and freedom of expression.


The Roman Catholic Church supported him in all of this. He knew that he could have free and constant propaganda from the pulpits of Italy if he had the Church on his side. They were given the Vatican City with independence from Italy, and the Church was given control, once more, of all education along with a donation of £19 million. When Mussolini invaded Abyssinia the Pope gave him his full support.


It was the same when Mussolini went for Albania and Greece. Nothing would have delighted the Roman Catholic leaders more than to have control over the lands of the Greek Orthodox Church they so hated. These two Christian creeds had parted company, you will recall, after the Pope added the words ‘and from the Son’ (the Filoque) to the Christian creed in 1054.


Many Christians refused to accept this and they formed the breakaway Orthodox Church which later looked on Moscow as its own particular Rome or Mecca. Seventy thousand Jews were banished from Italy by Mussolini without a single word of protest from the Vatican. Italy was now controlled by a double dictatorship of Church and State, and both of them were controlled by the Brotherhood.

The Pope was also on friendly terms with Adolf Hitler after a large Roman Catholic vote swept him to power in Germany in 1933. Germany was in a desperate state, a country in physical and economic ruin after the war. With the end of the monarchy, a republic was declared at a meeting at Weimar in 1919, but it was always struggling against Communist, royalist, far right, and Brotherhood opposition.


Most of all, it was destroyed by a collapsed economy. But then, if you control the financial system, undermining a country to prepare the ground for a revolution is no problem. The 1929 Wall Street crash in the United States was similarly engineered. The Brotherhood bankers created inflation and encouraged the stock market to overstretch itself; so making a crash inevitable. All the stock markets of the world are manipulated in this way.


The Depression of the 1920s was the time of the ‘Turkey Shoot’, as it was known. By 1921, there were 31,076 banks in the U.S. The giant banks of the Brotherhood elite decided it was time to reap their harvest. The Federal Reserve announced a series of new regulations which they realized the smaller banks could not meet in such bleak economic conditions. This forced thousands of them out of business 16,000 failed in eleven years.


The Brotherhood bankers had destroyed the competition. They increased their own assets by absorbing the failed small fry and all those in debt to them. The Federal Reserve, having achieved its task, then reduced the toughness of the regulations. Franklin D Roosevelt, with support from these elite bankers, announced his famous New Deal policy to lift the U.S. out of depression. This involved the government borrowing enormous sums from the bankers and the debt of government and population exploded again.


Congressman Louis McFadden, a Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, said that the Great Depression of the 1920s....

...... was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence.... The International Bankers sought to bring about conditions of despair here, so they might emerge as rulers of us all.”

It was the same in Germany where the seeds of dictatorship were sown. Enter Adolf Hitler, a former house painter and First World War lance-corporal, who had been much impressed by the methods employed by Mussolini. But Hitler’s obsession with Germany as the master Aryan race went back much further. As a youth he would take hallucinogenic drugs to stimulate his mystical experiences.


The swastika, which Hitler was to use as the emblem of his Nazi party, was a Brotherhood symbol going back to ancient times. He was much impressed as a youngster by a book-shop owner in Vienna who preached the gospel of the German super-race, which some believed was created by extra-terrestrial giants.


Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the writer who so influenced Kaiser Wilhelm, was later to claim that Hitler was the new messiah, and Chamberlain’s work would become the basis of Nazi philosophy.

Hitler’s rise to German Dictator quickened rapidly after he joined the secret political branch of the Army District Command which was a law unto itself. It was so deeply patriotic that it assassinated, for crimes against the nation, some of the people who had negotiated the peace terms for Germany at the end of the First World War.


The District Command was really the assassination wing of a secret Brotherhood group called the Thule Society which believed in all the nonsense about the super-race and the German messiah. It sentenced people to death in its own secret ‘courts’. Hitler and the Thule Society believed they were being guided by the extra-terrestrials who had created the Aryan race, or what they said was a race.


The same industrialists financed both the Thule Society and the District Command. Deitrich Eckart, the morphine addict who headed the Thule Society, saw Hitler as the Messiah figure they had been looking for. They ensured that he became the leader of the German Workers’ Party.


This was transformed into the fascist National Socialist (Nazi) Party and Hitler sought to spread his anti-Jewish, anti-communist nationalism to the entire world. His creed captured the collective mind of Germany which tuned to the thought waves of fascism until it was hypnotized and controlled by the rantings of this misguided man. He had increased his standing before his election by having his Gestapo4n-waiting burn down the German Parliament building, the Reichstag, in 1933, for which he blamed the communists.


