The “Passage”

We know from texts left by the ancients that the last “event” was a total surprise to the people of Earth. It is apparent that some people were warned and fled to caves or built unusual boats to store all that would survive. The massive comet came from behind the Sun and within days the Earth was engulfed in the huge comet tail and the close passage was underway.


They had 40 days and 40 nights of rain (water from the huge comet tail) and there was a complete set of Earth Changes that went with that event. The population of Earth was reduced to a fraction of its original size and the rotational poles were shifted approximately 30 degrees or more. Tropical animals were flash-frozen over night with fresh grasses in their mouths, while entire continents submerged or emerged from the seas. The few that survived passed on the legends by word of mouth while others wrote of the event on papyrus scrolls and hid them in caves in hopes that someone would find them sometime in the distant future.

Modem science has done everything possible to try to dispel this information, and have given more than ridiculous excuses for why we found the world in its current state. “Plate tectonics” has been offered as an explanation for why hundreds of thousands of mastodons were flash frozen in the Siberian tundra, but tectonics move Earth’s plates at the rate of about a centimeter per year, so the animals would have rotted in a few days... and they are expecting us to believe that they stood there for centuries while the ice slowly piled up around them?! Not even the most naive grade-schooler would believe this story!

Few people can imagine the tremendous forces at work during a close passage of a large comet. The gravitational wave is sufficient to move waves of land and rock at speeds in excess of a thousand miles per hour across the land. It can take deposited sandstone layers from the depths of the ocean and cast them 15,000 feet upwards as new mountain ranges form. Entire continents are altered and the northern polar caps move and begin to melt as new ones form at the new locations of the north and south rotational poles.

As with any catastrophe, it is any wonder that anyone survived.

We know that during the last event fully 75 % of all animal species on Earth went extinct. Man did survive. Creatures in the oceans survived with better odds. There is one thing that is certain, these events have happened in the past and they will happen again in the future. They are survivable and with preparations, the survival rate will be much higher. Without preparations, man as a species, could reach extinction. What a just desert for a species that spent all of its time and resources fighting petty wars for greed and oil... instead of using those resources to prepare its public for the one event that would cost them their very existence.

Two diagrams (see below images) are included at this point to illustrate the severity and complicated nature of the pole shift. This is introduced at this point to prepare the reader for the chapters on calendars. This pamphlet is being written with the minimal amount of detail and complexity so that the average person will be able to accomplish the most important work described here .. . that is, the re- calendaring of the area when you end up after a rotational pole shift.

The diagrams show a before and after scenario of a hypothetical case of a Planet X passage to illustrate the results of the two types of pole shift. 1will reiterate here, this is not related here to a “magnetic pole sM” as is incorrectly stated by some and the distinction is detailed in the text Planet X Comets and Earth Changes.

I want to stress that this is just a hypothetical example and the dates, times, after positions etc., are strictly for illustration only. The view is from just up and beyond Earth as it orbits the Sun on an arbitrarily determined date of January 10 in a hypothetical year 20XX.

It is 03:00 PM local standard time (21:00 Universal Time) for a person living in Minneapolis Minnesota at approximately 44 degrees north latitude and 93 degrees west longitude. His local horizon plane with East West North South and Vertical are marked. The Sun from his perspective is low in the afternoon winter sky.


His Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees from the plane of Earth’s orbit (The Ecliptic) and this tilt ”precesses” like a top every 26,000 years. This causes the seasons to slowly change over that period of time and the North Pole to move to 1 new locations very slowly as the Earth precesses.


The north polar axis (the imaginary axis about which Earth spins) points within one degree of the star we call Polaris at the base of the handle of the little dipper constellation. There are 24 hours in every day (high noon to high noon) and the Earth moves in a near circular orbit causing the length of the day to remain constant over the duration of the year. There are 365.25 days in the year, so every 4 years the Earth calendar adds one day to account for the one quarter of a day extra that is left over each year.


The figure shows the day and night sides of Earth and their locations relative to the person and the North Pole. Lastly, the Moon is in an orbit of approximately 28 days and this orbit is slanted more than 6 degrees from the plane of the ecliptic, surely a remnant of a previous encounter with a large comet nucleus of the Earth-Moon system. The lunar orbit is slightly elliptical.

