B3. Invisible and silent war around us

As it was explained in the previous subsection, whether we like it or not, we are living in a middle of a battlefield. An invisible war with our cosmic parasite is continually being fought around us. The stake in this war is freedom of humanity and the direction in which future development of mankind is going to take. Even if we are not aware of this war, still we are taking our parts in it.


This is because depending on what is our stand in life, we support either one or the other side in that war. For example if we are conservative and morally, verbally, or actively, trying to suppress the truth, or oppress someone who is striving to learn new truths, we are supporting the side of our cosmic parasite. This is because this parasite is interested in keeping us in darkness and submission. Because it is better that we fully understand which side, and how, we are supporting, the subsection that follows is going to explain more about this invisible war.

Let us start from quantifying our enemies. After all, we are officially being told that there are no extraterrestrials on Earth. So no enemies nor allies at all. But this official reassurance is challenged by UFO researchers, who are proving that there are various UFO spaceship arriving on our planet, and these spaceship have crews which frequently are very unfriendly towards people. However, even those sparse ones who remember to see such hostile UFOs, still adhere to a popular belief that these extraterrestrial spaceship are extremely rare, and one of them most probably is here only once for so many years. So how many of these cosmic parasites is currently residing on Earth?

The clue that allows us to estimate the real number of aliens from the cosmic administration, which is currently involved in the occupation and exploitation of Earth, lies in these small scars on legs of UFO abductees that were explained in the subsection B2 of this chapter. As the research shows, these marks exist on legs of all people who are being intensively exploited by extraterrestrials (the research indicates that they all are donors of ovule and sperm). With the help from Poland I managed to conclusively establish how many people statistically carry this mark - the description of research method and results is provided in [1/3] and partially commented in subsection A4. It turned out that on average 33% of the total population of Earth carries this mark - i.e. there is “marked” around 2 billion of people on Earth (or 1.2 million of New Zealanders).


Each person carrying such a mark is being taken on a UFO deck and processed not less than once in each three months. This means that each year on Earth there is carried out not less than 8 billion of abductions (i.e. around 22 million of abductions per each night) - each one connected with an industrial-like extraction of sperm or ovule from an abductee. It can be estimated (and also empirically determined) that the “processing” of each one of them on a UFO deck takes not less than 1 hour. (This “processing” involves not only the extraction of sperm or ovule, but also arrival of a processing vehicle to the abductee’s house, hypnotic demobilisation of abductee, preparation for the extraction, extraction, erasure of memory, dehypnotization, and departure to another abductee.)


By taking a simple assumption that thus each UFO doctor can “process” only 8 abductees a day, the above indicates that our cosmic invader must continually keep on Earth not less than around 3 million of doctors, who are involved only in extracting sperm and ovule from humans. Of course these doctors would not be able to complete their tasks if they would not have some additional staff, such as deliverers (aliens who demobilise, deliver, and prepare abductees at the processing tables), administration staff, managers, cooks, and of course aliens who later take the care of sperm and ovule cloning them into “biorobots”.


If we cautiously assume that there are around 10 of these additional staff members per each sperm and ovule processing doctor, it gives that continually on Earth must reside not less than around 30 million of aliens which do nothing else but extract sperm and ovule from humans. On top of this we must additionally count aliens involved in administration of Earth’s colony, these involved in exploitation of other resources than sperm and ovule (e.g. in exploitation of the life energy and “zwow” energy), in political anti-liberation forces, “death squads”, “men in black” forces, etc. It is not unrealistic to estimate that there is at least one such additional alien per each alien involved in sperm and ovule extraction.


Therefore the total alien population on Earth should be estimated as reaching around 60 millions. This means that there is one invisible alien involved in our occupation per each 100 people from Earth. This is enormously much, and there must be an extremely heavy traffic between our planet and alien home planets (no wonder that the visual monitoring equipment on our space stations is constantly displaying some kind of malfunctioning).

Of course, all these aliens use their UFO vehicles to fly. To-date research show that each alien is strictly assigned as a permanent crew member to a specific vehicle. Furthermore, research on UFO landing sites completed in New Zealand indicates that aliens are organized into mobile flying units, named “fleets”, each such unit containing the following number of UFO vehicles: 1 vehicle of K10 type (with 10 permanent crew members), 2 vehicles of K9 type (with 9 crew members each), 4 of K8 (with 8 crew members), 8 of K7, 16 of K6, 32 of K5, 64 of K4, and 128 vehicles of K3 type (with 3 permanent crew members each).


Thus totally each fleet consists of 255 UFO vehicles which carry 1012 permanent crew members on their boards. This allows us to precisely calculate the number of invisible UFO vehicles that operate in our sky. It turns out that in average there is one UFO vehicle shared by around 4 aliens. In turn by knowing that there is around 4 aliens per one UFO vehicle, we can conclude that continually on Earth there is at least 15 million of invisible alien UFO vehicles suspended somewhere in our skies or hidden in underground caves (i.e. one such invisible vehicle per around 400 people).

If similar calculations are completed for New Zealand, then starting from the total population of 3.6 millions in the year 2000, it turns out that there must be around 36 000 aliens assigned to occupation of New Zealand only (i.e. probably 36 separate flying fleets), which use around 9 000 UFO vehicles. In 2000 New Zealand had almost 6 000 uniformed policemen, and around 1 000 aircraft (of all possible types, i.e. military, commercial, airlines, civilian, private, etc.).


This means that if all these alien forces which occupy New Zealand could be seen with naked eyes, then New Zealanders would see an alien at least 6 times more frequently than they see an uniformed policeman, while they would see a UFO vehicle at least 9 times more frequently than they see an aircraft. This rough approximation probably could also be extended to the rest of world. It appears that Earth can be likened to a very labor-intensive bio-robots breeding farm in which one farm worker attends every 100 heads of breeding studs, while one farm vehicle serves for each 400 heads of breeding studs.

If one realizes the above numbers, hair starts to stand on his/her head. It turns out that our cosmic invaders are so numerous, like Nazis during the World War Two were in countries which they occupied. If these aliens are visible to naked eyes and if they do not hide from us behind the barrier of invisibility, we would see them practically everywhere, i.e. there would be several of them in every large building and on every crossing of streets, while in our skies there would be always visible several their vehicles cruising around.

Of course, the continual presence on Earth such enormous army of aliens which have unlimited powers over humans, introduces various consequences that never before were even considered. One of these consequences is that aliens also have their sexual needs, and, as the Greek and Roman mythologies teach us, these needs are rather extensive (an average randy mythological God used to have several intercourses a day). Surely, they satisfy these needs by raping humans of their personal choice. Only that afterwards they make these raped victims to not remember conscientiously anything.


