There were over 650 attendees to the 1959 Rand Symposium.”


Commander X’ related in one of his reports.

“Most were representatives of the Corporate-Industrial State, like: The General Electric Company; AT&T; Hughes Aircraft; Northrop Corporation; Sandia Corporation; Colorado School of Mines, etc.

Bechtel (pronounced BECK-tul) is a supersecret international corporate octopus, founded in 1898. Some say the firm is really a ‘Shadow Government’—a working arm of the CIA. It is the largest Construction and Engineering outfit in the U.S.A. and the World (and some say, beyond).

“The most important posts in the U.S.A. Government are held by former Bechtel Officers. They are part of ‘The Web’ (an interconnected control system) which links the Tri-lateralist plans, the C.F.R., the Order of ‘Illuminism’ (Cult of the All-seeing Eye) and other interlocking groups...”

“MIND MANIPULATING EXPERIMENTS... The Dulce Base has studied mind control implants; Bio-Psi Units; ELF Devices capable of Mood, Sleep and Heartbeat control, etc.

D.A.R.P.A. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is using these technologies to manipulate people. They established ‘The Projects,’ set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the many participants in these undertakings. Related Projects are studied at Sandia Base by ‘The Jason Group’ (of 55 Scientists). They have secretly harnessed the Dark Side of Technology and hidden the beneficial technology from the public.

“Other Projects take place at ‘Area 51’ in Nevada...

  • ‘Dreamland’ (Data Repository Establishment and Maintenance Land)

  • Elmint (Electromagnetic Intelligence)

  • Cold Empire

  • Code EVA

  • Program HIS (Hybrid Intelligence System): BW/CW

  • IRIS (Infrared Intruder Systems)


  • REP-TILES, etc.

“The studies on Level Four at Dulce include Human Aura research, as well as all aspects of Dream, Hypnosis, Telepathy, etc. (research). They know how to manipulate the Bioplasmic Body (of Man). They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleep ‘Delta Waves,’ induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via a Brain-Computer link. They can introduce data and programmed reactions into your Mind (Information impregnation—the ‘Dream Library’).

“We are entering an era of Technologicalization of Psychic Powers... The development of techniques to,

  • enhance man/machine communications

  • Nano-tech

  • Bio-tech micro-machines

  • PSI-War

  • E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory)

  • R.H.I.C. (Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control)

  • and various forms of behavior control (via chemical agents, ultrasonics, optical and other EM radiations)

  • The Physics of ‘Consciousness.’...

“SURVIVING THE FUTURE... The Dulce Facility consists of a central ‘Hub.’ the Security Section (also some photo labs). The deeper you go, the stronger the Security. This is a multi-leveled complex. There are over 3000 cameras at various high-security locations (exits and labs).

“There are over 100 Secret Exits near and around Dulce, many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the source around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrich.


“...INSIDE THE DULCE BASE... Security officers wear jumpsuits, with the Dulce symbol on the front, upper left side... The ID card (used in card slots, for the doors and elevators) has the Dulce symbol above the ID photo. ‘Government honchos’ use cards with the Great Seal of the U.S. on it. ‘The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye’ (The NEW WORLD ORDER) 13. ‘666’, The Phoenix Empire... ‘9’, ‘Illuminism’... ‘One out of many.’ (and so on).”

The Feb.-Mar. 1991 issue of ‘UFO UNIVERSE’ carried an article titled ‘THE DEEP DARK SECRET AT DULCE’, written by Bill Hamilton and ‘TAL’. We are sure the reader will agree that the following article serves to tie-together much of what we’ve revealed in earlier files. If planet earth is the main ‘battleground’ for the final cosmic conflict, and the U.S. is one of the major areas on earth where the ‘final outcome’ will be decided, and since Dulce is considered to be the MAJOR BASE where human-alien interaction and conflict is taking place, then we should focus our attention on what has been going on deep below this small southwestern town. More than any other area in the U.S., if not the world, this small town has been the epicenter of nearly every form of paranormal activity one can imagine, including:

  • UFO sightings

  • UFO landings

  • Abductions

  • implantations

  • Human & Animal mutilations

  • PSI warfare studies

  • Secret Government-Alien interaction

  • U.S. ‘Constitutional’ Government-Alien conflict

  • ‘Reptilian’ sightings

  • Underground bases

  • conspiracy scenarios

  • alien infiltration

  • deep-cavern phenomena

  • super high-tech activity

  • MIB encounters

In fact a higher CONCENTRATION of such activities have been evident in the vicinity of Dulce than most other areas in the world, to the point that the inhabitants of this town have for the most part resigned themselves into accepting the reality of such activity whether they like it or not.

Bill Hamilton and ‘TAL’, then, take us deep ‘inside’ the Hades-like labyrinthine depths of this underground megacomplex through the eyes of those who have been there. Brace yourselves:

“Dulce is a sleepy little town in northern New Mexico. It’s population is about 900 and it is located above 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. There is one major motel and just a few stores. It is not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. Yet, according to a few outsiders, Dulce harbors a deep, dark secret. That secret is said to be harbored deep below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. That secret involves a joint government-alien biogenetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals.

“New Mexico State Police Officer Gabe Valdez was drawn into the mysteries of Dulce when called out to investigate a mutilated cow on the Manuel Gomez ranch in a pasture 13 miles east of Dulce. Gomez had lost four cattle to mutilations between 1976 and June 1978 when a team of investigators which included Tom Adams arrived from Paris, Texas to examine the site of the carcass.

“Curious as to how cattle were being selected by the mysterious mutilators, an interesting experiment was conducted on July 5, 1978 by Valdez, Gomez, and retired scientist Howard Burgess. The three penned up about 120 of the Gomez beef cattle and moved them through a squeeze chute under an ultra-violet light. They found a ‘glittery substance on the right side of the neck, the right ear, and the right leg.’ Samples of the affected hides were removed as well as control samples from the same animals.

“Some investigators attribute the mutilations to aliens from UFOs. Sightings of strange lights and other aerial phenomena have been reported in many areas where the cows have been found at the time of the reported mutilation. UFOs have been seen frequently around Dulce.

“I arrived in Dulce on April 19, 1988, to visit with Gabe Valdez and to inquire about the sightings, the mutes, and the rumors of an underground alien base in the area. There was still snow on the ground by the Best Western motel when I checked in and called Valdez. He made an appointment to see me at 9:30 PM. I found Gabe to be a very congenial host as he offered to show us around the roads of Dulce that night and point out the various locations where he had found mutilated cows or had seen strange aerial lights. He made the astounding statement that he was still seeing unidentified aircraft at the rate of one every two nights. We took a look at the Gomez Ranch, the road by the Navajo River, and the imposing Archuleta Mesa. Gabe had found landing tracks and crawler marks near the site of the mutes. Gabe was convinced that scientist Paul Bennewitz of Thunder Scientific Labs in Albuquerque was definitely on the right track in his attempts to locate an underground alien facility in the vicinity of Dulce.

“I had first heard of Paul Bennewitz in 1980 when my friend Walter called me from Albuquerque and told me he had been working with Paul on electronic instruments. Walter said Paul had not only photographed UFOs, but had established a communication link with their underground base at Dulce. Bennewitz had first come to prominence during the August 1980 sightings of UFOs over the Manzano Weapons Storage Area and Kirtland AFB. A Kirtland AFB incident report dated October 28, 1980 mentions that Bennewitz had taken film of UFOs over Kirtland. Paul was president of Thunder Scientific Labs adjacent to Kirtland. Bennewitz gave a briefing in Albuquerque detailing how he had seen the aliens on a video screen. The aliens were transmitting signals... from a base underneath Archuleta Mesa.