The “after” state (above right image) in this hypothetical diagram illustrates Earth after the hypothetical encounter with a massive passing celestial comet nucleus “Planet X" object. Note how most of the elements of Earth’s position and orbit have changed, which will affect the calendar on both a short and long term basis.


The end result is that a person standing on his local horizon will have to rebuild his calendar with no aids other than a pile of rocks on the ground and the knowledge gained in this pamphlet. Without this information, he will plant crops at the wrong time and most probably not survive the first year.

The “after” diagram shows Earth on January 11,20XX (one day later) after the close encounter with a large comet nucleus. Much has changed. The tilt of the polar axis has changed in two ways. It no longer tilts at 23.5 degrees but is now at a mere 16 degrees causing its long term presession rate to decrease to almost 15,000 years. This is not an immediate concern but illustrates the need to constantly update the calendar as time goes on.


The tilt also is no longer pointed at the Polaris star because the large gravitational field of the passing Planet X comet nucleus caused rapid presession of Earth’s core and thus altered the seasonal tilt of Earth. Earth is then in the month equivalent to September (the harvest month). Any planting now in the northern climate would not make it to harvest. Only short-term plants growing in sheltered areas would yield results.


The person’s latitude has shifted 20 degrees to the south to about 22 degrees north latitude, which is due to the mantle shift. The people living on the same latitude half way around the globe in Russia would have moved 20 degrees closer to the new North Pole. They have been flash frozen in less than 24 hours and will remain there essentially forever.

The person’s longitude remains at approximately 90 degrees west of what we used to call the zero or “prime” meridian. That designation will surely change as the new calendar is formulated in the months and years to come. Remember that due to straining and settling of the Earth after this tremendous shaking, the calendar will continue to make small adjustments for centuries to come.

The length of the days have changed to 27 of the old Earth hours (in a real event they may become shorter or longer). This causes the day to nighttime temperature swings to become greater by a number of degrees Fahrenheit every day. This is another consideration for growing crops. It essentially shortens the growing season by 2 weeks on both ends (spring and fall) for latitudes above about 35 degrees.


A shorter day would extend the growing season by about that much. As the next year proceeds, the person notices that the length of each day is different. This tells him that the Earth’s orbit is now somewhat elliptical compared to before. This is caused by the fact that in an elliptical orbit, Earth now moves faster around the Sun when it is closer to the Sun than when farther away. The length of the day (the time from high noon to the next high noon) is longest when Earth is closest to the Sun since it has to turn farther to reach the next “high noon” as Earth moves around the Sun in its orbit.

A slight but detectable wobble exists since the old polar ice caps are now askew from their original places, but this will subside in a few years as the massive melting of these ice shields occurs. The new polar caps will build quickly at the new polar locations as the incredible heat created by volcanic action and the close passage cause huge clouds to engulf the Earth.


Most of this water will cycle quickly to the poles by the natural hydrological cycle of Earth’s weather systems. Miles of new ice layered at the poles will pile up quickly. Future geologists will mistake this almost daily layering of ice for “annual layering” from a longer history than they can understand.

The length of the year has been reduced to 350 of the old Earth days due to the new elliptical orbit, but because the new day is now 27 of the old earth hours... the new calendar will have 3 11 and one ninth of the new longer days. So when the person realizes this he will have to introduce a “leap year” every 9 years now instead of every four years as they had before.

The Moon’s location in its orbit was advanced by the equivalent of about 2 days and its orbit has been tilted by about 2 degrees more, but due to the distance to the Moon during the encounter, the lunar month remains nearly unchanged from the original 28 day cycle. The Moon however is seen through the thick cloud cover of Earth to be a blood red color. Its surface Mares or Seas glow with fresh molten lava flows.


Within a few decades these would cool and turn to black as with any recent lava flows. The extensive cratering that existed just a few days earlier on the lunar surface had been covered with fresh lava and buried from site. Water rivers, which came from water flowing in from the huge comet tail, would flow temporarily on the Moon’s surface, causing erosion markings that would confuse geologists thousands of years later as to their source.

This hypothetical example is preparing you to learn about rebuilding the calendar, which is essential for planting and harvesting. It also answers one of the main questions that modern researchers have had regarding the “stonehedge” types of calendars found around the world. That is that these sites show the calendar and celestial positions that we know today with the current status of the solar system.