The result is that practically almost every human at some stage of his/her life is raped by them, and should consider himself/herself to be lucky if is raped by an alien of opposite sex. Some people, who have a bit more attractive bodies, can be raped almost throughout entire their lives. The effect is, that even when humans conscientiously do not remember these rapes, their subconsciousness remembers them very well, thus creating all sorts of problems. For example, sexual problems which can originate from these alien rapes include nervosa, hysteria, coolness, sexual deviations, etc.


On top of these, also various physical, health-related problems are passed to us as well, although usually we do not blame aliens for these. In turn behavioral and psychological problems caused by these unremembered rapes result from the fact that our conscience believes that we are monogamic, while our subconsciousness knows jolly well that we are at least bigamic, because apart from our daily partner, we also have an invisible night lover. For example the most common psychological problem resulting from these alien rapes is the inability to fall in love at the conscious level, because victims are already in love with their alien lovers at the subconsciousness level - the effect being that such victims form partnerships based only on convenience, not on love, and thus prone to easy disintegration, changes of partners, unwillingness to strive for permanency, etc.


(I have a hypothesis, which however still needs to be proved, that many lonely people who in spite of having numerous partners never feel happy and always land single and alone, are actually victims of such unremembered rapes which left them unable to fall in love at the conscientious level.)


It is also amazing how many unrealized sexual behaviors of people originate from these unremembered rapes. For example, the sexual preference of some women that their partner moves very slow, usually is an outcome of behavior of alien rapists who do not move rapidly in and out during the intercourse (like humans do), but after the insertion they remain almost motionless and use the telepathic resonance to induce the orgasm. In turn the preference of some men for the reversed position in which their partner is on the top and remains active, usually is an outcome of these unremembered rapes in which female UFOnauts are taking initiative and carry out all actions, while the hypnotized and paralyzed human male is only a passive participant.


The topic of sexual exploitation of humans is a very urgent one, but because of its extensity, it needs to be addressed in a separate treatise. Apart from technical explanations and implications, it also includes methods of objective verification if someone is a victim of these rapes (there is several such methods developed already), as well as descriptions of methods and devices which are already developed to defend ourselves from these rapes (an example of such a device is discussed in subsection D4).

There is one more consequence of this intensive exploitation of humans, which needs to be mentioned here. It is the unaware parenting of “biorobots”, and the moral & spiritual responsibility which it introduces. As it easily can be calculated, by having extracted at least 4 eggs a year, each ovule donor at the age of around 40 supplies aliens with at least 100 eggs. By the process of cloning combined with the fertilization of each of these clones with the sperm from a different male, these 100 eggs are producing not less then 1000 bio-robots.


Thus at the age of 40 each donor of sperm and ovule is an unaware parent of at least 1000 children which are slaving like animals and constantly suffer somewhere on alien planets. Even that consciously the sperm and ovule donors do not know about this parenting, their subconscious is fully aware of it, and feels responsible for the sea of suffering that it creates. This in turn is a source of various spiritual complications, karmatic effects, telepathic influences, mood changes, horror dreams, psychological burdens, etc.

Of course, such intensive invisible traffic of alien vehicles around our planet introduces numerous consequences also in other areas. One such area, very frequently commented in newspapers, concerns the accidental collisions between our airplanes and invisible UFO vehicles. These are especially unpleasant when a large passenger airliner collides with a large invisible UFO. Although, when a UFO is in an invisible telekinetic state, our airliner passes through its hulk almost without any consequences, still the numerous phenomena caused by the propulsion system of such large invisible UFO may affect our airliner.


The most dangerous of these phenomena are vertical pulls or pushes which occur when the UFO is moving up or down while its spinning magnetic field creates a whirling column of air which is undetectable to radars of our airplanes. Such pulls or pushes are rapidly tossing our airliners, thus injuring passengers and endangering aircraft (as an example consider “United Airlines” flight no 826, on 29 December 1997, when one passenger was killed, and 83 passengers were injured). Unfortunately, our aviation authorities still keep explaining such collisions with invisible UFOs as “natural phenomena”, blaming “clear air’ pockets” for causing them.


Although the majority of these collisions are not fatal, some of them have grieve consequences - as examples consider the famous crash of TWA flight no 800, that took place over Atlantic Ocean on 17 July 1994, with lives of all on the board being lost, or a similar crash of “SwissAir”, flight no 111, on 2 September 1998 (whatever the official explanations of these catastrophes may say, all existing evidence clearly indicates that they were caused by collisions with UFO vehicles).

Now when we know how numerous are forces we are dealing with, it is a time to explain what this invisible war is all about. Well generally, it is about continuous exploitation of humanity, or more strictly about the unlimited access to slaves. After all, the exploitation of humans is the basis for existence of our cosmic parasites whose whole civilization relies on human slavery and on slave labor. However, to continue exploiting us forever, this parasite has only two opinions. Namely it can either keep us in darkness and stupidity so that we do not realize that we are exploited, or can include us into its confederation and then exploit us in an open manner because we become one of its full members. What our cosmic parasite for sure does not want, is to allow us to increase our knowledge to the level that we learn about its existence, and then we break away from its parasitic confederation.


Therefore our cosmic parasite acts accordingly, working towards three strategic directions, namely:

(1) slowing down or reversing backwards our progress and thus continually keeping us in darkness,

(2) spreading on Earth its parasitic philosophy so there is no philosophical difference between us and them and we willingly become members of their parasitic confederation -should our level of knowledge raise so much that further hiding from us becomes impossible,

(3) suppressing, destroying, and terrorizing all attempts towards thinking of our independence.

Let us discuss each of these strategic goals separately.

  1. In order to keep us in darkness and submission, our cosmic parasite uses its technological advantage over us, and also uses all these satanic methods which were described in subsection B2. With the assistance of this technology and these methods, it makes almost impossible our technical and scientific development, sometimes even managing to move our civilisation backward (e.g. as this was accomplished through the Tapanui explosion of 1178, which -after the prosperous antiquity, brought to Earth the darkness of medieval times).


    For example it prepared a list of “forbidden disciplines” and tries to hold back our progress in all these disciplines (to this list, apart from UFO research or research in paleoarchaeology (and recently also paleoastronautics), also such further areas belong as telepathic communication devices, free energy devices, or new propulsion systems - the complete list of the suppressed disciplines is provided in subsection V5.1.1 of monograph [1/3]), it promotes our research in disciplines which lead to,


    • inferior technology

      (e.g. radio communication instead of telepathic communication represented by the pyramid described in this treatise, rocket propulsion instead of magnetic propulsion, combustion sources of energy instead of telekinetic energy and free energy devices)


    • also it manipulates our science into erroneous theories and directions which lead to nowhere and which keep imprisoned our minds

      (e.g. such an erroneous theory which most probably was manipulated into us by our cosmic parasite is the “Theory of Relativity” which took our attention from possibility of telepathic instant communication and telekinetic instant travel, the so-called “Occam Razor” which diverts our attention from extraterrestrials that occupy us, or “Murphi’s Laws” which enforce the believe that “bad luck” events and strange coincidents are “natural”, while in fact most of times they are simply sabotages caused by our invisible parasite).