“Researcher William Moore claims that government agents became interested in Bennewitz’ activities and were trying to defuse him by pumping as much disinformation through him as he could absorb. Whether Paul’s communication with supposed aliens (or tapping into their communications network? - Branton) at the Dulce Base was part of this disinformation campaign is unclear. If one were to believe that Paul is the single source of reports on the Dulce Facility, then it could also be a tactical maneuver to discount and discredit Paul’s allegation of an underground base if such reports were meant to remain secret. Then the actual disinformation maneuver would be to dis-inform the public and not a single individual.

“In a report entitled ‘PROJECT BETAPaul states that he had spent two years tracking alien craft; that he had constant reception of video from an alien ship and underground base viewscreen; that he had established constant direct communications with the aliens using a computer and a form of Hexadecimal code with graphics and printout; and claims to have used aerial and ground photography to locate the alien ship’s launch ports and charged beam weapons. Paul claimed that the aliens were devious, employed deception, and did not adhere to agreements. Paul and Walter were working on a weapon that would counter the aliens.

“Some will think at this point that we have crossed-over from the land of clear thinking concerning anomalous phenomena to the land of science-fiction. But let us remember that bizarre phenomena such as the UFOs represent may have its roots in a bizarre reality. It is expected to be bizarre at first, but as we continue our studies we will evolve to understand it.

Paul Bennewitz had investigated the case of abductee Myrna Hansen of New Mexico who reported having been taken to an underground facility in May 1980. Christa Tilton of Oklahoma has reported that she had an experience of missing time in July 1987 where she had been abducted by two small grey aliens and transported in their craft to a hillside location where she encountered a man dressed in a red military-like jump suit. She was taken into a tunnel through computerized check-points displaying security cameras. She reported having been taken on a transit vehicle to another area where she stepped on a scale-like device facing a computer screen. After the computer issued her an identification card, she was told by her guide that they had just entered Level One of a seven-level underground facility. Christa goes on relating how she was eventually taken down to Level Five. She reports having seen alien craft and little grey alien entities in some of the areas that she passed through.

Christa reports going into one large room where she saw large tanks with computerized gauges hooked to the tanks and large arms that extended from some tubing down into the tanks. She noticed a humming sound, smelled formaldehyde, and was under the impression that some liquid was being stirred in the tanks. Christa has made drawings of much of what she had witnessed during her abduction.

“These tanks Christa talks about were depicted in a set of controversial papers called the Dulce Papers. These papers were allegedly stolen from the Dulce underground facility along with 30 black and white photos and a video tape by a mysterious security officer who claims to have worked at Dulce up until 1979 when he decided that the time had come to part company with his employers. The rest of the story is about this security officer who has met with one of us in an attempt to tell us the truth about the aliens, the U.S. Government (Note: although some sources say that another ‘government’ completely separate from our Constitutional elected government is involved with this base, a ‘secret’ government that is - Branton), and the Dulce base. He is announcing his intention to come out of hiding and present soft and hard evidence of his claims. It will be up to you to decide whether this evidence constitutes an addition to the growing proof that a government cover-up exists.

“In late 1979, Thomas C. could no longer cope with the awesome reality he had to confront. As a high level security officer at the joint alien-U.S. Government underground base near Dulce he had learned of and had seen disturbing things. After much inner conflict, he decided to desert the facility and take various items with him.

“Using a small camera, he took over 30 photos of areas within the multi-level complex. He removed a security video tape from the Control Center which showed various security camera views of hallways, labs, aliens, and U.S. Government personnel. He also collected documents to take with him. Then, by shutting off the alarm and camera system in one of the over 100 exits to the surface, he left the facility with the photos, video, and documents. These ‘originals’ were hidden after five sets of copies were made.

Thomas was ready to go into hiding. But, when he went to pick up his wife and young son, he found a van and government agents waiting. He had been betrayed by K. Lomas (a fellow worker) who was instrumental in the kidnapping of his wife and child. The agents wanted what Thomas had taken from the facility for which he would get his wife and son back. It became apparent to him that his wife and son would be used in biological experiments and were not going to be returned unharmed. That was a little over ten years ago.

“How did Thomas get involved in all this covert intrigue?

Thomas is now about 50 years old (i.e. at the time the article was written - 1991 - Branton). When he was in his mid-twenties, he received top secret training in photography at an underground facility in West Virginia. For seven years, he worked for the Rand Corp. in Santa Monica, California when in 1977 he was transferred to the Dulce facility. He bought a home in Santa Fe, New Mexico and worked Monday through Friday with weekends off. All Dulce Base personnel commute via a deep underground tube-shuttle system.

“At the time, one of us (TAL) was working security in Santa Fe, M.M. and was privately investigating UFO sightings, animal mutilations, Masonic and Wicca groups in the area. Thomas had a mutual friend who came to Santa Fe in 1979 to visit both of us. This individual would later view the photos, video tape and documents taken from the Dulce Base. Drawings were made from what was seen and circulated later in the UFO research community as the ‘Dulce Papers.’

“Thomas alleges that there were over 18,000 of the short ‘greys’ at the Dulce Facility. He has also seen (tall) reptilian humanoids. One of us (TAL) had come face-to-face with a 6-foot tall Reptoid which had materialized in the house. The Reptoid showed interest in research maps of New Mexico and Colorado which were on the wall. The maps were full of colored push-pins and markers to indicate sites of animal mutilations, caverns, the locations of high UFO activity, repeated flight paths, abduction sites, ancient ruins, and suspected alien underground bases.

“...The security level goes up as one descends to the lower levels. Thomas had an ULTRA-7 clearance. He knew of seven sub-levels, but there may have been more. Most of the aliens are on levels 5, 6, and 7. Alien housing is on level 5. The only sign in English was one over a tube shuttle station hallway which read ‘to Los Alamos.’ Connections go from Dulce to (the) Page, Arizona facility, then to an underground base below Area 51 in Nevada. Tube shuttles go to and from Dulce to facilities below Taos, N.M.; Datil, N.M.; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Creed, Colorado; Sandia; then on to Carlsbad, New Mexico. There is a vast network of tube shuttle connections under the U.S. which extends into a global system of tunnels and sub-cities.

“At the Dulce Base, most signs on doors and hallways are in the alien symbol language and a universal symbol system understood by humans and aliens. Thomas stated that after the second level, everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a uniform. Visitors are given off-white uniforms. The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D. card each day. Any change in weight is noted. Any change in over three pounds requires a physical exam and X-ray. The uniforms are jump suits with a zipper.

“In front of all sensitive areas are scales built into the floor by doorways and the door control panels. An individual places his computer I.D. card into the door slot, then presses a numerical code and buttons. The person’s card must match with the weight and code or the door will not open. Any discrepancy in weight will summon security. No one is allowed to carry anything into sensitive areas. All supplies are put on a conveyor belt and X-rayed. The same method is used in leaving sensitive areas.