He also used the fear of the Russians to great effect. In this he was helped by the Pope who spread hatred of Communist Russia at every opportunity. The churches had been mortified when Lenin’s revolution banned religion. They didn’t know they had been double-crossed by the same Brotherhood they believed was supporting them.

Two other secret societies which played a part in the Nazi revolution were the Vril Society and the Edelweiss Society. Like the Thules, they had links with their brethren in Britain. Rudolph Hess and Heinrich Himmler were both ‘Vrils’ - Himmler was to head the appalling Nazi Gestapo and SS. Hermann Goering was a member of the Edelweiss Society and believed that Hitler was the Nordic Messiah he was convinced was expected. Hitler and his cronies denounced the Jews and Communists on the radio day after day, as he poisoned the German mind to his creed.

He followed the example of Church and dictators throughout history. Any literature advocating freedom of any kind was destroyed, and promises he made to the socialists and monarchists who helped to elect him were forgotten. There would be no more elections. The Fuhrer would be obeyed.


Around him he gathered his principle officers like Goebbels, Ribbentrop, Goering, and Himmler. They would rule Germany by terror, and millions of Jews would be murdered in the gas chambers and concentration camps. Ribbentrop was to have several cozy conversations with the Pope about Germany’s expansion plans, although the main agent of the secret Vatican-Germany-America alliance was Rudolph Hess.

So now there were dictators in Italy, Germany, and Russia, where Joseph Stalin had succeeded Lenin in 1924. Soon there would be another in Spain. In 1936 General Franco, a Roman Catholic extremist, led a revolt against the Spanish Republican Government which had reduced the power of the Church since the days when it controlled everything.


The Spanish Civil War was a prelude to the next World conflict, with Germany and Italy lining up behind Franco, while Britain, France, and Russia supported the republicans. Tragically for the Spanish people, Franco’s armies won, and he did for the Roman Catholic Church in Spain what Mussolini had done in Italy. It was given back its wealth and lands, received large annual payments from the state, and the education system was back in its control. Religious paraphernalia was everywhere and the inquisition returned.


The Papal flag was flown by Franco as he overturned Spanish democracy and his flag was proudly flown at the Vatican. The Pope’s role in this victory over democracy had been crucial. He had appealed to Roman Catholics all over Europe to go to Spain and fight in this ‘Holy War’.

When Hitler began his expansionism into Austria, the Roman Catholic bishops there told the people to be loyal to the Nazis and a swastika was flown from the tower of Vienna Cathedral. Hitler enjoyed Roman Catholic support also in his conquest of Czechoslovakia.


Pope Pius XI and his successor, Pius XII, wanted more than anything for Germany to overthrow Communism in Russia. Little did they know that Germany had played a vital part in creating communism! The story of Vatican support for the fascists is quite disgraceful, although not surprising given its history; so is that of the Brotherhood industrialists and bankers who were supporting both sides.


By now there were Brotherhood organizations coordinating the elite bankers and industrial combines across the world. One was the Bank for International Settlements that was beyond democratic control. Among the financial backers of the Nazis were the German chemical giant I. G. Farben, among whose directors were Max and Paul Warburg who ran banks in both Germany and the United States.


The Warburgs were instrumental in starting the American Federal Reserve Bank and you’ll recall that Max Warburg was mentioned earlier as a source of funds for Lenin and the communist revolution in Russia! The Bank of Manhattan was a Warburg bank, and one of its directors, H.A.Metz, was from I.G.Farben, which had been a cartel partner of the Rockefeller Corporation’s Standard Oil Company, before the war as part of the Brotherhood’s banking and industrial network.


Standard Oil supplied the Nazis during the war through Switzerland, and Avery Rockefeller had set up a company which combined their interests with Schroeder, Hitler’s personal bank. C. E. Mitchell, a director of Farben’s American arm, was also a director of the Federal Reserve, and the network was now so tightly knit you could hardly see the join.


Farben gave extra funding to Himmler’s SS, and so did the German subsidiaries of the American corporations, I.T.T and General Electric. General Motors supplied both sides in the war, as did the European subsidiaries of the US banks, with the blessing of headquarters. Ball bearings, which the allies were short of; were shipped to the Nazis via South America by the Vice-Chairman of the American War Productions Board.