  2. In order to spread the parasitic philosophy amongst people, our cosmic parasite uses a number of methods. Probably the most effective of these is to disseminate it through the formation of highly destructive, fanatic religions and cults on Earth. In these alien-formed religions and cults all basic principles of the destructive philosophy of aliens are contained -see subsection B5. Fortunately, not all religions on Earth were formed by aliens which occupy us.


    For example Christianity definitely contains components of totalism described in subsection B5, and therefore it is almost sure that Christianity was established on Earth by rivals of the parasitic confederation which currently occupies our planet (this explains why Christianity was always attacked by our cosmic parasites, which continually tried, and still try, to destroy it - see Figure B2). Another manner of superimposing their philosophy on us, is through manipulations on minds of creators of individual philosophical ideas, so that these creators introduce parasitic components to their formal philosophies.


    The result is that almost all formal philosophies on Earth are parasitic ones, and that our academics do not even know that there is a possibility of forming any other type of philosophy than the parasitic one.


  3. In order to suppress all liberation movements, our cosmic parasite uses a whole array of very satanic methods. Probably the most effective of these includes the creation of formal institutions which suppress all seeking for truth (as this was already indicated in subsection B2), or so deviating the atmosphere of the existing institutions that they also perform such suppressing mission. For example, probably the best known of such institutions in past was Inquisition. Presently in New Zealand there are two such suppressive institutions in action.


    One of these is “Sceptic Society” which is well known for publicly “burning on stake” all people who try to seek the truth, while the other one is ... the scientific establishment. Although some people may at this point argue that the scientific establishment is promoting human progress, not suppressing new ideas, I would like these people to explain to me firstly how it happens that this establishment attacks everyone who does research on UFOs, telepathy, or free energy (after all, even if such research could go in a wrong direction, no one gets hurt by this, and therefore there is no justification for discriminating those involved; we should also remember that almost everything that scientists initially claim, later turns out to be wrong), and then explain to me why this establishment went as far as kicking me out from my job at the Otago University if my only crime was that I did an important discovery regarding an alien spaceship explosion near Tapanui in New Zealand (through kicking me out of this establishment has not disproved or invalidated my findings, only managed to shut me up for some time).

Now when we know what this invisible war with our cosmic parasite is all about, it’s time to explain how we take our part in it. Well, the truth is that knowingly or unknowingly we all are already taking such part, only that so-far mostly at the wrong side. The only point is that so far we did not realize that we fight this war, thus our participation was unintentional. Therefore one of the contributions of this publication to our future is that it makes the reader aware of the war, and also makes aware of the side which he/she takes in the fight.

The side we are taking in this invisible war, is not difficult to determine. In general terms, everyone who stands for seeking truth, for development of new ideas, for freedom, for equal rights, for the lack of injustice and suppression, for transparency, for non-bias discussion, for honest addressing of all our problems, for morality, etc., is the active fighter against our cosmic parasites.


Thus also the search for evidence of alien occupation of Earth, or the effort of completing the telepathic pyramid described in this treatise, are some of numerous active fronts of this invisible war. In turn everyone who tries to hold back progress of new ideas, who tries to conserve the old or wrong ways, who in any way spreads or promotes suppression and injustice, who intentionally hurts or discriminates others, who pollutes or destroys our environment, who works behind backs, who hides the truth, who does immoral or deviated things, etc., is an unaware supporter of our cosmic parasite. Such an unaware supporter is also everyone who is passive and takes no sides. This is because he/she is allowing the parasite to act more freely and effectively.

Although it is not obvious from the previous descriptions, it is our personal philosophy that determines which exactly side we are taking in that invisible war. Therefore, in order to be aware on which side we are fighting, and also in order to make our defence and fight more effective, we need to understand that there are two opposite philosophical poles, or philosophical extremes, named parasitism and totalism. Now depending to which of these two opposite poles our personal philosophy is closer, in that invisible war we either support interests of our cosmic parasites, or interests of the human race.


However, in order to understand to which of them our personal philosophy is closer, firstly we need to know what are moral laws and how we can go about obeying them.





B4. Moral laws

It was explained in subsection B1 that according to the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity there are two primary fields which prevail across both worlds of our universe, embedding their influence on practically everything. Both these primary fields are dipolar, having each of their two poles extending into a different world.


These are the gravity field and the moral field. The gravity field originates in our physical world, but it propagates its outlet (O) pole into the counter-world, where it affects all physical-type phenomena occurring in counter-matter. The moral field originates in the intelligent counter-world, but propagates its outlet (O) pole into our physical world where it affects all moral-type phenomena involving material objects. These two primary fields remain invisible to our eyes, and we can only deduct their existence from the effects they have on motion of media that they affect. For us, the gravity field manifests itself every time when a motion of masses is taking place.


Thus the action of this field we can best experience with our senses when we move upwards or downwards of this field (e.g. when we walk uphill or downhill). In such cases our motion through the gravity field causes two observable consequences, namely

(1) the transformation of the physical energy, and

(2) the alteration of a special algorithm which governs our dynamic coexistence with the gravity field, and which present physics knows under the name of “time”.

(Note that according to the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity, time is an algorithm which is attached separately to each material object, and which executes the dynamic transformations of this object, not an additional dimension of the universe as present physicists claim. Therefore, according to the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity, time can be technically altered or tempered with, the same way as we alter computer programs, thus allowing selected objects to travel in time both forward or backward, as well as slow down or accelerate their elapse of time. More details on the understanding of time in the new Concept of Dipolar gravity is provided in subsections H12 and M1 of monograph [1/3].)

Especially the transformation of physical energy is easily observable when we move across the gravitational field, because when we move upward of this field it costs us the physical effort to overcome it and to increase our potential energy, while when we move downward of the gravitational field our potential energy is being released, and thus assists us in that motion, making it easy and effortless. Both, the physical energy and time, are well known to everyone, because the whole disciplines of present science, such as physics, mechanics, astronomy, biology, etc., are devoted to their description and to the investigating their influence on our lives.

The other primary field of our universe, the moral field, has an intellectual (not physical) nature. For us, it manifests its action every time when a motion of motivation is taking place. Thus the action of this field can be best experienced for example when we are thinking of something that alters our motivations, when we make decisions based on various motivations, when we need to take stands which reveal our motivations, when we supposed to do something or react somehow, etc.