“All elevators are controlled magnetically, but there are no elevator cables. The magnetic system is inside the walls of the elevator shaft. There are no normal electrical controls. Everything is controlled by advanced magnetics, including lighting. There are no regular light bulbs. The tunnels are illuminated by Phosphorous units with broad, structureless emission bands. Some DEEP TUNNELS use a form of phosphorous pentoxide to temporarily illuminate certain areas. The aliens won’t go near these zones for reasons unknown (Note: This suggests that these deeper tunnels may have originally been built by beings other than the reptilians - Branton).

“The studies on Level 4 include human-aura research, as well as all aspects of telepathy, hypnosis, and dreams. Thomas says that they know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the physical body and place an ‘alien entity’ force-matrix within a human body after removing the ‘soul’ life-force-matrix of the human

(Note: or, in more simple terms - ‘Kill’ the human being and turn it into a vessel to be used by one of the ‘infernals’ in order to allow it to work and operate in the physical realm. This appears to be a complex version of the ancient ‘zombie’ traditions, if in fact such horrific things are taking place in this installation. Incidentally, according to one source the inter-networking underground system converging below Dulce is only described IN PART in accounts such as this, although the vast extent of the underground mega-complex is nearly the size of Manhattan! - Branton).

Level 6 is privately called ‘Nightmare Hall’. It holds the genetic labs. Here are experiments done on fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original forms. There are multi-armed and multi-legged humans and several cages (and vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures (disobedient ‘Mothmen’? - Branton) up to 7-feet tall. The aliens have taught the humans a lot about genetics, things both useful and dangerous.

“The Greys, the Reptoids, the winged Draco species are highly analytical and technologically oriented. THEY HAVE HAD ANCIENT CONFLICTS WITH THE EL-HUMANS (or ‘Anakim’ - human giants existing in subterranean realms who have also allegedly established bases on other planetary bodies - Branton) and may be STAGING here for a FUTURE CONFLICT...

“Principal government organizations involved with,

  • mapping the human genetics, the so-called genome projects are within the Department of Energy- DOE (which has a heavy presence on the Nevada Test Site)

  • the National Institute of Health

  • the National Science Foundation

  • the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

  • the Dulce Underground Labs run by the DOE

“Is the alien and human BIO-TECH being used to nurture and serve us or is it being used to CONTROL AND DOMINATE US? Why have UFO abductees been used in genetic experiments?

“IT WAS WHEN THOMAS ENCOUNTERED HUMANS IN CAGES ON LEVEL 7 OF THE DULCE FACILITY THAT THINGS FINALLY REACHED A CLIMAX FOR HIM. He says, ‘I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes THEY CRIED AND BEGGED FOR HELP. We were told they were hopelessly insane, and involved in high-risk drug tests to cure insanity. We were told NEVER TO SPEAK TO THEM AT ALL. At the beginning we believed the story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth. THAT BEGAN THE DULCE WARS.’

“We may find it hard and unpalatable to digest or even believe Thomas’ story and why should we even give it a hearing at all? Probably for no other reason than the fact that MANY OTHERS are coming out and telling bizarre stories and the fact that there may be a terrible truth hidden behind the continuing phenomena of UFO sightings, abductions, and animal mutilations. Our government intelligence agencies have had an ongoing watchful eye on all UFO activities for many decades now. This bizarre phenomena must have a bizarre explanation. We may be only one outpost in (a) vast interstellar drama.

“Recently, researcher John Anderson went to Dulce, N.M. to see if he could see if there is anything to the reported UFO activity. He says that he arrived in town coincidentally to see a caravan of cars and a McDonnell Douglas mini-lab in a van going up a rural road near the town. He followed them to a fenced-in compound where he waited to see further developments. Suddenly, six UFOs descended rapidly over the compound, hovered long enough for him to snap one picture, then shot up and out of sight. When later stopping in a store to tell the owner of the UFO photo he had taken, the store owner listened and revealed how he had been a victim cattle rancher of cattle mutes. Their conversation was interrupted by a phone call after which the store owner told John to leave at once, then closed the store after John went to his car. John then saw a mysterious van drive up to the store and a man got out and went in. John decided to leave Dulce at that moment but WAS FOLLOWED BY TWO MEN IN A CAR as he left town.

“Even more recently a research team has gone up to Archuleta Mesa to take soundings under the ground and preliminary and tentative computer analysis of these soundings seem to indicate DEEP CAVITIES UNDER THE MESA (one source said that according to the data these cavities extended to a depth of over 4,000 FEET! - Branton).

“Perhaps, someday, we will discover the deep dark secret of Dulce... Whatever the future brings it won’t be dull.”

Gabe Valdez, former State Police officer in Dulce, New Mexico, was contacted by a certain researcher in 1990, in an attempt to confirm some of the information which had appeared previously concerning his involvement in the UFO-mutilation investigations. The following was learned:

“—He and others HAD seen strange flying objects in the area, however he himself was unsure whether these were ‘UFO’s’ of alien origin, or some type of top secret aircraft being tested by some secret faction of the government.

“—Something DID crash near Mt. Archuleta several years ago, but again, he did not find any evidence conclusively proving whether it was an object of human OR alien origin.

“—There is another road leading to the Mt. Archuleta area (and mesa) aside from the one which goes through the Ute Indian reservation. As for the Ute Reservation road, much of it is in good condition (paved?). Only the area around the Archuleta region itself requires four-wheel drive vehicles.

“—He did investigate cattle mutilations, and as least in SOME cases a known nerve agent was discovered in the carcasses, and other indications suggesting that the cattle were being used for research in ‘D.N.A.’ experiments.”

Norio Hayakawa is the head of the ‘CIVILIAN INTELLIGENCE NETWORK’ (P.O. Box 599., Gardena, CA 80248). Mr. Hayakawa was one of several individuals, including a Japanese film crew from the NIPPON Television Network in Japan, who witnessed and videotaped “a flight maneuver of a brightly lit orange-yellowish light making extremely unorthodox flight patterns, including sudden acceleration, descension and ascension—possibly exerting a force of multiple g’s under extremely limited space and time— and even zig-zag type movement, while on a field trip to an area just outside of ‘Area 51’ in Nevada on Wednesday, February 21, 1990.” (there were approximately 25 to 28 individuals in the group who also witnessed the display). His brother-in-law Itsuro Isokawa also photographed the object as it was in flight.

With over 30 years of in-depth UFO investigative experience, Norio was instrumental in the subsequent production of a two-hour documentary program televised throughout Japan on March 24, 1990.

The entire program dealt with Area 51 and also the crew’s pursuit of an alleged biogenetics laboratory in New Mexico, that is, the Dulce facility. It is his contention that what could only be described as “highly intelligent and deceptive ‘ultradimensional’ (infernal) entities’ materializing in disguise as ‘aliens’, are collaborating with a secret ‘world government’ that is preparing (barring unexpected circumstances - Branton) to ingeniously ‘stage’ a contact-landing in 1995 to bring about a ‘New World Order’. Furthermore, Mr. Hayakawa contends that the ‘GRAND DECEPTION’ which will be orchestrated in 1995 will immediately follow a rapid series of shocking, incredible events in succession, beginning with a Russia-backed Arab Confederacy’s attempt to invade Israel, simultaneous worldwide earthquakes, worldwide stock market crash and a sudden, mysterious ‘evacuation’ of a segment of population, all of which will culminate in a quick official formation of a New World Order that will last for seven years upon its inception.