Farben ran the factories connected to the concentrations camps to take advantage of the, literally, slave labour they offered, and the same company produced the gas that killed the victims of Auschwitz and the hundreds of other extermination centers. I. G. Farben still continues to operate today under various names.*


* The drug companies, A.G. Hoechst, Sterling Drug, and A.G. Bayer are all claimed by researchers to be I.G. Farben offshoots.

The Brotherhood network in Britain supported the Nazis - and still does - and the Bank of England helped Hitler. Its director, Montague Norman, who was a ‘Mr. Big’ of the world banking network, met in the Spring of 1934 with other British businessmen at the bank’s headquarters in Threadneedle Street, and it appears they agreed to give Hitler secret funding, while Norman tried to persuade the British government to remove their support for France and transfer it to Germany.


Even after Hitler had begun his killing tour of Europe, the Bank of England released to him six million pounds of Czechoslovak reserves held in London after he had invaded that country. All through the war the Brotherhood companies and banks in Allied countries were covertly funding both sides, which included support for Mussolini when his regime got into financial difficulties.


It made them a fortune, something that was increased a thousand fold by the need to rebuild a shattered world. It also maintained the yoke of suffering and ignorance on the population. The Bank of England was nationalized by the new Labour Government in 1946, but it still has a massive influence on Britain 5 economic policies and I expect it to start demanding more independence from government.

Hitler ignored all agreements made by Germany in the Treaty of Versailles after their defeat in the First World War. He assembled a vast army, navy and air force, and the rest of Europe feared the worst. After Hitler’s invasion of Austria, the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, flew to meet him in Munich in 1938 and came home with his famous agreement signed by Hitler, which Chamberlain claimed would mean ‘peace in our times’.


Chamberlain was a genuine man who only wanted peace for his people, but Hitler had other ideas. When Germany invaded Poland in 1939 Britain and France declared war. Poland was now again under foreign rule after a brief independence, during which the Roman Catholic majority had persecuted the Eastern orthodox Christians in their midst.


After the war Poland was absorbed into the Soviet Union until that empire collapsed in 1991. The Poles then handed over their independence to the Roman Catholic Church which today, effectively, runs the country. If anyone thinks the Roman Catholic Church has really moved on, they should see how quickly it has taken control of Poland once the opportunity presented itself.

Hitler captured France, Belgium and the Netherlands, but chose not to attack Britain when we were in disarray at home. Winston Churchill had replaced Chamberlain, but Britain was not prepared for war. Had Hitler attacked then he would almost certainly have captured the British Isles quite easily. Why did he not attack when Britain was clearly there for the taking? Maybe it wasn’t part of the game plan?


The evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk in the armada of little boats in 1940 was a marvelous achievement, but if the German commanders had wanted to stop it, they could have. Why didn’t they? Instead of invading Britain, Hitler turned his mind to Russia which suffered fantastic losses in the defense of their land, and again it was the courage and commitment of a manipulated people that weakened the German forces and delayed their plans. The conflict spread to North Africa where the Allies confronted German and Italian troops under Rommel.


It was Rommel’s ultimate defeat at El Alamein, and the Soviets’ extraordinary defeat of the Germans in the East, which ended a series of German victories and the tide began to turn the flow the way of the Allies. But the big change came when the United States entered the war in 1941. She had already been supporting the Allies with supplies and arms when the Japanese attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. This brought the US into the war - exactly as it was meant to. This was the Lusitania mark II.

The story behind that Japanese attack goes back a long way. The Japanese, like the Chinese, are of the Mongol race. Both countries have a history of civil war and unrest. The Japanese main religion is Shintoism and they too were enamored by secret societies. The most dominant one had a Black Dragon symbol.


They believed their Emperor to be Divine, and themselves to be descended from the gods, a chosen people descended from extra-terrestrials. All efforts by Christian missionaries to convert them failed, and in the 17th century the behavior of the missionaries towards them was so appalling that they closed their country to all Europeans for two hundred years.


In the second half of the 19th century, steamships from the United States arrived and refused to be turned away. Japan was attacked by a combination of the Americans, British, Dutch, and French until they were forced to open their ports. The Japanese became a people transformed in the decades that followed. They used the weapons provided by the Christian world to attack and defeat China in 1894, and Russia in 1905. She also entered the First World War against Germany.