The answer of course is that the residents of these areas had to continually adjust their sites as the solar system adjusted and therefore... YES what we see today is the last “version” that was recorded at these sites. That is, we see the last evolutionary state of the stonehedge type of calendars. Fortunately some ancient cultures kept accurate records throughout a prolonged period such as with the Mayans.

What is amazingly interesting about modern science is that they assume that no such change in the calendar could possibly have taken place. They assume that the Mayan priests, who designed more accurate calendars that anything modern science has designed today, did not know what they were doing and so the modern scientists remove data points from the ancient clay tablets that do not fit the modem contrived dating systems.

What is even more bizarre is that modern science refuses to notice that the primary element of the Mayan calendar, as well as the primary deity in their “religion”, was the god Quetzalcoatl (Venus).


The Mayan Calendar clearly tracks the lawless wanderings of the Comet (pre-planet) Venus as it ravaged the Earth on two separate occasions approximately 57 years apart, and eventually nestled into the orbit where we see it today, due to the comet “tail drag”.



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The 12 Month Period after “Passage”

The previous chapters must be put together regarding Earth Changes and the Pole Shift for the reader to get a basic grasp of the severity of the problem, that is, the full suite of disastrous effects must be added to the pole shifts just described. The fact that “modem science” does not recognize what they are looking at confounds the situation since no government assistance could ever be secured to protect and prepare the public from disaster, since government supported scientists and their enslaved news media would insist that any such preparations would be ridiculous.


This is further complicated by the fact that the “leaders” are taking all the assets and spending it to lavishly prepare for themselves only.

If people survive the passage, the situation will be critical especially during the first few months. It is during this time that food from storage locations will possibly be the only thing available. The worst case scenario states that every wall will fall during the passage.


That is, nothing will be left standing including buildings, trees etc. The earthquakes will continue as well as volcanic eruptions, the influx of water from outside the planet and the ever present streaming of meteors into the atmosphere. The level of pollution will be beyond any ability to clean it up and fresh drinking water will be unavailable. Infrastructure will be completely gone and items like sewage will be major problems. Simple items like shoes or foot covering will be unavailable and in a single fell swoop, the people and society that remain will have only what is around them to use for whatever they require. You will be limited to movement in only the near vicinity.

The ancients spoke of the bubbling waters that were boiling due to lava flows and open vents at the Earth’s surface. For a full treatment of these topics from the original master in this field of research, the reader is encouraged to read the three texts of Immanuel Velikovsky mentioned before. It also describes what the ancients went through first hand under the most distressing situations man has ever faced in recent history.

It is in the first months that a new calendar must be established, the planting cycle started and the rationing of available goods initiated.


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The Long Term Effects

The biggest problem after the passage will be the continual cloudy sky that will prevent performance of the tasks required for survival. The landslides both on the new land formations and under the ocean will make settling into an area difficult. The ancients talk about the groaning Earth for decades and even centuries after the last event. It is my belief that we are not experiencing global warming, but the Earth in many ways is just getting back to “normal”. The glaciers were left by the last event and they are melting according to a complex warming pattern.

At first the solar light is reflected off of the glacial ice packs and warming proceeds slowly. As the glaciers flow and begin to melt an exponential warming occurs and we see an ever-increasing amount of sunlight being absorbed which further increases the warming. This continues until the mean temperature levels off as the Earth returns to “normal”. Many other factors are settling out also. The volcanic activity subsides, the earthquakes are reduced and the cloud cover returns to normal for a water planet at our distance from the Sun.

Velikovsky, a trained Psychologist, proposed that man as a culture and species developed what he termed “collective amnesia”. This is not too hard to realize as we see this happen all the time in modern society. Even Presidents just can’t remember sometimes when things get to difficult to admit to the rest of us.


Corporations forget billions of dollars in accounting and just cannot remember where it went. So it was with the ancients. Today modern science has swallowed the denial pill and is in a constant state of collective amnesia concerning the devastated state of the Planet Earth just a few short millennia ago.

The ancients also had to deal with the fact that Venus, the large comet, was cycling almost once per year at first and later at a lesser but regular rate, near Earth as a huge comet and they were blasted every time with flooding, electrical discharges and meteor streams. That is why all of the ancient calendar structures, from central and south America to Zimbabwe ALL TRACKED VENUS.


Likewise, we would have to track any new comets that would enter the solar system.