Similarly as this is with the gravity field, also the moral field we can perceive with our senses when we move upwards or downwards of this field. In such cases our motion through the moral field causes two observable consequences, namely

(1) the transformation of the special kind of moral energy, which the philosophy of totalism names “zwow” (“zwow” originates from the Polish words which quantitatively describe “free will”), and

(2) the alteration of a special algorithm which governs our coexistence with the moral field, and which the philosophy of totalism names with the Hinduistic terminology “karma”.

(Note that according to the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity “karma” is an algorithm, i.e. a moral equivalent of time, which we alter each time when our motivations move through this moral field. Therefore, according to the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, our karma also can be altered or tempered with, the same way as we alter computer programs, thus allowing us to technically change our karma, give it to other people, etc. Note, however, that the philosophy of totalism forbids us to carry out any technical alterations of karma, and insists that karma can only be altered in a natural manner, through the action of moral laws. More about karma algorithm is explained in subsection H8.2.2.1 of monograph [1/3].)


Especially the transformation of moral energy zwow is easily observable when we move across the moral field, because when we move upward of this field, it costs us the putting in a significant effort to overcome this field and to increase our energy zwow, while when we move downward of the moral field, our energy zwow is being released and thus assists us in that motion making it easy, effortless, and pleasurable (this is why “doing moral things is always difficult” while “doing immoral things is always easy and pleasurable”).


Because from the school age we are only trained in the sensual detection of gravity field action, while so-far no one trained us in the detecting with our senses the action of the moral field, perhaps at this point it would be a beneficial to provide some life examples which realise to us how to detect this moral field in action. Well, let us take a typical example of sitting in our office and the telephone rings at the other end of that office. If we decide to get up from our seat and reply to this telephone, we need to move our motivation uphill of the moral field, thus it would cost us noticeable effort. So the reluctance and laziness we feel against answering this telephone, is one of numerous manifestations of the existence of that moral field.


Other manifestations of this field we experience whatever we need to do, as always before doing this we either need to overcome in ourselves the resistance that this field is imposing on our motivation, or we need to resist the pressure (temptation) this field is making on our thirst for pleasure. Of course, because - similarly to gravity, the moral field is invisible, we do not know in which direction it is “uphill”. But this uphill direction always is correctly indicated by our senses, because “uphill in the moral field is always opposite to the direction of least resistance”, while “downhill in the moral field is always along the direction of the least resistance”.

Our motion within the moral field leads to the accumulation in us, or to dispersion from us, of a special kind of moral energy, which is called zwow. Although so far we were not aware of the existence of this energy, it is extremely important to us, as the total amount of zwow that we managed to accumulate defines how our intellect feels. Generally speaking, the more of this energy we managed to accumulate, the more good and more happy we feel, and the wider are our capabilities to execute our free will. In turn the less of this energy remains in us, the worse and more depressed we feel, and the lower our intellectual capabilities of accomplishing anything are. If the level of this energy drops down to zero, we must die in a characteristic manner which I call the “moral suffocation”.


It is a very dramatic way of dying, which leaves bad memories in everyone around us, because it occurs when the physical body is healthy and does not want to die, while our intellect is very sick and thus is raging violently in convulsions. Actually it appears that present days the death by “moral suffocation” is the most common type of death of humans on Earth, which is also a kind of warning how low our morality fell down.


The actual level of zwow energy that someone accumulated at a given moment of time is best to be expressed by a special “saturation coefficient (m)” which can be defined as:

m = E/Emax (1B4) where:

symbol (E) is the total amount of zwow energy that someone managed to accumulate at a given moment of time (this amount is expressed by equation (3B4) or (4B4)), while

symbol (Emax) represents the moral capacity of this person, i.e. the maximal amount of “zwow” energy that theoretically speaking this person could gather in a given moral environment.

Note that I determined experimentally what is the value of (Emax) for myself, and received the result that it is equal to around Emax = 2000 [hps]. Most probably also other people have a similar moral capacity. The unit of zwow energy which I am using at the moment is 1 [hps], i.e. one [hour of physical struggle]. Such a unit is very handy because it is extremely descriptive, and at this early stage of the development of our investigations into the moral field it well illustrates how much effort it costs someone to generate or accumulate the amount of zwow equal to this unit. One [hps] can be easily imagined as a kind of moral equivalent to “kilo-watt-hour” used to measure energy in our electricity-meters.


It can be defined as:

“one hour of physical struggle, or 1 [hps], is such amount of the zwow energy, which a single person is capable to generate through a morally positive physical work carried out without the visual contact with the recipients of this work, if he/she physically is going to work very hard by a whole hour, and he/she is going to put in this hard struggle the entire contribution of the multilevel feelings (i.e. pain, tiredness, sweat, sleepiness, boredom, etc.) that normally it is possible to withstand, and also the entire load of positive moral motivations that a typical person is capable to induce in himself/herself.”

The saturation coefficient (m) is more useful in describing the amount of moral energy that people accumulated, than the assessment of the total value (E) of this energy. This is because by knowing how much someone is saturated with the zwow energy, we actually know almost everything about this person. For example people whose (m) is at the level m<0.1 (i.e. who allowed their zwow to drop below 10% of their capacity) are in the state of moral agony and they are soon to die because their morality is in such a destructive state that they are unable to lift the level of their zwow just by themselves, while when their zwow drops to m=0 their intellects will morally suffocate. People whose (m) is at the level between m=0.1 and m=0.3 are in a state of moral marasma.


They are almost chronically in deep depression, they have suicidal tendencies, they are very destructive, and they are unable to do anything constructive apart from complaining and being unhappy with everything. People whose (m) is at the level m=0.4 are rather cheerful, helpful and satisfied with the life. People whose (m) is at the level m=0.5 lead very happy lives, are satisfied with everything, are very helpful to others, and are liked by almost everyone whose (m) exceeds the value of m>0.4, finally people whose (m) exceeds the special barrier of mnirvana=0.6, reach the state of permanent happiness which is commonly known under the name of “nirvana”. In this state people feel a kind of dynamic happiness turbulently bursting from inside of them, which is difficult to describe, but which feels extremely pleasant.


This state can last sometimes for months, i.e. until the coefficient (m) of these people, due for the natural dissipation of the zwow energy, which at the nirvana level of (m) amounts to a very high level of e=-3 [hps/day], drops down below the value of mnirvana=0.6. Because some professions, for example nurses, without knowing it, carry out activities which intensively increase their level of (m), people in these professions may achieve nirvana without learning the philosophy of totalism, thus also without knowing what is the source of this strong happiness that they feel. Actually I used to know two nurses, one of them living in New Zealand, the other in Poland, who accomplished nirvana without even realizing what was happening to them.