Norio’s views are similar to those which we have revealed throughout these Files. The ‘non-physicals’ do exist and play a powerful role in the scenario, but we would of course also include the ‘reptilian’ agenda as well—as being ultimately orchestrated by theinfernals’.

Norio also explains that the ‘Grand Deception’ and the shocking series of events will,

“...put millions and millions of people worldwide in absolute stupor for months during which time a special, extremely effective, multi-leveled ‘mind control’ program will be activated to calm down the stunned populace.”

According to Mr. Hayakawa, the countdown for this stunning event of 1995 began in 1948. He is convinced that we are living in a seven-year ‘warning’ period which began in 1988 when Israel celebrated its 40th anniversary of Statehood. Hayakawa has himself appeared on Japanese television, has lectured considerably, has appeared on a radio station in Phoenix, Arizona, and has been the subject of an article in the ARIZONA REPUBLIC, has published articles in ‘U.S. Japanese Business News’ (March, 1990), was the guest on a Japanese talk show in March and April of 1990, and also appeared on the Billy Goodman ‘Happening’ on KVEG of Las Vegas several times in early 1990. He was also interviewed on the Anthony J. Hilder Show of Radio Free America aired in Anchorage, Alaska, during all of which he spoke extensively about his interesting beliefs concerning the origin and nature of UFO’s.

In a letter dated January 28, 1991, Norio added the following comments concerning the ‘Dulce’ facility and it’s possible connection with the ‘Mystery of Iniquity’ of Bible prophecy:

“...I’ve been to Dulce with the Nippon Television Network crew and interviewed many, many people over there and came back with the firm conviction that something was happening around 10 to 15 years ago over there, including nightly sightings of strange lights and appearances of military jeeps and trucks. And I am convinced that the four corners area is a highly occult area. The only stretch of highway, namely Highway 666, runs through the four corners area from southeast Arizona to Northwestern New Mexico and up. I have also heard that this Highway 666 came into existence around 1947 or 1948, fairly close to the time of 1947, the modern-day beginning of OVERT UFO APPEARANCE, i.e. the Kenneth Arnold incident, and coincidentally or not, the establishment of Israel in 1948.”

Paul Bennewitz sent out a letter on June 6, 1988 describing ‘PROJECT BETA’, which referred to the alien base in New Mexico consisting of type ‘Greyaliens. NASA CIR film had allegedly aided in locating this base and revealing US Military involvement with the ‘Greys’. Another group called theOrange’ is said to be based below the west slope of Mt. Archuleta near ‘the Diamond’.


(Note: Some suggest that the ‘Orange’ are a so-called ‘hybrid’ race with PARTIAL reptilian-like features yet possessing human-like reproductive organs. Possibly they consist of hu-brids and re-brids or rather some or many of them may possess a human soul-matrix and therefore may be ‘human’. They have also been described as being involved in the scenarios taking place in the tunnels below the Nevada Military Complex as well - Branton).

William Cooper briefly mentioned the ‘Orange’ based on memories of top secret documents he had read:

“...there were four types of aliens mentioned in the papers. A LARGE NOSED GREY (Reptoids? - Branton), a blond human like type described as the NORDIC, a red haired human-like type called the ORANGE. The homes of the aliens were described as being a star in the Constellation Orion, Bernard’s star, and Zeta Reticuli 1 & 2. I cannot remember even under hypnosis which alien belongs to which star.”

The following is taken from an article by ‘TAL’ titled ‘THE COVERT RETURN OF AN ALIEN SPECIES OF REPTILIAN HERITAGE - THE DULCE BASE,’ which appeared in a mailer-newsletter distributed by researcher Patrick O’Connel:

According to TAL, ages ago “...a CONFLICT with other beings (ELs) destroyed most of their (Reptoid) civilization, which forced some into deep caverns & others to leave earth (to Alpha Draconis and/or Altair in the constellation Aquila, which in ancient lore was associated with evil reptilian creatures)...

The conflict is a Species War, between the Evadamic Seed & the “Serpent” (draconian) Seed.

“Under cover of darkness, with bases hidden inside the earth, this nocturnal invader has chosen to reclaim what was once theirs & use it (and us) as a staging area in their ancient conflict with the ‘ELs’.

(Note: That is, reclaim that which the serpent races WANT US TO BELIEVE was once theirs. The ‘ELs’ as we’ve said are the so-named EL-der brothers, a human race tied into the Evadamic heritage yet who have attained or retained a very tall physical stature - Branton)

“Humans with alien brain implants (the ‘zombies’) have been programmed to help overthrow Mankind in the NEAR FUTURE (1992 - 1995? - ed.). The ‘Reptoids’ are even able TO TRANSFORM THEMSELVES INTO BEINGS WITH HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS & FEATURES. The planet Earth is being stressed so that human resistance will be minimal, during the overt takeover & control of Mankind.

“It started as a ‘joint interaction program.’ An Alien Species wanted to share parts of it’s advanced technology with certain humans in KEY POSITIONS OF POWER within government, military, corporations, ‘secret societies’, etc... The population as a whole began to be manipulated into the ‘Alien Agenda’...they wanted TOTAL CONTROL of us!

(the majority of the article from hereon is a repeat of the earlier article on the Dulce Base by Bill Hamilton and ‘TAL’.

However this one, written exclusively by TAL, contained a few items which were not clearly dealt with in the previous article):

“...T.C had also seen tall Reptilian Humanoids at the base. This is interesting to me (TAL) because in 1979 I came face-to-face with the over 6 foot tall ‘Other’ Species (REPTOIDS) which materialized in our home! They took blood from my wife (who is an Rh-negative blood type); & her daughter, who was 1500 miles away.

“...We all came to know that the ‘Visitors’ were here to stay. We also learned how the Reptilian Race was RETURNING to Earth & the ‘Greys’ (who are mercenaries) WERE BEING USED to interface...with & manipulate hu-mans. Their DEMONIC AGENDA was to keep earth surface (man) CONFUSED & unaware of their true nature & potential...ALSO THE KNOWLEDGE OF VAST & VARIED CIVILIZATIONS LIVING WITHIN THE EARTH.

“The Fantastic Truth was made to seem a fantasy, a legend, a myth, an illusion! The REPTOIDS are RETURNING to earth to use it as a staging area, in their ANCIENT CONFLICT with the Elohim. The ADAMIC Race has underground bases within Mars (they are a ‘Warrior Cult’ culture).

“...There is a vast network of Tube Shuttle connections, under the U.S., which extends into a GLOBAL SYSTEM OF TUNNELS & SUB-CITIES... Note: They (reptilians) DO NOT consider themselves ‘Aliens’...they claim Terra (3rd from the Sun) was their home before we (humans) arrived

(Note: They may have originated on earth and ‘developed’ from the early sauroids, yet there is much evidence that their ‘claim’ that this is ‘their’ planet is merely propaganda designed to get us to give up our God-given right to it - Branton).

“...As a species,” TAL continues, “the reptilian heritage beings (the Greys, Reptoids, Winged Draco with 2 horns - the classic stereotype of the ‘Devil’)... are highly analytical & technologically oriented. They are seriously into the sciences of automation (computers) & bio-engineering (genetics)! However, their exploits in these areas has led to reckless experimentation, WITH TOTAL DISREGARD FOR ETHICS (moral standards) AND EMPATHY. This is also true of MANY OF THE HUMAN BEINGS WORKING WITH THEM!.”