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What to Do

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
Charles Darwin

The rest of this text will become more direct and detailed regarding what to do and how to prepare for survival based on the new understanding of what the “passage” leally is all about. Remember that even the best-laid plans may all be blown in the wind or washed away in a flood leaving you with nothing more than your instincts and abilities gained in previous experiences although nothing you have ever experienced will be anything like what is about to take place.

It has already been stated that the sooner one takes his family and completely sheds the support of modern society, the better your chances of survival will be. They are not kidding when in the Bible they say “...and the meek shall inherit the Earth.”


The societies that have always lived with the least resources. will be best prepared to survive. The societies have lavished themselves with the use of the most resources will have the least chance to survive

“ ...The first shall be last the last shall be first.”

Those that have depended on medical shots to prevent disease will be the most susceptible to disease. Those who have had the best diet and grown the largest will be hardest hit by a severely limited diet. Those who have become totally dependent on the infrastructure of modern society will be least able to cope without them.

So do not ask the question of ”when will Planet X arrive”. If you have been reading this book, you will understand that this is an irrelevant question. That is why the government misinformation campaign is designed around giving you false information. Because they can then point to it to make you think that you should not pay attention to all of that “crazy planet X stuff”.


The reality is that they are really trying to prevent a mass movement away from their resource control, monetary control, and utility control that is keeping the populous enslaved with them as fearless leaders. That is why they try to convince you that you have to sacrifice the youth in their holy wars.

So the answer to the question of what to do should already becoming answered in your mind. The first step is to decide that society as it now stands is not for you and that you want your offspring and future generations to know that you turned the course of history and laid a firm foundation for their futures also. The introduction of Planet X types of objects will be here for everyone to deal with both now and in the future.

After making the immediate future plans to deal with these events, a longer-term strategy must be put into place and for even larger groups of society. Once this is accomplished and possibly at this same time, those who are interested must become a space faring society with the ability to go into space and live and survive there.

The current NASA space program is designed to keep the general populous out of space and make it seem like it is soooooo difficult and dangerous that only they can get there. If NASA did its job and made outer space easily accessible, then they would in essence put themselves out of business since we would no longer need NASA to get there.


Also they are harboring the inside information regarding the resources of outer space such as which asteroids hold the largest deposits of precious metals. This assures that you will not get them, but they will first be secured by the same group that now controls the resources on Earth. It is the last frontier. Who ever gets there fist will possibly own the greatest prize in the history of mankind.

But space is a required territory for the wider scale population and ultimate survival of the species. There is a myth that a few humans will be able to repopulate the Earth in times of disaster. The gene pool will be too small for ultimate survival of the species we call homo sapiens. Are we really “intelligent man”? If we do not remove the control groups from society that have won the final game of monopoly, then we are guiltier than they are for allowing the demise of the human race and the beautiful water planet we call Earth.

The answer to the question of what to do before the passage should now be obvious. What you do during the passage will be your decision also. Survival structures and supplies to help you through the tribulation may help and save your lives. One NASA scientist has built a reinforced cement dome house and buried it under 50 feet of compacted dirt in the Arizona desert.


This information comes from the dome manufacturer that built it under contract. This may be a safe place for some Earth Change effects, but for flooding or washing of new dirt onto this area, it could provide him and his family with nothing more than an elaborate grave.

There is an ocean going luxury ship called “The Arc” that has sold berths to wealthy business men who have gotten inside information from their government friends that Planet X is approaching. It is provisioned for an extended stay for years (even decades) at sea. This may be the next untold story of the Titanic.

The governments of the world have built extensive cave cities using nuclear powered tunneling machines that leave a glass liner as the heat of the nuclear reactor motor melts the shell of the cave as the tunneling machine passes through. These are likewise provisioned with 50 years of food, medical supplies and every sort of amenity that we live with today. Some are under minor mountain ranges while others are burrowed into the sides of massive granite mountains. These caves will actually be the worst place to be since the gravitational waves will turn these man-made caverns into fractured underground death chambers.

The best preparations would be for near surface reinforced cement domed shelters with no windows and doors on the dome areas of the structure. The entrances should be like prairie tornado shelters that enter from under ground. Other secure shelters are being built from solid metal tubing and outfitted with access tubes and buried under ground. These should be placed in areas where water drains away from the structure and is not susceptible to mud slides.