Because of the existence of these two different primary fields, i.e. gravity field and moral field, every thinking organism that has a capability to move in these two fields, including human beings, animals, all races of aliens from the entire universe, etc., is subjected simultaneously to two different types of laws. The laws of universe which govern the behavior of their masses within the gravity field are called “physical laws”. In turn the laws of universe which govern the behavior of their motivations within the moral field are called “moral laws”. Physical laws are relatively easy to detect.


Therefore they are already known by every civilization at quite early level of its development. Our science managed to learn about them relatively well. However, moral laws are much more difficult to detect. Therefore their knowledge is an attribute unique to advanced civilizations only. Actually, the basic criterion which distinguishes advanced civilizations from primitive civilizations is the knowledge of moral laws. It should be clearly stated that our cosmic parasites which currently occupy Earth and exploit humanity jolly well know about the existence and action of moral laws, while our human civilization does not know, as yet, that moral laws do exist and do operate in practice. For that reason this subsection is devoted to their brief descriptions (more comprehensive description and list of these moral laws is contained in monograph [1/3]).

So let us now explain more exactly what these “moral laws” are. Well, generally speaking the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity is stating that there is another world in our universe, called counter-world, which prevails at the other pole of the dipolar gravitational field. This other world is filled up with an unusual substance, called counter-matter, the properties of which are the exact reversal of properties of our matter. These properties include, amongst others, intelligence. This means that counter-matter is intelligent in its natural constitution, i.e. it can think and can remember. Of course, a huge counter-world filled up with thinking and remembering substance actually operates like a huge “natural computer”, the size of which is that of size of the whole universe.


This huge natural computer contained in the counter-world is what religions call “God". The new Concept of Dipolar Gravity calls it the “universal intellect”. Because the new Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains the existence, location, and basic properties of the universal intellect (God), so far it is the only consistent scientific theory on Earth which not only clarifies that God in fact does exist, but also explains how God looks like, how it operates, what is our relationship with it, etc.

Now, a next fact which the Concept of Dipolar Gravity reveals, is that this huge natural computer maintains a set of algorithms which on one hand are defining this moral field that infiltrates the entire universe, on the other hand they continually trace the motion of our motivations through this moral field. Therefore, the existence of this moral field, in connection with algorithms of the “natural computer” from the counter-world, have such consequence that our every action produces two different effects. Firstly our every action translates into a special form of energy (i.e. that already explained as “zwow”) which represents the amount of moral work we put in this moral field, secondly it creates a special kind of algorithm (i.e. that already explained as “karma”) which records the feelings of other people which were directed at us when we did this particular moral work.


Therefore, when we for example lift ourselves upward of this moral field, the amount of the energy zwow will increase in us, in a manner similar like when we move upward of a gravity field the amount of our potential energy is also increased. In the same way, if we move downward of this moral field, the amount of our “zwow” energy is dropping down in a manner similar to potential energy dropping down when we move downhill. Because of this analogy between energy “zwow” and potential energy of the gravity field, we have no difficulty with understanding the concept of moral energy.


But probably we have some problem with concept of “karma” - as this is a new concept and our schools are not teaching it. Well, “karma” could be imagined as a path which one is leaving when moving in a dense jungle. So if the motion in moral field would be compared to the motion on a mountain which is covered with a dense jungle, then every step in this jungle leaves a path, or a kind of algorithm, behind us. This path, since once created, is connecting us to the jungle as long until someone else uses it (then it becomes someone else’s karma).


Because this path, or karma, is already there, therefore if someone else wishes to move in our trail, he/she will use it. Therefore karma takes the control, for example, over the moral return to our actions - i.e. that whatever kind of feelings we induced in someone else, the same feelings will also be induced in us; over our fate - i.e. that specific events are choosing to affect us (not others); etc.

The unique attribute of the moral field is that the total consequences of our movements in this field depend on the moral content of whatever we are doing. For example, if we say sweet lies about something, we do not need to put any effort in our expressions, but we go downhill of this moral field thus our zwow energy is getting lower. Therefore our sweet lies are not accumulating in us any zwow energy which in the future would bring us some “earnable” returns, while the karma algorithms which they generate creates a channel through which in future sweet lies of others will affect us. In turn if we say the painful truth to someone, it costs us a lot of moral effort to express it, but our zwow energy is increasing and one day this energy will convert into “earned” returns.


Because every single motivation, attitude, thought, word, action, etc., causes this zwow energy either to go up or to go down, there is a special type of laws which govern the behavior of this moral field, govern moral energy zwow, govern moral algorithms karma, and also govern all mechanism which connected all of them with the physical world. These are moral laws. Therefore moral laws we could explain as laws of the universe which describe the behavior and property of this moral field that generates or reduces the “zwow” energy, describe the behavior and properties of the moral energy “zwow”, describe the properties and behavior of the moral algorithms called “karma”, describe the consequences of accumulating and reduction of the “zwow” energy and karma, describe all mechanisms related to moral field, moral energy “zwow”, and moral algorithm “karma”, etc.


In short moral laws can be described as “equivalent of physical laws but portraying to moral field instead of gravity field”. Note that the existence and operation of moral laws can be confirmed in a number of manners. It can be deduced theoretically, and then verified on the basis of our own lives. It can also be proven empirically, by researching real lives of any selected real people (unfortunately, so far, scientific fraternity is not rushing to complete such research, in spite that the existence and operation of moral laws was discovered and published as long ago as in 1985).

Moral laws differ from physical laws not only because they describe the mental motion of our motivations in the moral field - instead of physical motion of masses in the gravity field, but also because they are not involving time. All physical laws have time embedded into them, because time is an algorithm which is generated in every case when the motion of masses occurs in gravity field. So all physical laws are giving their return in a predefined time. With the moral laws is different, because mental motion of motivations in moral field generates karma, not time. This means that the return from moral laws is not reaching us in any defined time, but reaches us whenever circumstances are right for our karma to materialize itself. For example in my own case most of the karma materializes within around 5 years since it is generated, although some karma must wait tens of years until the current circumstances in which I am, are allowing its materialization.

Let us now review some examples of moral laws. Below I am providing three of them, which in my opinion represent three basic types of these laws, and which should give the reader some idea as to what all moral laws are about. Note that each of these three moral laws is very similar to one of physical laws, thus very similar to what is already identified and learned by people. Of course, these three do not exhaust or represent all moral laws, as in operation there is a large number of them, and it is going to keep busy numerous generations of totallists to identify and learn all of them.