TAL then describes something which might seem unbelievable if it weren’t for the fact that dozens of other sources seem to confirm it. This discovery was allegedly one of the REAL reasons for the incitation of the ‘Dulce Wars’:

“...LEVEL #7 is the worst. Row after row of 1,000’s of humans & human-mixture remains in cold storage. Here too are embryos of humanoids in various stages of development. Also, many human childrens’ remains in storage vats. Who are (were) these people?”

The sources for these incredibly disturbing allegations aside from Thomas C. himself, according to TAL, included:

“...people who worked in the labs, abductees taken to the base, people who assisted in the construction, intelligence personnel (NSA, CIA, etc.), and UFO-Inner Earth researchers.” This information, TAL states, “is meant for those who are seriously interested in the Dulce base. For YOUR OWN PROTECTION, be advised to ‘USE CAUTION’ while investigating this complex.”

Commander X, mentioned earlier, added some further details that he had uncovered:

“...The underground...base outside of Dulce, New Mexico, is perhaps the one MOST FREQUENTLY referred to. It’s existence is most widely known, including several UFO abductees who have apparently been taken there for examination and then either managed to escape or were freed just in the nick of time by friendly...forces.

“According to UFO conspiracy buff and ex-Naval Intelligence Officer Milton (William) Cooper, ‘...a confrontation broke out between the human scientists and the Aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The Aliens took many of our scientists hostage. Delta Forces were sent in to free them but they were no match for the Alien weapons. Sixty-six people were killed during this action. As a result we withdrew from all joint projects for at least two years...’

“CENTURIES AGO, SURFACE PEOPLE (some say the ILLUMINATI) entered into a pact with an ‘Alien nationHIDDEN WITHIN THE EARTH.”

Commander X alleges.

“The U.S. Government, in 1933, agreed to trade animals in exchange for high-tech knowledge, and to allow them to use (undisturbed) UNDERGROUND BASES, in the Western U.S.A. A special group was formed to deal with the ‘Alien’ beings. In the 1940’s ‘Alien Life Forms’ (ALF) began shifting their focus of operations, FROM CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, TO THE U.S.A.

“The CONTINENTAL DIVIDE is vital to these ‘entities.’ Part of this has to do with magnetics (substrata rock) and high energy states (plasma)... This area has a very high concentration of lightning activity; underground waterways and cavern systems; fields of atmospheric ions; etc...”

One more note: The ‘Symbolfor the Dulce Base that is worn on many of the workers there, allegedly consists of an UPSIDE-DOWN triangle or pyramid with an upside-down ‘T’ superimposed over it. William Hamilton added a few comments in his book ‘COSMIC TOP SECRET’ that did not appear in the UFO UNIVERSE article co-authored with ‘TAL’.


These include:

“...Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque analyzed the samples (of the affected hides of cattle studied by Gomez and Burgess) and found significant deposits of potassium and magnesium. The potassium content was 70 times above normal.

“...Level 1 (of the Dulce base) contains the garage for STREET MAINTENANCE. Level 2 contains the garage for TRAINS, SHUTTLES, TUNNEL-BORING MACHINES, AND DISC MAINTENANCE.

“...The Greys and reptoid species...have had ancient CONFLICTS with the NORDIC humans from outer space societies, and may be staging here for a future conflict.”

Penny Harper, in the January 1990 issue of ‘WHOLE LIFE TIMES’, wrote an article in which she referred to the UFOlogist and prominent physicist Paul Bennewitz:

Paul Bennewitz—whereabouts unknown. Paul was a scientist investigating an abduction case. A woman and her son drove down a road in the southwest, the woman witnessed aliens mutilating a calf. The aliens captured both mother and son, taking them into an underground installation.” The woman saw many frightening things, apparently much of it similar to what abductee Christa Tilton and others had witnessed, yet they - mother and son - also saw: “...human body parts floating in a vat of amber liquid. After a horrifying ordeal, the woman and her son were taken back to their car. Bennewitz was able to determine that there is a secret ‘alien’ base beneath Dulce, New Mexico. He wrote ‘The Dulce Report’ and sent it to the civilian UFO group called APRO (i.e. Aerial Phenomena Research Organization). Bennewitz was then committed to the New Mexico State Hospital for the mentally ill where he was given electro-shock ‘therapy.’ When he was discharged, he publicly stated that he would not have anything to do with UFOs. He is a recluse today, but still alive, last I heard.”

A Navaho Indian legend speaks of ancient migrations involving a cavernous realm below the four corners areas. The Hopi’s speak of a similar legend involving an alleged opening, sometimes described as a hill and sometimes as a ‘pond’ covering the path below. The Hopi ‘emergence’ point is called the ‘Sipapu’ or ‘Sipapuni’ and is said to be near the convergence of the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers. According to the Hopi tradition not all of the people who dwelt in the cavern world came up with them. Others chose to remain below. As for the Navajos, they state that:

“At one time all the nations, Navajos, Pueblos, Coyoteros, and white people, lived together, underground in the heart of a mountain near the river San Juan. Their only food was meat, which they had in abundance, for all kinds of game were closed up with them in their cave; but their light was dim and only endured for a few hours each day...

“Then the men and the animals began to come up from their cave, and their coming up required several days. First came the Navajos, and no sooner had they reached the surface they commenced gaming at patole, their favorite game. Then came the Pueblos and other Indians, who crop their hair and build houses. Lastly came the white people, who started off at once for the rising sun and were lost (from) sight... for many winters.

“While these nations lived underground they all spoke one tongue; but (with) the light of day and the level of the earth came many languages...”

If there is even a grain of truth to this ancient legend, then it would seem that the caverns in which the southwestern
Indians formerly and allegedly lived were void of the nefarious influence of the reptilian hominoids, who apparently infested the subsurface levels from the south, etc. much later. But we will make one comment, and that is the amazing coincidence between this legend and the more modern accounts of cavernous labyrinths below this very same region of the four corners. As they say ‘Where there’s smoke there’s probably fire.’ Such migration legends concerning subsurface caverns are not restricted to the southwest however, but many of the Indians of the southern states and New England in fact repeat this same theme almost verbatim. Nor should we limit such accounts to North America, since they are found profusely throughout the whole world as we’ve seen in earlier Files.


Again we will quote from Commander X, who has stated:

“...From my own intelligence work within the military, I can say WITH ALL CERTAINTY that one of the main reasons the public has been kept in total darkness about the reality of UFOs and ‘aliens’, is that the truth of the matter actually exists TOO CLOSE TO HOME TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT. How could a spokesman for the Pentagon dare admit that five or ten thousand feet underground EXISTS AN ENTIRE WORLD THAT IS ‘FOREIGN’ TO A BELIEF STRUCTURE WE HAVE HAD FOR CENTURIES? How could, for example, our fastest bomber be any challenge to those aerial invaders when we can only guess about the routes they take to the surface; eluding radar as they fly so low, headed back to their underground lair?

“...the ‘Greys’ or the ‘EBEs’ have established a fortress, spreading out to other parts of the U.S. via means of a vast underground tunnel system THAT HAS VIRTUALLY EXISTED BEFORE RECORDED HISTORY...”

The following document (among others) originated from a U.S. Intelligence worker who has been missing for quite some time. Concerned family members discovered this document in a locker in which the missing Intelligence worker apparently kept some of his papers. The document may have something to do with his disappearance, though exactly what connection this might be is uncertain.