One of the most valuable materials after a passage in my estimation, and also most probably the most difficult to find, will be glass. As will be mentioned in the last chapter on planting, the isolation of a growing area in a sealed greenhouse will be one of the most important aids in growing plants. There are many reasons for saying this.


The most important is that plants will need controlled environments. One of the least stable elements for a long time to come will be the environment. Dust from distant volcanoes, oils from above, polluted water and more will be everywhere. The greenhouse will seal out the unwanted environment and control the planting area if for nothing more than starting new plants when they are small. Even a small plant starting “hot house” will be essential.

Seeds that will regenerate (non-hybrids) will be most difficult to find and there is the additional problem that has recently been recognized by seed saving specialist... that even old varieties of seeds will cross pollinate with modem hybrid plant pollen. This renders the seeds of these plants to be as impotent as the hybrids. So one should have seeds stored for many years of planting, since the first years may possibly produce no seed until all of the hybrid plant species have died off and their pollen gone away. Once again thanks to modern science, man’s survival is made much more difficult.

The emergence of metallurgy, glass making, pottery making, spinning and weaving of raw fibers into materials, the making of rope, woodworking methods, the maintenance of fire sources, the design of sharp implements from natural glass, the creation of tools from bone - stone and horns of animals, the extraction of fuels from the ground such as coal and oil, the invention of carts and roads for increased mobility, the use natural materials for clothing and foot coverings... the list can go on and on. Are you ready for a Planet X passage?

Is your community prepared for a passage that may occur next spring, next year or in a decade? I suspect that the answer for the vast majority of people is NO!

  • Now can you imagine trying to move into a new area with no essential materials or previously gained skills and, even without a passage situation, make an attempt at survival based on just the resources you would find around you?

  • Could you and the people you know, attempt a rapid migration of 1000 miles under adverse conditions... and be sure what direction to move with your chosen group of people... if a pole shift lands you at a farther northern location?

  • Has your space program provided society with a wide scale program of access to outer space and developed easily accessible large space stations in which large groups of people can remain self- sustaining for a long duration?

  • Or have they squandered the money allotted and made millionaires out of many people who fed at the government trough while the true purpose of the space agency went unfulfilled?

  • Has this agency recognized the severe electrical nature of outer space and listened to those who have freely contributed space craft designs that could endure the electrical currents that will flow through Earth’s vicinity when a large comet passes near?

  • Has your society built for the future or squandered its resources fighting wars?

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The Pre-Passage Earth Calendar - Re-Calendaring and Survival
How to View the Sky -Building a modern Stone Hedge
Know the Stars and Planets -The Difficulties
How All of This Could Change -Planting 1Harvesting

A series of diagrams have been designed specifically for this text. There are many ways to depict the sky for different purposes. My past teaching of the very complex topic of astronomy to university and college students as well as my lectures to the more general public has taught me something. First of all, anyone can understand if material is presented in a manner they can understand. Secondly, it is up to the teacher to find that connection rather that the teacher expecting everyone to see things as he sees them with his greater experience.

The diagrams are designed so that a person standing on the ground and looking at the Earth and sky around him can visualize and see the sky as it looks from that vantage point, that is standing on the ground watching the sky move overhead as the night progresses. All of the diagrams are for a person in the northern hemisphere. If one is south of the equator, then the motion of the night sky will be opposite (e.g. when the text says to locate the northern polar direction you would find the southern polar direction, east would be to the opposite side depicted, etc.).

Do not use a magnetic compass as after a pole shift the surface magnetic fields as well as the ionosphere electrical currents will render the magnetic compass useless. It may not even point in the same direction at a given location as it did before a pole shift.

Items that will be of use after a pole shift will be a method of recording information that will last. The ancients used clay tablets or etchings on stone. A clock is important but one would need a clock that is not operated with a battery that will expire, although it may be useful for the year or so (it would operate to give information on the length of the new day, year, etc). A very valuable aid would be a star chart that would give the stars around the Ecliptic Plane as this will remain much the same (the plane of the planets as they move through the seasons of the year).


Two good sources for star charts that will help in understanding this are the following. “Peterson Field Guide to the Stars and Planets” (available in book stores) which is printed on water proof plastic pages and contains star charts for the entire sky. Another is called “The Astronomical Calendar” and is available on the internet. The Astronomical Calendar has excellent diagrams and charts which might further clarify the reasoning behind what you are doing in this pamphlet (although it does not talk about the process of rebuilding a calendar).