Actually a clue as to how many different moral laws are there, may give us the total number of already known physical laws, as every physical law is simply a gravitational equivalent of appropriate moral law. One can even learn new moral laws by simple translation of physical terminology from physical laws into moral terminology used in moral laws, for example translate physical term “energy” into moral term “moral energy zwow”, “force” into “feeling” or “emotion”, “way or dislocation” into “motivation”, “gravity” or any other physical field into “moral field”, etc.


Here are these three examples of moral laws.


  1. The Boomerang Principle.

    It is the most basic of all moral laws. It states that “whatever feeling you cause in others, unspecified time later exactly the same feeling is also going to be experienced by you” (what roughly translates into the effect that “whatever you do to others, the same is going to be done to you”). The Boomerang Principle is the moral equivalent of the physical “action and reaction” law, which states that “with whatever force you hit a wall, the wall is also hitting you with exactly the same force”.


    The operation of this principle depends on the fact that during doing anything that affects others, we always cause the conversion of physical energy into the moral energy zwow (i.e. we turn action into zwow). Later this moral energy zwow wants to convert itself back into action, and only waits into an opportunity to do this converting. Of course, independently of converting energy, our action also generates in the counter-world appropriate “karma” algorithms which describe how this energy zwow can convert itself back into action. The moral energy zwow, together with karma algorithms, could be compared to the air compressed (or vacuumed) in a bottle, which slowly pushes the cork, or to a spring in an old type of mechanical clocks which gradually unwinds itself propelling the clock.


    So whenever an opportunity arises in our vicinity, this energy zwow is activating itself through these karma algorithms and converts itself into action which is a mirror reflection of action that originally generated this energy. In such a manner the mobility of the zwow energy causes that as soon as such opportunity arises, whatever feelings we induced in others, these feelings are returned back to us.


  2. The Principle of Counterpolarity.

    This moral principle states that “in our universe nothing can be generated with a single polarity only, and therefore everything is always generated with the balanced amounts of both poles simultaneously”. To explain what this means, whatever is generated in this universe, it always is generated with the same amount of positives, as negatives of it (or Ns and Ss, or Ins and Outs).


    For example, if we generate electricity, we do not generate only positive charges, but always generate also negative charges in the same numbers as positive ones. The same happens when we produce forces - we do not produce only intended actions but also unintended reactions. Similarly, if we generate love, we simultaneously generate the same amount of hatred, and vice versa. If we generate pain we simultaneously generate the same amount of pleasure. Also doing any type of good deeds, causes the same amount of bad, and vice versa. Etc., etc.


    The reason why for all phenomena occurring in the moral field usually we do not see the other pole than the one we concentrate on, is that this counterpole in all moral phenomena typically manifests itself in another area, emerges at a different time, is directed towards other objects, takes a different form, comes to us from other people, etc. The Principle of Counterpolarity is a moral equivalent to the physical “law of balance” which states that “incoming must always balance outgoing”, or the physical “law of equilibrium” which states approximately that “in equilibrium the sum of all actions must balance to zero”. For those who learn how to utilise practically this moral law, it has an enormous range of different applications.


    For example it provides a starting equation which allows to express mathematically, or to quantify, the majority of moral laws. It also provides a totallistic recipe how to neutralize unwanted feelings, how to withstand undesirable pressures, how to put up a moral and peaceful resistance, etc.

The Principle of Counterpolarity exerts a powerful influence on practically every aspect of our lives. One of the areas of such influence, which we are not aware of, and therefore which is worth explaining here, are feelings. According to this principle, whenever someone generates an aware feeling, then without knowing it he/she simultaneously generates the same amount of unaware anti-feeling.


Both, the aware feeling and unaware anti-feeling one can imagine as a kind of opposite electric charges - positive and negative (or as a couple of mutually opposing forces action and reaction). The aware feeling is usually formed into a type of lightning bolt which strikes the object of our feelings. In the result, when this aware feeling is positive - the stricken objects experiences pleasure, but when it is negative - the stricken object experiences unpleasantness. In turn the unaware anti-feeling accumulates in us, and awaits for an occasion to strike someone.

Therefore, if for example we generate a feeling of love to someone, we can imagine this love as a bolt of positive lightning which strikes the person we love, and which gives this person a pleasant experience. But without knowing this, together with this love we also generate the anti-feeling of hatred of an equal amount, which accumulates in us and which only waits to strike someone near us. If there is no-one onto whom we could discharge this anti-feeling, the bolt of hatred may accidentally strike the very person we loved only a while earlier.


Because of this unaware anti-feeling, many couples in love viciously argue shortly after they made love (hence the English proverb: “The course of true love never runs smooth”; or a Polish proverb: “kto sie lubi ten sie czubi” approximately meaning “these who love must also fight”). Also because of this principle the football fans are causing street fights after on a stadium they euphorically discharged their admiration to the favorite football team.

The Principle of Counterpolarity practically invalidates the whole to-date approach to feelings which was disseminated by various philosophies, religions, naturalistic groups, official science of psychology, etc. After all, the majority of them were encouraging us to generate love completely being unaware that according to this principle together with love we generate the equal amount of destructive hatred. Slightly more agreeable with this principle is Buddhism which encourages us to avoid the generation of any feelings which are above-threshold. Unfortunately it does not explain why, while by promoting the reserve towards feelings it deprives the adherers a very important ingredient of pleasures and funs of life.


Only the philosophy of totalism started to discover the similarities of feelings to physical forces and to electrical charges, and started to discover laws that govern them. Totalism recognizes the generation of feelings as a natural consequence of leading a normal, healthy, and happy life. Therefore it directs the attention not towards utopian generating only love at all costs (as various home-grown gurus are trying to teach us thus completely disregarding the Principle of Counterpolarity), or towards ascetic suppression of all feelings (as Buddhism teaches us), but towards learning laws that govern feelings and towards skilful using these laws to increase the quality of our lives.


Totalism teaches us that with feelings we should deal in the same way as engineers deal with physical forces or electrical charges - i.e. we should learn laws that govern their behavior and then utilize these laws in our everyday life. For example, one of the skills resulting from the recommendations of totalism is to form a kind of closed circuits for feelings (like these formed in electrical appliances for flow of charges or in physical structures for balancing action and reaction forces) so that undesirable feelings are neutralized while the positive feelings are being enhanced. On just such a closed circuit is based a method of peaceful resistance/defense described below.

The method of peaceful resistance is a morally correct self-defence method which results from the practical applications of the Principle of Counterpolarity. It is described here because it displays a direct connection with the goals and content of this treatise. This method is extremely effective in all situations when someone is attacked verbally, or via any subversive campaign, and when the attackers are telepathically or hypnotically programmed collaborators of our cosmic parasite (for example in situations described in subsection A1).