Between 1937 and 1939 she took over most of China, which was in the midst of constant insurrection against the stream of emperors and presidential dictators thrust upon them. Modern China’s story is of diabolical exploitation by the colonial powers, with the British trying to get the Chinese addicted to the drug opium for purposes of trade and control. In the run up to Pearl Harbor, the British and Americans had been trying to stop Japan overthrowing the Chinese Emperor Chiang Kai-shek, and the Japanese resented this.


They were given every encouragement to enter the war, and I believe that Winston Churchill knew all about it, as did his fellow freemason, President Franklin D Roosevelt.


Churchill would later say privately of this time that Roosevelt....

“Said he would wage war, but not declare it (and) that he would become more and more provocative everything was being done to force an ‘incident’ that could lead the United States into war..."

In the US Senate in 1939, Senator Gerald P.Nye of North Dakota announced that he had seen a series of volumes called The Next War. One of them was entitled Propaganda In The Next War. He said the writer of that book was a Sidney Rogerson, whom he could not trace. But he knew that the editor-in-chief of the series was Captain Liddell Hart who was a writer and military authority in Europe with connections to the London Times.


The work Propaganda In The Next War had, he said, included the following analysis of the background to World War I:

“For some time the issue as to which side the United States would take hung in the balance, the final result was a credit to our British propaganda. There remain the Jews. It has been estimated that of the world Jew population of approximately fifteen million, no fewer than five million are in the United States; 25% of the inhabitants of New York are Jews.

During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise of the Jewish national home in Palestine, held by Ludendorf to be a master stroke of allied propaganda, as it enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America, but to Jews in Germany as well.”

The Americans entered the First World War in 1917, and on November 6th of that year came the famous Balfour Declaration, when the British Government announced the recognition of Palestine as a national homeland for the Jews. It is important to note that Lord Balfour was closely linked with the Round Table Group.


The dreadful events in Israel in recent years are the result of Britain negotiating away Palestine to get the United States to enter the First World War and to further Brotherhood ambitions. But how could the American public be persuaded to support Britain in the next war, which this propaganda report clearly knew was inevitable?

“To persuade her [the United States] to take our part will be much more difficult, so difficult as to be unlikely to succeed. It will need a definite threat to America, a threat, moreover, which will have to be brought home by propaganda to every citizen, before the republic will again take arms in an external quarrel...

“The position will naturally be considerably eased if Japan were involved, and this might and probably would bring America in without further ado. At any rate, it would be a natural and obvious effect of our propagandists to achieve this, just as in the Great War they succeeded in embroiling the United States with Germany.

“Fortunately with America, our propaganda is on firm ground. We can be entirely sincere, as our main plank will be the old democratic one. We must clearly enunciate our belief in the democratic form of government, and our firm resolve to adhere to.... the old goddess of democracy routine.”

The main themes of wars are known and planned in advance. It is clear from evidence that has emerged since the war that President Franklin D Roosevelt knew at least forty-eight hours before the attack on Pearl Harbor that the Japanese were going to strike. He did nothing to warn his sailors and the people of Hawaii, because he wanted the American public to be so outraged that they would agree to enter the war in Europe.


That is exactly what happened, just as the prewar propagandists had planned. The method of goading the Japanese came from the Brotherhood’s Council on Foreign Relations, the Round Table creation. The Council’s War and Peace Studies Project sent a memo to Roosevelt suggesting that aid be sent to China, and that he strangle Japanese trade by freezing their US assets, imposing a trade embargo on Japan, and refusing them the use of the Panama Canal.


This he did, and Roosevelt and the Brotherhood were rewarded with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt was a pawn of the Brotherhood in the form of the Council on Foreign Relations.


Much of his cabinet came from there and his son-in-law, Curtis Dall, quoted in Jim Keith’s Casebook on Alternative Three, said:

“For a long time I felt that (Roosevelt)... had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the USA. But he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, his political ‘ammunition’ as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations - One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared ‘ammunition’ in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people - and thus paid off and retained his internationalist political support.”

The same applied to Churchill and those who decided he would be Prime Minister, and the same goes on in both countries, and all the others, today. I am not saying that they are ‘bad’ people - just pawns.