Copies of this and other documents eventually ended up in the hands of several researchers as a result of one investigator who was approached by the family of the missing agent and given the documents. This source stated that this family was extremely disturbed not only about the disappearance but about the nature of the documents themselves and the role they may have played in connection with the disappearance. If we are to fear the worst concerning his situation, then we hope that the following document does justice in VINDICATING the memory of this Patriot. Perhaps this document will serve as ‘fuel’ for the growing human resistance against the draconian-socialist elements which are attempting to corrupt the very foundation of our society.

In the copy of the document which is quoted here, some annotations were made. These seem to have been ‘corrections’ on the ms. made by Bennewitz. These will be indicated by a (*):


“This is Jim McCampbell making a recording of a remarkable episode on July 13, 1984. It has to do with a UFO base, cattle mutilations, advanced weaponry, contact with aliens, etc.
“The episode began about a week ago when I received a little semi-annual periodical titled STIGMATA. It is number 21, the First Half of 1984. This little bulletin is prepared by Thomas Adams at P.O. Box 1994, Paris, TX 75460...
“He has a rather lengthy article. One finds point of interest on page 9 and I suppose the only way to pursue this is to read what he has here as it is fundamental to the entire story.


‘In May of 1980 a most interesting event occurred in northern New Mexico. An event similar in many respects to the Doraty Case. A mother and her young son were driving on a rural highway near Cimarron, New Mexico. They observed two or more craft and as Judy Doraty did, they observed a calf being abducted. Both observers were themselves abducted and taken on separate craft to what was apparently an underground installation, where the woman witnessed the mutilation of the calf. (* Woman witnessed mutilation in the field - dead animal taken with them.) It has been alleged that she also observed a vat containing unidentified (* cattle) body parts floating in a liquid, AND ANOTHER VAT CONTAINING THE BODY OF A MALE HUMAN. The woman was subjected to an examination and it has been further alleged that small metallic objects were implanted into her body as well as into her son’s body. More than one source has informed us that CAT-scans have confirmed the presence of these implants.

“’Paul Bennewitz, President of his own scientific company in Albuquerque and an investigator with the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, has been the principal investigator of the case. Interviewed in his office in April 1983, Bennewitz reports that through regressive hypnosis of the mother and child and his own follow-up investigation, (including communications received via his computer terminal which ostensibly is from a UFO-related source), he was able to determine the location of the underground facility, a kilometer underground beneath the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico. (Since 1976, one of the areas hardest-hit by mutilations coincidentally or whatever).

“’...The mother and son, by the way, were returned back to their car that night. Since the incident, they have suffered repeated trauma and difficulties as they attempt to recover from the episode. We pass this along because the account is, of course, most crucial if true; but we are not in a position to confirm the alleged findings. Hopefully, more information regarding this incident will be aired in the near future. We can only consider such reports while continuing to seek the evidence to refute or confirm.’

“That’s the end of this remarkable quotation from STIGMATA.

“...I got in touch with Dr. Bennewitz by telephone and indicated that I had seen this reference to him and his work and I wanted to find out whether he was being misrepresented or whatever... It is rather mind boggling and here is the substance of that telephone conversation.

“He is a physicist and he started four years ago to determine in his own mind whether UFOs exist or do not and he has gotten much more deeply involved than he ever intended. IT HAS CAUSED HIM A GREAT DEAL OF TROUBLE FROM THE GOVERNMENT INTELLIGENCE GROUPS. He has pictures from the location. He went with a Highway Patrol Officer and they saw a UFO take off from the mesa at the location. He obtained photographs and what he calls launch ships were 330 ft. long and 130 ft. across. The cattle rancher named Gomez and he went back to this location which is a mesa and saw a surveillance vehicle which was about 5 ft. by 10 ft., like a satellite, he said. He had been using a Polaroid camera and then got a Hausel-Bladd to produce much better pictures.


He set up a monitoring station and observed that UFOs are all over the area... He has been dealing heavily with a Major Edwards (somebody) (* Security Commander) who was with Manzano Security and two (* My wife & I) of them saw four objects outside of a warhead storage area at a range of about 2500 feet and obtained movies of them. He now has about 6000 feet of movie footage, of which 5000 ft. is in Super Eight. THE OBJECTS HAVE THE ABILITY TO ‘CLOAK,’ that’s the word, spells CLOAK like cloak and dagger, like cover up and he says that they can cause themselves to go invisible by a field that caused the light waves to bend around the object and that one sees the sky behind them.

“He confirmed the fact that the woman was picked up when she accidentally observed the calf being abducted. He has paid for a pathology work and medical doctor work. The pathologist is a former head of the microbiology department of New Mexico University. They have done CATscans to show that the woman and her son did in fact have implants in their bodies. (* We confirmed the woman - not her son) She has a vaginal disease like streptococci-bulbie(?) and tried many antibodies to destroy the bacteria. That it has survived off the antibodies themselves. THE ALIENS KEEP HASSLING HER. (* Still true to date).

“Paul kept the woman and her mother at his house and the UFOs were flying overhead constantly. THERE IS NO ESP INVOLVED, BUT IT IS JUST PLAIN PHYSICS.

“They beam down (* They send a beam down - not ‘beam down’). They can communicate THROUGH THIS BEAM. She picked up their transmissions. He devised a means of communication based upon her alfbic (?) code; one is equal to ‘no’ and two being ‘yes.’ Through this code he has been able to talk to the aliens. He then computerized the system that would reject extraneous inputs. HE SAID THAT THEY CAN BE VERY THREATENING AND MALEVOLENT...

“He then told the O.S.I. OF THE AIR FORCE and he has been requested to give (* Did give) several presentations to high level Air Force people in briefings on the subject, wing level Command and many others including this fellow Edwards. And he took a helicopter to the site (* No - Twice to site - 1st by OSI agent, 2nd by a Col. Carpenter). It turned out that the wing commander, after a presentation that this fellow made, then took a helicopter to the site and made photographs.

“He says that you can see saucers on the ground. He says there is a kind of cone - a large cone and the larger vehicles come and land on top of the cone with the top of the cone fitting into a hole in the bottom. There is an elevator inside of the cone and that goes down into the mountain or ground about one kilometer. You can see the aliens running around the base getting into the vehicles and stuff. They use small vehicles to get around that have no wheels. They are rectangular in shape and they levitate. They do not show up in color BECAUSE THEY ARE HIGHLY REFLECTIVE, but in B & W they are visible. He says that there are beam weapons that are floating in strategic locations and there is a road into the base. He obtained infra-red photos of the area from an altitude of 14,000 Ft. There is a level highway going into the area that is 36 ft. wide. IT IS A GOVERNMENT ROAD (i.e. part of the off-limits road that goes through the Ute Reservation on the Colorado-New Mexico border? - Branton).


One can see telemetry trailers and buildings that are five sided buildings with a dome. It is standard military procedure. There are many guard points and ‘stakes’ and there are launch domes that one can see. Next to the launch dome HE SAW A BLACK LIMOUSINE AND ANOTHER AT SOME DISTANCE OFF (* Apparently). The careful measurements showed that the limousine was the same length of his Lincoln Town car. IT IS A C.I.A. VEHICLE. ALSO THERE WAS A BLUE VAN. He has been cautioned about these limousines as they will run you off the road if you try to get into the area and in fact somebody has been killed in that manner. To the north is a launch site. THERE ARE TWO WRECKED SHIPS THERE: they are 36 feet with wings, and one can see oxygen and hydrogen tanks. There are four cylindrical objects Socorro type—two carrying something while flying. The whole operation is based upon a government agreement and a technology trade. We get out of it atomic ships that are operated by plutonium. The Cash-Landrum case was one of them.