Look at the first diagram below. This page is left blank so you can use graph paper and build your own full size version (8 %” by 11”) and put it in plastic for use outside (local copy businesses will do this for a minimal fee).

Page 44 (above left image) shows the view of the horizon for a person standing on the ground in the northern hemisphere and looking south. If you turn 90 degrees to your right you will be facing west, and 90 degrees to the left you will be facing east. The next page is for the same person looking north from the same location. Now east is 90 degrees to your right and west is 90 degrees to your left.

The idea of these charts is that you will be looking at the stars, planets and the Sun as they rise into the sky. The most important aspect of rebuilding a calendar is locating along the horizon the rising and setting points of celestial bodies. So this is made to be flat on the diagram. As you would go vertically up from the horizon from any point between east and west, you would end up at your local vertical point which is also seen as a line, but since the vertical is less important in the calendar rebuilding process this will not be a problem. The idea is that you will be facing a given direction and your work will be along your local horizon.

The rest of this text will follow a cookbook approach to building a stone-hedge calendar. You will begin to appreciate what the ancients did and it will make some other interesting aspects of archaeology apparent. It will first build the calendar we have today to give you some experience, then give an example of how things might change and you will then have to wait for the next Planet X passage to prepare your next calendar.

The first step is to create a true horizon in 360 degrees that is level to the gravitational field of Earth using a water level.


A carpenter’s level is based on gravity and the fact that water is a fluid and it reaches its own level. A bowl or crude container holding water with a flat stick floating in it can also be used as a level. The object is to define the most level horizon in all directions from your viewing station as possible. Do not estimate level as this can fool you. Also, after a devastating earth movement things that used to be level may not be level any more, so a new level must always be taken.

Ancient archaeological sites used various horizons, with some being natural while others were man made. The larger the area used... the more accurate will be your calendar. Also do not set above (or below) the local horizon on a cliff, tree or other elevated perch. Your eyes must be at the level of your local horizon.


Examples of ancient “observatories” are:

1) the CARAL in Peru in which they built a mound in a circle around a central viewing station on the edge of a ridge overlooking a vast plane with mountains in the distance


2) Chichen Itza in Yucatan Mexico used the local savanna tree line as its horizon (the observatory was a platform built at the level of the top of the tree line)

3) in Zimbabwe they built a 250 meter diameter stone wall around a central viewing station at the same level as the top of the wall

4) the famous Stonehenge in England used the vast local horizon with stones to mark the calendar points

If trees are on the other side of a clearing, then you may have to estimate the exact local horizon. A lake gives a good local horizon but usually has hills to one side. You will need vision in all 360 degrees as much as possible. Reread this page many times and follow it exactly as it is here that most mistakes will be made.

Now determine true north (or south if your are south of the equator). Use page 45 diagram (far above right). There are two ways to determine the true rotational pole location. Set up a viewing station with elevated reference points (a grid or even sticks stuck into the ground) in the direction of what you think is north. Always make your measurements from your designated viewing point in the center of your local horizon.

  • Method # 1... have someone adjust a stick on a moveable stand and as the night progresses center the top of the stick on the area of the sky around which everything else revolves. This will be true north (do NOT use a magnetic compass). The current star Polaris (the “North Star”) is approximately 1 degree off of true north.

  • Method #2 is illustrated in the diagram below.

The above image example shows how the stars and planets at night move around a central area of the sky. The reasons you may need to use this method is:

1) cloud cover in the north

2) there is no star near the north point as there is today

3) to double check the first method

4) you can use the Sun and Moon in the daytime sky to establish north so your local horizon is set up when night time comes (caution .. . DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN as it will blind you).

Track the movement of any star you can see for about an hour and mark the beginning and end points. Take a right angle to that and draw a line (use a string held stationary or other marking device) into the northern direction. Do this for as many stars or planets as you can. This will be the basis for all of your other measurements and you will want to continually update and refine this measurement.


Remember that after a pole shift things may continue to change for some time to come. Keeping a calendar is an ongoing task. Page 47 (image above) shows a north polar rotational point that is 54 degrees above the horizon meaning you are at 54 degrees north latitude (it may be time to migrate south).