The war was now truly global with fronts in Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East, as the Japanese occupied the Allied colonies like Malaya, Singapore, the Philippines, Borneo, Hong Kong and Burma. The men, women and children who were caught in those countries when the Japanese invaded were subjected to unbelievable torture and atrocities. But then it is no good one country being holier than another in its version of history.


Every country on the planet has shown itself capable of crimes against humanity. The British authorities reeled back in horror at the concentration camps in Germany, but it was the British who started the idea with their camps created by Lord Kitchener, in which 26,000 prisoners died in South Africa during the Boer War. And the allies were fighting alongside the Russian regime who were running concentration camps for their own people and slaughtering millions in other ways.


Every continent was involved in the war, and the soldiers of Australia and New Zealand once again supported the Allied cause. Even with the support of America and the other English speaking peoples, the fascists were defeated only through horrendous loss of life on both sides. With the fascist armies overcome in North Africa the push began northwards into Italy in 1943.


The Fascist Grand Council restored King Victor Emmanuel as ruler, and Mussolini was forced to resign. The Italian Parliament was reconvened under the new Prime Minister, Marshall Pietro Badoglio. He first told Hitler he would continue the fight, but then made a peace pact with the Allies. Mussolini tried to escape to Switzerland with his mistress, but they were killed by Communist partisans and their corpses held up for ridicule and public display in Milan.

The Germans tried to hold back the Allied advance through Italy, but in the end their defenses were breached. On June 6th, 1944, came Operation Overlord when British, American, and Canadian forces under their Supreme Commander, Dwight D Eisenhower, launched the D-Day Landings along the beaches of Normandy in Northern France.


With great courage and enormous loss of life, they pushed on across France to liberate Paris and occupy Western Germany, while the Russians advanced in Eastern Europe. The war in Europe was over, but allies who had been united against a common enemy were about to become extremely hostile to each other in what passed for peace. With Germany on the retreat, the latter weeks of the war became a race for Berlin between the western armies and the Russians.


Both wanted to be in the best possible negotiating position for the division of land when the conflict was over. The Russians would spread their Communist (state fascist) creed to form the Empire of the Soviet Union and encompass Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Poland, and the eastern part of Germany. Under US influence a wall was built to divide Berlin between capitalist and communist and those in the East who tried to reach the West were shot by their own army. Families were divided by the whims of the Communist dictator, Joseph Stalin, and his underlings and successors who would now murder millions of their own people in this ‘workers’ paradise’.

The defeat of Germany did not end the war entirely. Japan still held out and Roosevelt’s successor, Harry S.Truman, another freemason, gave the order to drop the atom bomb which had been developed during the war years.


An arm of the Illuminati’s Round Table, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, New Jersey, gave vital support to those who were developing the bomb. One of its members was Robert Oppenheimer, the leading light in the creation of the bomb, and Albert Einstein also regularly used the Institute.


It has long been a front for the advancement of Brotherhood science which the public has no idea about, but which is usually between 50 and 100 years ahead of ‘public’ science. The Japanese Emperor Hirohito surrendered after two atomic bombs were dropped by US planes on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th, 1945.


80,000 men, women and children were killed in Hiroshima on the fateful day that atomic warfare came to this planet (or rather returned to it), and others would die horribly from the effects of radiation poisoning.

In all thirty-five million people were killed in the Second World War and hundreds of millions were wounded, tortured, and scarred for life mentally, physically and emotionally. And this horror was the result of a war that never should have been, and would never have been had the Brotherhood network not have caused it. Add to those figures those millions who died and suffered in the First World War, and all the others and words are hard to speak.


But such emotions do not trouble the Illuminati:

“And how far-seeing were our learned elders in ancient times when they said that to attain a serious end it behoves not to stop at any means or to count the victims sacrificed for the sake of that end . . . . We have not counted the victims of the Goy cattle . . . . “

(Protocol 15)

Most of the main players in the Nazi regime, probably including Hitler, escaped. He and his lady Eva Braun did not die in the bunker, as history urges us to believe. At least some of them went to South America. From the views and evidence I have heard and seen, I believe that Hitler was flown out of Germany by the famous German aviator, Hans Bauer.


He flew Nazi wealth and personnel out of Berlin, and Hitler would have had no trouble getting away to a quiet airfield, because when the Russians arrived in Berlin, they found behind the bookcase in Hitler’s room a secret passage leading to an underground tunnel with its own trolley railway line.