If the attacked person adheres to totalism, the method described here provides an excellent means of defense, which is peaceful and fully agreeable with the content of moral laws. In cases of such attacks, the Principle of Counterpolarity recommends to do as follows:

  1. allow our attackers to generate as much negative feelings as they wish, and to spread as many lays as they may like,

  2. do not generate in ourselves any feelings at all, or, if we are able, generate only positive feelings - the easiest way to accomplish this is to tell ourselves that the collaborators are actually “poor little things” as they allow our cosmic parasites to manipulate on their feelings and actions in such a powerful manner, and also to tell ourselves that the real source of our problems are cosmic parasites - not the muppets/collaborators that are used to exert problems on us,

  3. concentrate on consequences of problems that are caused by our attackers, not on collaborators that cause these problems - trying to logically and coldly determine how these consequences affect us, and also how they affect all other people around us,

  4. impartially and without any negative feelings: tell/inform everyone around us that such-and-such people are attacking us, how exactly they are attacking us, what consequences these attacks are going to bring for us, and what consequences they are going to bring to all other people around us.

Although the sparse information regarding totalism provided in this treatise does not allow to explain exactly how this method of peaceful resistance works, generally it utilizes numerous similarities existing between feelings and physical forces, plus it utilizes the way that the Principle of Counterpolarity works. In order to summarize this explanation briefly, our attackers always generate a lot of negative feelings to attack us (these negative feeling we can imagine as a cloud of lightning bolts that try to strike us).


If in response to these feelings we also generate negative feelings, our own feelings are confronting feelings of attackers, and thus we accept the attack on ourselves, trying to withstand it alone. But if we do not generate any feelings in response to a given attack, or generate only positive feelings (e.g. we feel sorry for the attackers, or like good points in them), we do not accept forces/feelings that are directed at us. Thus these forces/feelings pass through us with no effect and spread in our environment (this we can imagine that, because we are not generating any feelings, for these deadly incoming lightning bolts we are like electrically neutral air through which they pass without any resistance or harm).


So, if simultaneously we tell everyone around us the entire truth about the attack, and about the consequences this attack is going to bring to us and to others, our environment forms a kind of closed circuit which generates feelings that either are to oppose feelings generated by the attackers, or neutralize feelings of attackers. Therefore it is our environment which is going to fight down these attackers for us.


The self-defense method described above works almost miracles, and it always surprises me in action because its results manifest themselves in manners which at our level of knowledge sometimes cannot be explained. For myself it already proved itself surprisingly effective (e.g. in the attempt of firing me from my job, as described in subsection A1). However, initially it is very difficult to implement correctly, because we have a natural tendency to response with the same feelings as these generated towards us by our attackers. But when used correctly, it is a perfect illustration of the Principle of Counterpolarity.


For example, if we manage to induce in ourselves only positive feelings towards our attackers, then we actually attract towards ourselves also the positive feelings which attackers generate together with the negative ones, but which they try to direct elsewhere. Therefore such positive feelings compel attackers to feel positively towards us and even to assist us in our defense.


Of course, while implementing this method, we need to remember that the final outcome is depending on such factors as:

  1. how well we managed to extinguish the negative feelings in ourselves (i.e. the stronger are our negative feelings, the smaller is the response of our environment and the larger portion of attack we need to take on ourselves),

  2. how many people we managed to brief into a given attack,

  3. how well we managed to deduce and to present the true implication that a given attack has for us and for other people,

  4. what is the state of morality in people who support our side.

  1. The Energy Conversion Principle.

    This moral principle states that “whenever in a closed system there is a conversion between moral and physical energies, the sum of both types of energies before and after the conversion remains unchanged”.


    This can be expressed as:


    • EB + PB = EA + PA (2B4) where: EB and EA are moral energies before and after the conversion, while PB and PA are physical energies before and after the conversion. (Note that physical energies are potential energy and kinetic energy which are defined and mathematically expressed in exactly the same manner as present science defines and expresses them.)


    The moral energies EB and EA from the equation (2B4) are defined by the following formula:


    • E = FS + Sh(mg/mr)fs (3B4)

      where subsequent symbols carry the following meaning:

      • (F) i (S) are feelings (F) and motivations (S) of a giver (that means these are feelings and motivations generated within the person who is causing a conversion of energies under the analysis);

      • (f) i (s) are feelings (f) and motivations (s) of receivers (that means these are feelings and motivations which are induced in any of people who receive products of the activity that causes this particular conversion of energies) - note that in the formulas for moral energy “zwow” upper case Latin letters always concerns the giver, while lower case Latin letters always concern the receiver of a specific moral activity;

      • symbol (S) means the process of summing along all recipients of a considered activity (e.g. if the giver is a teacher, then symbol (S) would mean the sum of feelings (f) multiplied by motivations (s) that were generated in all students of this teacher);

      • coefficient (h) represents the efficiency of the telepathic communication between the giver and the receiver of the analyzed activity (note that if receivers do not see the giver with their own eyes, the value of (h) drops so much that practically it can be assumed h=0;

      • for this reason for all activities carried out without the visual contact between the giver and receivers, a simplified equation is in power which takes the form (4B4): E = FS);

      • coefficients (mg/mr) are expressing the moral compatibility of the giver and a receiver, that means the mutual ratio of their levels of saturation with zwow energy.


      Note that the feeling (f) of receivers not always must be positive and in some cases it can be negative (i.e. a given action caused pain, jealousy, or hatred) even if the giver generates positive feeling (F). Similarly the motivation (s) of the receiver not always must be positive and in some negatively motivated people it can take negative values (e.g. represent intentions of causing pain, or represent a disapproval of a given action).


      Therefore, there are situations when acting within the sight of recipients of our efforts, instead of increasing our moral energy (E), we can decrease this energy (for this reason “totalism”, as well as some religions - the creators of which knew about the action of the Energy Conversion Principle, do not recommend doing good deeds in a manner that recipients know who did them - they state that good deeds should be done anonymously).


    In order to explain in simple words what the Energy Conversion Principle means, it is providing mathematical foundations which realize that whenever we carry out an activity which generates any moral energy, we simultaneously must contribute to this activity the equivalent amount of physical energy, and vice versa. It is because of this principle that whenever we climb “uphill” of the moral field, we must put a noticeable physical effort into this climbing, whereas whenever we slide “downhill” of the moral field, we do this effortlessly and with generating a noticeable amount of pleasure.

    The Energy Conversion Principle is the moral equivalent of the physical “principle of conservation of energy”, which states that “when a rigid body, or a system of rigid bodies, moves under the action of conservative forces, the sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the system remains constant”. This moral principle is equally important as its physical counterpart, and can be utilized in countless occasions when moral effects of anyone’s actions are to be calculated or quantified.


