by William Henry

(Spanish version)

from WilliamHenry Website


In the previous articles, and image galleries, I have briefly outlined a theory that the Bearded Serpent Gods of the ancient world represented stargate or wormhole traveling civilizations. It is a fact that virtually all of the great gods of myth sail in a ship, though no one has yet offered a theory to account for the many unusual traits of this celestial vehicle, which is constantly portrayed as a serpent moving across the waters of the sky or as a ship that turns into a bearded serpent man once it moors on Earth.

Solving this obscure question may be more vital than we think. The Mayans tell us that in 2012 a ‘serpent rope’ is going to emerge from the center of our Milky Way galaxy out of which will step a bearded god of enlightenment. John Major Jenkins has proposed, and I agree, that the archaic term ‘serpent rope’ is interchangeable with the modern scientific term ‘wormhole’ or ‘stargate’, i.e. a tunnel that links two regions of space. For more on the stargates of the gods read Oracle of the Illuminati

One of the primary reasons that detractors says contact with an extraterrestrial civilization is impossible is the vast distances separating Earth from the nearest inhabitable planet. Dr. Carl Sagan was one of these detractors. If there are a million technical civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy, he estimated, the average separation between civilizations will be about 300 light-years.


Since a light year is the distance which light travels in one year (a little under six trillion miles), this implies that the one-way transit time for an interstellar communication from the nearest civilization will be some 300 years.

In his novel Contact, about first contact with an extraterrestrial civilization Sagan proposed the stargate or wormhole as a scientifically valid way for a hypothetical, ‘arbitrarily advanced’ civilization to travel to Earth. Dr. Paul Davies, writing in Scientific American, notes that here are two possible types of wormholes; natural occurring ones that are the after-effects of the Big Bang and sub atomic wormholes that must be pried open with particle accelerators.

Based upon a comparison of the myths and art portraying the ancient gods, I have proposed that the gods of ancient renown employed wormholes. I have also theorized that a study of ancient words and pictures can provide useful insights into the construction of future stargates.

In this article I intend to show that the ‘serpent rope’ or ‘ship’ of the Mayan enlightener shares the same symbolism as the Ship of the Gods of other cultures, in particular the Sumerian and the Egyptian. In this quest I am grateful for the work of David Talbott, who authoritatively assembled and compared Sumerian and Egyptian serpent-ship symbolism.

Mayan prophecy says a ladder will emerge from the center of our Milky Way galaxy in 2012.

From out of the ladder will emerge the serpent rope carrying the god Nine Wind (‘Quetzalcoatl’).

From the Codex Vindobonensis

The symbol for the source of the serpent rope matches the Babylonian symbol

for the Sun and the logo for the Holy Grail found on the tombstone of

William St. Clair at Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland.

Each of these is the same as the Buddhist Dharma Wheel of Time.


Zecharia Sitchin assigns the to the Nibiru of Sumerian mythology. French mystic Rene Guenon says it is the Flaming Sword at the gate to Eden. In between the pages of these two scholars we may find amazing insights.

Nibiru” (more technically and properly transliterated as “neberu”) can mean several things and speaks volumes about the serpent rope of the Mayans (and the ‘flaming sword’ placed at the gate of Eden).

To the Sumerians the Nibiru was a creator of life that they called NAM.TIL.LA.KU, “the god who maintains life.” Nam.Tilla.Ku literally means Name or Destiny (NAM) of God or Shining One (KU) is Tula (TILLA). It was the “creator of grain and herbs who causes vegetation to sprout… who opened the wells (whales), apportioning the waters of abundance” -- the “irrigator of Heaven and Earth.”

Nibiru was the A.SAR.U.LU.DU meaning “lofty, bright watery king whose deep is plentiful.” Depictions of it show it as a ray emitting body, says Sitchin.

The editors of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary (CAD) have located and compiled all the places where the word “nibiru” and related forms of that word occur in extant tablets. A look at the CAD entry (volume “N-2”, pp. 145-147) tells us immediately that the word has a variety of meanings, all related to the idea of “crossing” or being some sort of “crossing marker” or “crossing point”.

A cross is the symbol of the top Anunnaki god Anu, and Annu is the Egyptian place of crossing and equinox; also of Anit (Neith, Isis, Issa, Mary), who brings forth the child at the crossing.

The “root idea” of the nibiru word group and its forms almost always means something like “crossing” or “gate.”

“Let Nibiru be the holder of the crossing place of heaven and earth,” says one text. In the Gilgamesh epic, for example, we read the line (later reprised by Jesus in the beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount): “Straight is the crossing point (nibiru; a gateway), and narrow is the way that leads to it.”

“Ferry, ford”; “ferry boat”; “(act of) ferrying” are also definitions of Nibiru. This is the very same definition of Makara.

When the accumulated meanings of Nibiru are tabulated we may interpret this word as referring to a “star, gate, crossing point.”

Nibiru is the Bridging Planet, connecting the material, mortal side of humanity with our higher spiritual immortal nature. On the other side of this bridge is wondrous Garden of Eden, the hundreds of billions of galaxies, similar to our own, that comprises the known universe.

The Sumerians and Babylonians celebrated the serpent ship as the vehicle of the E.A. (the Greek Kronos/Saturn). The priests of Lagash knew him as Ningirsu, owner of “the beloved ship,” a celestial vehicle “that rises up out of the dam of the deep.”

In fact, E.A.s ship, called the Magur-boat and esteemed as the “Great Boat of Heaven,” is one of the more frequently- depicted images in Mesopotamian art .

So closely is E.A. [Enki] connected with this serpent boat of heaven that he is even depicted as a serpent-ship himself.

E.A. rides the serpent ship “of the antelope of the Apsu (cosmic ocean).”

And becomes it in the depiction below.

The Sun-god, identified by his saw and the rays emanating from his shoulders,

is often depicted on Akkadian seals being transported in his boat.

The prow of the boat on this shell seal from Tell Asmar

ends in the figure of a bearded god or demon holding a forked punt-pole.

The bearded serpent is E.A.

Oriental Museum, Chicago.

Compare the Akkadian image of the serpent ship with the Egyptian image from the Book of the Dead. Both portray the serpent ship riding on another serpent.

A ship constituted by a double-headed serpent sailing on the back of a second serpent.

Egyptian sources similarly identify this as the cosmic serpent as the watery “pathway” traversed by the boat.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, for example, describes the ship sailing over the “back” of the serpent-dragon Apepi.

In details from two illustrations in the Book of the Dead we see that the serpent ship (the ‘wormhole’), in the form of a double serpent, rests upon the world mountain or Primeval Hill, presented in the first instance as a supporting stand or pillar and in the second as a column of water. Featured on this ship is the Stairway to Heaven , the mythological flight of steps . The connection between the ship and the Stairway is made in the Egyptian word khet, which means “steps” and also “ship’s mast”. The mast of the ship is the Stairway to Heaven, because the ship itself is the conduit between Earth and Heaven.

The pictographic evidence is complemented by the texts, which show that the subject is a revolving ship, traversing a circle around the summit of the cosmic pillar or world mountain (i.e., the mount serves as the axis of the ship’s revolution):

In the Egyptian myth of the heron it crossed the waters of life in the Barque or Ark of the Millions of Years. In the depiction shown here the heron watches over this Ark – the two-headed serpent-ship -- with its Stairway to Heaven.

Two herons watch over the Ark with stairs perched on a pillar. The four ‘winds’ of Horus sit beneath them.

As we can see, the Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan symbolism portrays the same concept. The serpent ship of the gods transforms into a bearded serpent man on earth.