The doors jammed open and neutron radiation came out. They are based at Kirtland AFB and Holloman AFB (* No - only know of one based at HAFB) and some place in Texas (possibly Ft. Hood, Texas - a guess only). He said the government is paying the hospital bills for the Cash-Landrum victims (* OSI Input - found out later unless someone covering - not true). Refueling of the plutonium is accomplished at Los Alamos. He of this base back to 1948 and it has been there starting in 1948. Pictures in 1962, you can see many saucers and the base and truck... The road was ‘passed off’ to the local inhabitants as a lumber contract. He has photographs (I believe) of the firing of a beam weapon that (?) in two directions. (That would be necessary on a flying saucer.


The reaction forces would impede the vehicle.) He has computed the speeds of (the) flying saucers at 15,000 mph and indicates that THE PILOTS (* of ours) ARE FROM N.S.A., THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY. The aliens (i.e. one particular group? - Branton) have had atomic propulsion system for 48 years and the saucers themselves operate on an electric charge basis having to do with crystal semiconductor and (* Maybe) a super lattice. I think he said ‘as you increase the voltage, the current goes down.’... At present there are six to eight vehicles, maybe up to ten over the area and sometimes up to 100. THEY CAN BE SEEN IN THE CLOUDS. They go into cumulus clouds and produce nitrogen nitride. (* I assume or speculate it is this) YOU WILL SEE BLACK SPOTS IN THE CLOUD. They eat holes in the cloud. If you can see black spots in a cloud, then you can tell that a vehicle is in there.

“He says that they come from six different cultures and in his communications (i.e. accessing the computers, etc. of the underground base - Branton) (he learned that) some come from a binary system, possibly Zeta Reticuli and from distances up to and larger than 32 light years away. They also (* appear to) have one to three ships in earth orbit at 50,000 KM altitude (* Based upon data). He had to form the words to try to communicate and he produced a vocabulary of 627 words in a matrix form and used a computer. The Flying Saucers (* we see) are limited to operation in the atmosphere.

“Now with regard to the cattle problem, the aliens are using the DNA from cattle AND ARE MAKING HUMANOIDS. He got pictures of their video screen. SOME OF THE CREATURES ARE ANIMAL LIKE, some are near human and some are human and short with large head (hu-brids? - Branton). They grow the embryos. After the embryos become active by a year of training presumably that is required for them to become operational. When they die, they go back into the tank. Their parts are recovered.

“In 1979 something happened and the base was closed. There was an argument over weapons and our people were chased out, more than 100 people involved. (Someplace later he indicates further details on this point.)

“The base is 4000 ft. long and our helicopters are going in there all the time. When it became known that he was familiar with all this, the mutilations stopped. (* True) They are taking humanoid embryos out of this base to somewhere else. I asked if it was Albuquerque or Los Alamos, but he said he didn’t know. (Note: 1/8/86 - looks like it is Albuquerque) (subterranean bases below Albuquerque? - Branton) He said there are still quite a few helicopters in operation. They fly at night. (* all unmarked) HE WENT UP THERE HIMSELF IN A HELICOPTER AND THE O.S.I. BRIEFED THE COPTER PILOT AND HE THOUGHT PERHAPS THE COPTER PILOT HIMSELF WAS AN UNDERCOVER MAN. They saw helicopter pads up there - Viet Nam type, with bearing markers and trees pushed off away from the location. It is such a wild area he said. He agreed to send me the coordinates of this base.

“Regarding abductions of people, they pick out medium to low IQ personnel. They are able to scope out each one (so we can do the same thing with electro-magnetic spectrum analyzers). (* I don’t know this part - word mixup - drop). They pick up these people and then put implants into them and then take tissue samples, including ovum from the women, sperm from the men and DNA.

“THEY CAN PROGRAM THESE PEOPLE AS SLAVES TO DO WHATEVER THEY WISH AND THEY WILL HAVE NO MEMORY OF IT. THEY (The Hard Core type) STAUNCHLY REFUSE TO BE X-RAYED OR HYPNOTICALLY REGRESSED.  YOU CAN RECOGNIZE THEM BECAUSE OF THEIR EYES. HE SAYS ‘PECULIAR LOOK IN THE EYES AND A FUNNY SMILE.’ (* An expression) Hynek knows about all of this and has been in contact with Coral (Lorenzen). He regards Hynek as a threat. (* Not really - I just think he is still a Gov. cover) At his house, he showed Hynek films and out in the back yard a flying saucer. He asked Hynek about his view with regard to abductions as to how many people might have been abducted. HYNEK, UNHESITATINGLY SAID ABOUT ONE OUT OF FORTY.

“He said that many people come to his door to see him, just ‘out of the blue’ and he sees scars on the back of their necks. That previous old scars are easy to detect and that new ones are hard to detect. HE FEELS THAT THIS IS A SICKENING SITUATION.

“THE ALIENS HAVE GONE WILD AND USE HYPODERMICS (and notes a ‘parallel four times.’)


(McCampbell: I don’t know what that means) (* I don’t know either). He has been paralyzed four times and has been hit 250 times by hypodermics. He says they knock you cold and they do whatever they want to do and the above points have been verified medically.

“A man came to see him with a top secret document that was dated in the 50’s, indicating if anybody found out about all of this they would kill them. He was asked ‘doesn’t that bother you?’ He said ‘no it didn’t.’

“He said he had sent in some film to Kodak and there were seven rolls. They were Ectachrome G which could not be processed locally, so they had to go to Kodak. He does all of the film work commercially so that nobody could claim that he had ‘monkeyed’ with the film. His films came back, but one of them— one was plain Ectachrome, but (* Was missing for 2 months - when received) nine feet was missing and this was close-ups of UFOs that he had taken. THE MISSING PICTURES OF THE NINE FEET SHOWED UP (* The 9 ft. didn’t - others known only to me did) IN A TOP SECRET DOCUMENT THAT HE STUDIED AND THE CODE NAME IS AQUARIUS AND IT IS A PROJECT OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (* I was told NASA). They are the ones that kept his film and copied it with deletions on Ectrochrome and sent it back (* I suspect).


“THE LOCATION OF THE BASE IS 2 ½ MILES NORTHWEST OF DULCE AND ALMOST OVERLOOKS THE TOWN. IT IS UP ON THE MESA. We discussed the similarity between everything we have been talking about here and the movie ‘CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND’. He said he speculated that seemed to be a plan of disclosure, that is the movie. The coordinates of the location are not far off and the mountain where the actual base is looks much like the mountain in the movie.

“The next thing was—Discussing the trade off—alright. Here is what we got in the trade off. We got atomic technology, the atomic flying ships. Several of them, the first one wrecked on the ground and it can be seen and photographed from the air. A second one wrecked. A third one was wrecked. Apparently this last one was repaired and was the one that was in Houston—near Houston in the Cash-Landrum case. The second item was that we get out of it, are the beam weapons, the beam technology and third (* I speculate) is the thought beam. That is the means by which communication is accomplished. It is electrostatic in character with a magnetic component (* artifact) and it is the only way of communicating with people. They have to have the implants in order to use it. The crash that occurred at the base WHEN THERE WAS A DISTURBANCE OF SOME SORT, THE ALIENS KILLED 66 OF OUR PEOPLE AND 44 GOT AWAY. (* Alien computer input - True? I do not know.)