Visually mark the north direction using a plumb bob (weight on a string) to connect the north pole direction with your viewing site marker and have someone put a marking stone out as far as possible on your horizon that you already prepared. Remember to keep your viewing marker level with the local horizon. Mark the north stone so you remember which one it is (since you may have many stones near it if you have to track a meandering comet for future electrical alignment predictions which would bring possible future bad weather, etc).

Next go out beyond the north star rock or marker and sight back along the central viewing marker and set the south stone. Mark it also.

You will need to use a geometry method to determine east and west directions. You are going to determine a perpendicular bisector of your north south line at the point of your viewing marker. Take a rope that does not stretch (hemp or Dacron but not nylon). From equal distances north and south of your viewing marker (use 50 feet for example) and using a rope 3 to 4 times this length, draw arcs to the east and west of the viewing point and where these arcs intersect will give you due east and due west points.


View across your viewing marker and place stones on your local horizon in the east and west directions and mark them clearly so they are not later mistaken for other rocks. If your north direction is refined later, move
these points also to adjust for new information.

You are now ready to start building your calendar. The purpose is to determine the autumn and spring equinox points and the winter and summer solstices (that’s when you have pagan parties). In the old days the ancients depended on the Sun only and this is the most accurate method in the long term, however there is a quick method to build a basic calendar to tell you where you are, based on the rising and setting of the planets and certain stars that are on the Ecliptic (plane of the planets).


By laying out a pattern on the ground you can determine what month you are in and then refine these settings later. This book will not explain why you are doing these things, it just tells you what to do.

The reality is that you may not have good viewing of the sunrise or sunset on the days you need and if you miss these your calendar would have to wait a year for an update. The problem is that you do not have a year to wait. In fact you may only have a night or two of good viewing between bad weather and other tasks of survival.

Gather rocks and mark them for the planets that are visible in the night sky at the time you are working as well as any predetermined stars that are on the Ecliptic that you can identify. DO NOT USE THE MOON FOR MARKING A CALENDAR since the moon has many complex motions and is not suitable for marking the seasons. Note that this process requires preparation and previous knowledge and experience. The more you practice and understand, the better off you will be when the time comes to put this into practice.

Note that the positions of the other planets and the stars do not change on the scale of one night and that is all you will use them for. Page 50 (image below) shows a diagram that you will build based on the relative positions of the planets and your chosen stars of the Ecliptic for building your calendar. You must mark the angular positions of these objects relative to the Sun on a diagram with the Earth in the center.


These angles you will measure as the night proceeds relative to sunrise or sunset. To do this, since the sunrise and sunset twilight will cause all but Venus and possibly Jupiter to fade and dim, you will have to measure the angles relative to those bright objects and calculate the differences or add angles to get their angular positions relative to the Sun. This diagram will be the basis of your calendar.

During the course of the night between sunset and sunrise, you will see about two thirds of the entire sky that is visible from your latitude and which includes the Ecliptic plane where the constellations of the zodiac pass over head each night. About one third of the sky is hidden behind the Sun at any given time and also not visible during twilight when the sky is still light from the Sun before sunrise and after sunset.


But there is enough of the sky to determine a basic calendar from a single night of good viewing. This will need constant updating and refinement as the years go on.

The diagram on page 50 (image above) is built as follows. As the Sun sets and the stars become visible along the Ecliptic, use Venus or Jupiter to make an initial reading of their angles with respect to the Sun (remember do not look directly at the Sun). This is best done just at sunset (or sunrise). For best accuracy measure to where you estimate the center of the Sun would be. To measure angles you may build a measuring device or even use your outstretched arm with first and second finger spread apart (use stars of known angular separation to figure out in your training sessions what angle this will be using your arm and fingers).

The ecliptic forms an arc across the sky and all the planets and stars that you will use to build your calendar stand in set positions for the one night of viewing (the planets move but you can ignore this during your one night of viewing for this calendar). The trick that this calendar method uses is that, depending on the angle that the ecliptic star or planet is from the Sun, they actually will rise and set at different locations along your horizon relative to east and west.

The ones that rise due east and west are in the fall or spring equinox constellations whereas the ones that rise and set either north or south of east and west will fall in the other months of the year. This is why you are building a circle of angles measured relative to the Sun. First you determine which direction (ahead of or behind the Sun) where the spring and fall equinoxes are located and then you will determine the month that the Sun is in right now. It will only be over the course of the year that you will be able to determine how many days there are in the year and other finer points of the new calendar after a pole shift. When the Sun reaches the fall or spring equinox point, it will rise and set in the east and west respectively on that day.