The dental records of Hitler and the corpse said to be Hitler did not match and it is most likely to have been the body of his driver, Julius Schreck, a Hitler fanatic, who looked like him and acted as his ‘double’ on several occasions.


A Russian statement in 1945 said:

“No trace of the bodies of Hitler or Eva Braun has been discovered.... It is established that Hitler, by means of false testimony, sought to hide his traces. Irrefutable proof exists that a small plane left the Tiergarten at dawn on April 30th, flying in the direction of Hamburg. Three men and a woman are known to have been on board. It has also been established that a large submarine left Hamburg before the arrival of the British forces. Mysterious persons were on board the submarine, among them a woman.”

What is without doubt is that the Nazi influence, far from disappearing at the end of the war, continues to flourish with the secret societies and is now beginning to surface again among the mind-controlled human fodder who support the far right movement.


They are also very influential within the police, the military, and the intelligence services like the American Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. Indeed the CIA engaged Reinhart Gehlen, the head of Russian operations in the Nazi Secret Service, to build the CIA network in Europe, and he used many former SS officers on his staff. The international police organization, INTERPOL, has been headed by many former SS Officers. The Nazis and their ‘values’ play a big part in the running of the modern Brotherhood, and it is time the truth was told and the robots rebelled.


History is clearly not what it appears to be, and yet the official version is being indoctrinated into generation after generation through the ‘education’ system and the Brotherhood-controlled media.

“Among the members of these (Freemasonic) lodges will be almost all the agents of international and national police since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in the position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate (Those who challenge the Brotherhood), but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents etc.”

(Protocol 15)

There is another aspect to this story that needs to be highlighted. All the conflicts that I have documented, and the thousands I have not, have had a disastrous affect on the Earth’s energy field which has to absorb the negative energy humanity generates. The scale of this struck me on a trip to France with my family in 1993 when we stayed in a house between Caen and Falaise in Normandy.


Falaise is the birthplace of William the Conqueror. It was a lovely area, but you could feel something unpleasant in the atmosphere. I knew that the D-Day Landings had taken place on the coast a short drive away from where we were staying, but it was only when we were leaving for home that I realized we had been living near the scene of a bloody carnage in 1944.


The Battle of the Falaise Gap was, in the words of Eisenhower: ‘One of the biggest slaughter fields a war sector ever knew’. More than 650,000 people were killed or wounded.

When thought patterns are broadcast by people, they stay in that area until they are balanced by other patterns. The spirits of the dead are often still there, too. The confusion and pain of the experience can prevent them from getting back to their ‘home’ frequency. We call them ‘ghosts’ or ‘lost souls’.


When you go to the scene of battles it can feel ‘eerie’. These are the thought patterns of fear, horror, aggression, and pain that were created by those involved. Sensitive people who go to such places can hear battles or see them happening. They are tuning into these thought waves.


We could feel them in that area of Normandy. There was a very malevolent energy, because like attracts like, and negative energy attracts negative energy. My son, Gareth, then eleven, would not go upstairs in the house alone and it was very unpleasant. There was a door in an attic which was held shut by a substantial catch, but every time my wife, Linda, passed that door it was open. She would close it tight only for the same to happen again. Then one night she was awake and she looked across at Gareth who was sleeping in our room, because he was so frightened.


Hovering above him she saw a dark cloud of energy. She watched as the cloud swept across the room and out through the door. The next morning she told me the story and she didn’t know that I woke up that night and felt a very strange and unpleasant atmosphere.


After the experience, the atmosphere in the house changed and the attic door never came open again. Gareth’s fear disappeared, too. If you imagine that I am talking of the effects on the energy field of one battle in one war, you can see why the negative imbalance has progressed so quickly across the planet. But equally it can be removed just as quickly if we change the way we think.

We are involved in a spiritual struggle between harmony and disharmony. The Luciferic consciousness manipulates extraterrestrials and human behavior by firing thought patterns into their individual and collective consciousness. These patterns are designed to distort the mental and, especially, emotional levels of our being. This has the effect of closing down the flow of energies, knowledge, and enlightenment between higher and lower selves. This flow has further been affected since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution which has turned many humans into physical as well as mental robots, and caused severe mental and emotional stress.

In some ways human consciousness has come a long way over the period covered in this book, but in others it has hardly progressed at all. We are now facing the Days of Decision when, on this dense physical level, we evolve and rebel or we perish.


That is the choice that now faces us all.


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