(Note: Even if Bennewitz was able to ‘link in’ to the alien computer network and discovered certain things, there is the possibility that the aliens may have used this in reverse and fed him with false information, as is their nature. As for the ‘altercation’ at the base, other human sources have confirmed this as we have seen - Branton).


Over an argument—they turned on us.

“...He was familiar with what the aliens called MPS which means manipulations per second—no, manipulations per sequence. (An) electrostatic field that can be manipulated into many configurations and the craft can stall. In order to prevent this, the field is adjusted once every forty milliseconds. He studied the trails from UFOs and they seem to break down into a pulse rate of 62 per second. Based upon the color movie pictures, there seems to be a blast of light and spectral components and composition in there, with a Bow-Wave in front of the UFO with nitrogen showing green and oxygen showing blue, but with the saucer being invisible. They can run into a car or airplane and this Bow-Wave will destroy them. Rockets can hit this Bow-Wave and be destroyed. They can’t penetrate it. At White Sands he was shown pictures of an F-15 shooting rockets with a missile at a target and the saucers came in behind the missile, 30 ft. behind, and then flew through the explosion. He didn’t know what the purpose of the demonstration was, but suspected it might be just to show how invulnerable they are. But sometimes the saucers get into trouble and they are all consumed in some kind of way.

“When he went up to Dulce in a helicopter, they landed and left some equipment there, but then when they came back the pilot was extremely nervous. Paul wanted to land on the base, but the pilot wouldn’t do that. They came back to Dulce and landed at a small strip there, where they found two large Huey helicopters. The Indian (* Highway Patrolman) in charge there named Valdez went aboard one of the choppers AND THEY FOUND THEM TO BE FULL OF COMMANDOS. THEY ESTIMATED A TOTAL OF 75 COMMANDOS, fully armed with M-1 rifles (* No - M16’s) and rockets (* & launchers). They did not have any indication of rank (* Valdez says no - not true - my mistake - I did not get that all). They only had shoulder patches on and the helicopters had no identification other than numbers. The helicopters were part of a project called BLUE LIGHT and they were from Ft. Carson, Colorado (* OSI Input). When they left they were escorted by these two large Huey helicopters.


As they were flying along— in the background, they saw rise up one of the advanced space technology vehicles that looked like a manta ray with a negative dihedral and projections coming down. It flew vertically past two accompanying helicopters. PAUL FEELS THAT IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THIS INFORMATION BE RELEASED BECAUSE HE FEELS THAT IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO BE INVOLVED IN SUCH AN ARRANGEMENT THAT INVADES THE PRIVACY OF THE INDIVIDUALS BY THE IMPLANTATIONS. HE SAID THAT ‘ONCE THEY HAVE BEEN TAMPERED WITH BY THE ALIENS, THEY ARE NEVER THE SAME.’ (I suppose one can easily believe that.) (Jim McCampbell comments) So it appears that, for the privilege of collecting the biological materials in the mutilation of cattle and the abductions and the operations on board the craft, the government has allowed this to go on and even to assist for the privilege of getting the nuclear flight technology, plus also the embryos which are flown out of the base. (A rather fantastic story) (Jim McCampbell comment) Paul strikes me as being an extremely conservative, extremely knowledgeable and reliable scientist, who was intimately familiar with sophisticated laboratory equipment. His is thoroughly scientific and reliable. (Jim McCampbell evaluation)

“...I inquired about the other bases that were referred to in the ‘STIGMATA’ report or article. He said all that he knew (was) that one was to the south, one to the west and one to the east and he doesn’t want to know anything more about it.

“I discussed the prospect of using the paper in the MUFON Proceedings to try to find the center of gravity for the mutilation cases from those maps that run from about 1972 to 1982 or 1983. The word gravity triggered in his mind another connection having to do with the Dept. of Interior that has a gravity dept. and they do in fact survey the United States and publish maps indicating the gravity contours. THERE IS A VERY WEAK GRAVITY at the site near Dulce. He said that the craft are very sensitive to the gravity levels and that SUGGESTED THAT PERHAPS THE OTHER SITES MIGHT ALSO BE LOCATED RELATIVE TO WEAK GRAVITY.

“He indicated that the objects fly in a wobbly way. His pictures have shown that. He says ‘like the rocking of a boat.’ He has measured many right angle turns and also full 180 degree turns in a 20th of a second with the objects still inside the bow-wave. He has also observed and photographed the object or lights moving in a triangular pattern and square patterns. HE SAYS HIGH POWERED RADAR CAN INTERFERE WITH THEM. I reported on the meeting that we had on Sunday afternoon and raised some of the questions that came out of that meeting. One of them was why not remove the implant? He said that this had been discussed and the lady witness finds that acceptable if she can be assured that there can be no nerve damage. He then went into great detail, which exceeds my knowledge of anatomy, in describing the location of the implants.


ONE APPEARS TO BE ADJACENT TO AND EXTERNAL TO THE CORTEX, WHICH I THINK HE INDICATED WAS AT THE BASE OF THE BRAIN. The image of the CATscan is of a very small helix, like it was joining two major nerves near the spinal column. Then on the lateral right side from the back, there is an implant of perhaps like the one above. Another is on the left side. Two others are on the forward part of the skull, which appear to be small 2 millimeter electrodes AGAINST THE RADIAL NERVE. There is a shape to these things which he indicated is like a baby bottle nipple upside down (* This shape is not the implants which - ? - the skull), not the cap part, but just the nipple itself. (I raised the question of the U.S.S.R. satellites seeing this Base)


He acknowledged that and also that ours can certainly see it. He had a discussion with some photo analyst (* OSI photo analyst) who indicated that he had seen tracks up a hill and a launch location that was definitely not a rock but some kind of artificial construction. On the hazard of entering (the) area, I asked about that. He said that there is a risk if we went in on foot, but if a person tried to do that likely that the people would ‘wack them.’ (* I said ‘zap’. The odds are one might be accosted) But he thinks that a helicopter would be safe. But what he wants to do is to do additional aerial surveillance.

Then go in with a group, the larger number of people the better. A Highway Patrolman, a friend of his, is ready to go in at any time. He says one can’t act on impulse. You have to plan out a program. He said four times he had near encounters and one was with this Major Edwards. He had received a mental communication (* No - not received - I asked them mentally - they were apparently scanning me - I don’t ‘receive’ anything mentally.) while watching some UFOs...

“He is president of Thunder Scientific Corporation, a well known operation there, with their specialty being temperature and humidity devices. THEIR EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN ON THE SHUTTLE AND MOST OF THEIR BUSINESS IS WITH THE TOP 500 CORPORATIONS.

“His company is by Sandia on ½ acres and (he is) now building an additional 3500 sq. ft. building. There is another organization called Bennewitz Laboratory which is the research arm of Thunder Scientific Corporation owned 90% by the latter and operated by his three sons. They have invented a hearing device that has no moving parts that makes totally deaf people able to hear and in addition, expanding the frequency range plus 100 HZ on the high side and down to less than 10 HZ on the low frequency end.