    For example, it can be used for determining the amount of mental work being equivalent to a given physical work, as according to equation (2B4) every type of mental work depends on the motion of our motion within the moral field and therefore it must cause the conversion of physical energy into moral zwow. Actually the Energy Conversion Principle forms one of the basic principles of the new discipline named “Totallistic Mechanics” which is described in monograph [1/3].


    This new discipline allows us to calculate such matters as amount of someone’s effort when this person wishes to reach the state of nirvana, or amounts of moral energy generated during various physical activities, etc. In turn having a tool which allows such calculations, gives moral phenomena the same power of utilization as currently physical phenomena have. Thus the only reason why people still break moral laws and continually get punished for this breaking, is that the knowledge about these laws, although already published and available for people, is blocked by our cosmic parasite from being disseminated.

The knowledge and obedience of moral laws carries the potential to revolutionize the social structure of our civilization. In order to comprehend how much these laws may change in our societies, it is sufficient to realize that people who believe in the existence and operation of moral laws, work hard without any supervision, and behave morally without any watch dogs. After all, they are motivated and disciplined by moral laws, so they work to their best and behave morally just for the sake of these laws.


Therefore societies which recognize moral laws, and which obey these laws in practice, do not need to be shaped like steep pyramids (as our present populations do). After all, these steep social pyramids are only needed when the working class is to be constantly watched and supervised by those positioned higher in the social hierarchy. Thus societies which respect moral laws can function perfectly well without governments, politicians, directors, police forces, etc., i.e. without some people oppressing, controlling, and exploiting other people.

Of course, every type of laws can be obeyed or broken. If one breaks physical laws there is no disastrous consequence to the offender. Therefore the physical laws can be broken or obeyed as anyone pleases. But with moral laws is different. As every civilization painfully learns this, breaking or disobeying these laws is always severely punished.


The punishment for breaking moral laws is so severe that no advanced civilization nor advanced being which knows about the existence of these laws ever dares to just break them. Of course, primitive civilizations or primitive individuals, like us at present, break these laws all the time, simply because they do not know about their existence. However, breaking them only because someone does not know about them, is not releasing from the punishment. It is because of this severe punishment continuously served to us for breaking moral laws that the life on Earth is so difficult and so full of suffering.

The severe punishment which always is served for breaking moral laws makes them especially important. This punishment is even the reason for dividing all advanced civilizations which populate the universe into two opposite blocks or confederations. This is because both these blocks differ between themselves in the interpretation of the computer-like mechanism which executes the punishment for breaking these laws.


Because this mechanism operates like a single natural computer, both these blocks call it with the similar name “God", and differ amongst themselves only in how this name “God" is defined. One of these blocks (parasitic) is of the opinion that this “God" is simply a huge complex of algorithms and execution mechanisms which do not have their own self-awareness, thus which operate in a machine-like manner.


Therefore this parasitic block sees its parasitic “God" in a limited, atheistic manner -just considering it to be a kind of huge “natural computer” which does not have its self-awareness, its goals, its plans, etc. In turn other of these two blocks (totalistic) considers its “God" to have a self-awareness and to be a kind of “universal intellect” that behaves like every other intellect, including that of humans. Therefore this totalistic block of advanced cosmic civilizations sees its totalistic “God" in the same manner as Christianity does, i.e. it believes that God has self-awareness, plans, goals, strategies, etc., i.e. has everything that every human intellect also has.

The above discloses that there are these two major definitions and interpretations of the idea of God. One of these our present terminology could call “atheistic”. It limits God to be simply a kind of logical mechanism embedded into the natural computer called universe (i.e. it is NOT a human-like intellect carrying its self-awareness and identity) the operation of which is an outcome, not a source, of operation of our universe. The other one in our present terminology could be called “deistic”.


It acknowledges the existence of a superior being, usually called with the name God, which displays a human-like intellect and thus has His own self-awareness and His own identity, and also who created laws which govern our universe accordingly to His intentions, therefore who bears the authority over these laws. In the light of these two interpretations of God, the term “atheism” needs to be redefined. In this new definition “atheism” is not only the manner of describing world around us without the use of idea of “God", but also the limited manner of defining the idea of “God".


As this was proven here, “atheism” can also be a system in which the idea of “God" is used, but this atheistic “God" is deprived the attributes of an universal intellect, especially the attributes of self-awareness, identity, and authority over moral laws. Therefore in the light of this publication there are two different forms of atheism: crude and subtle. In the crude atheism the existence of God is denied. Thus adherers of the crude atheism simply claim that God does not exists at all, and use another terms like nature, natural laws, universe, etc., to express what usually is described with the term “God". In turn in the subtle form of atheism the existence of God is acknowledged, but the authority and/or identity of God is denied.


Thus adherers of the subtle form of atheism are acknowledging that some thinking component of the universe does exist, and they call this component with the term “God", but they either deny this God the authority (i.e. they request that this God is to be worshipped, while laws to be obeyed are these proclaimed by humans on the God’s behalf), or deny his identity (i.e. they claim that this God has no self-awareness, thus behaves in an automatic manner like a computer-type machine, not like living intellects).

Of course the fact that the “subtle form of atheism” does exists and is externally similar but internally opposite to “deism”, introduces enormous implications. One important such implication is that all religions on Earth needs to be reclassified. This is because many religions, in spite of using the idea of “God", and in spite of making their believers to do various things for this “God", actually are fully atheistic, or more strictly in their core missions they actually deny the authority and identity of God. In order to illustrate this subtle denial on an example, if the present “green movement” would call nature with the term “God", then it would turn to be another religion because it would keep its adherers preoccupied with doing various things to that “God", or in the name of that “God".


However, in spite of making its adherers so busy with “God", this “green movement” would still remain “atheistic” because it would deny its “God" to have authority over the laws of the universe and deny its individual identity (now hypothetically consider what could happen if the Nazi political party would start call their Hitler with the name of God - could we without the knowledge of moral laws distinguish such “Nazi religion” from some of the existing barbaric religions or cults, and could we expose that their “God" significantly differs from totalistic God).


The other important implication of the existence of “subtle form of atheism” is that by denying the authority and/or identity of God, it simultaneously denies the need to obey moral laws. In their understanding “God" is simply a kind of a huge “natural computer”, and therefore for such a “machine” does not really matter whether we obey or not the laws that this machine is supervising. What only matters is to not let the machine punish us for disobeying these laws. For this reason adherers of this philosophy called here “parasitism”, feel excused to lead lives of intelligent parasites.


Although they do not break moral laws themselves, they eagerly make their slaves to break these laws for them (thus punishment for breaking these laws is not affecting these parasites, but is affecting their slaves).