The difficulty with building a calendar is that as the seasons progress and the years pass, it is very difficult to “catch the Sun at exactly the equinox position. So the ancients learned that they had to measure the farthest southern movement of the Sun along the horizon as it progressed into winter, to determine the winter solstice... and then likewise during summer they watched the Sun rise and set along the horizon to its northernmost rising and setting points to determine the summer solstice. It was only by bisecting these two points that they were able to determine an accurate day for the equinoxes (or beginning and ending oft he planting seasons). Rut there is a problem.

If you wait until the summer solstice to determine a calendar then you already missed the growing season. So that is why I have devised this method of determining an entire ]ear calendar on a single night of viewing. Even though this is not the most accurate method, it will give a calendar for immediate use. Page 53 (image below) shows an example of the sky as might be currently seen with Earth as it is now (before the next pole shift).

Practice with this to see how many stars on the Ecliptic you can identify for your own personal use as well as to identify the planets currently visible. Watch each rise and set and see that they in fact rise and set north and south of east and west depending on their angle relative to the location of the Sun. Determine which stars are in the fall months and which are in the spring months and see how accurate your calculations give for the exact date of the year.


Could you plant a garden by your calendar? What if the Earth had days of different length throughout the year... how would you determine this? If you used a time piece set to 24 hours, how would you expect this to change as the 4 year leap year approached. These are all questions that you may try to answer as you develop your understanding of how the sky works and the complex motions that change throughout the year. If the length of the day were to change, how would you use your time piece to measure this’? Can you imagine a purely mechanical clock?

Can you imagine the 2 types of pole shifts described in this book and what effects it might have on your calendar. Can you view on a partly cloudy night with the clouds moving over and determine the direction of north. Can you imagine a better set up for your local horizon and rock marking system. How would you predict solar alignments with Venus and Mars and a wandering comet? This can become very complex quickly.


So now that you have seen the circular calendar wheel and its related sky chart and angle measuring chart of the sky, it is time to put more detail into the process. In review, the process involves first setting up your local viewing area with the level “horizon” field of view. This must be 360 degrees all around you and the larger ...the better. Making the viewing area in itself can be a small engineering task and the ancients went to great lengths to make these as detailed and large as possible. Accuracy is of the utmost importance.


The viewing location must be a stationary point that your eye moves around to look in all directions including up and around at the sky. The ideal situation is to have moveable markers or some type of angle measuring device that is stationary. There are many ways to create these and this is not a topic of this book. There is an entire field of study related to the construction of measuring devices, but the simple extended arm with spread first two fingers may be the best you may have as mentioned earlier until you have time to refine your setup.

Locate north, then define south, then east and west and mark them. Are you too far north to support an agricultural life style? If so you may want to migrate or else depend on animals as a primary source of everything you need. Many cultures took this route and succeeded.

As sunset arrives, begin to locate the setting Sun location on the horizon. Is it north of east or south? Are the setting and rising points on the horizon moving in a northerly or southerly direction as the days progress? This may be your first indication that you are heading into a particular season or towards a solstice or equinox point. Can you identify planets or specific stars that you know are on the Ecliptic Plane?


If so start to measure the angles between them and their relative angles with respect to the Sun. Design your calendar circle and mark the angles between each and the Sun. Determine which one rises and sets the closest to due east and due west. Measure off to the Sun and see diagram of page 53 (image above) to determine the season that the Sun is in at the current time. Are you going to plant long term crops or depend on stored goods for a winter before planting?

Remember to mark your setting and rising stones for each star or planet that rises and sets and mark them. If you have a watch from the old calendar before the pole shift, try to determine the length of the day and compare to the value you measured before the pole shift. Is the day longer or shorter between high noon and high noon.

The best way to measure high noon is with a vertical stick or rod located on your north south line and a mark set at due north. The time from when the shadow crosses the north line to the next time is one day, however, as mentioned previously... if the Earth has moved to a more elliptical orbit the day lengths will have changed.


The shortest days will occur when the Earth is farthest from the Sun and the longer days will occur when Earth is closest to the Sun. Do these days correspond with any other dates such as solstices or equinox points? They do not necessarily have to but it should be on the same date every year (only the planet Mercury is known to have its elliptical orbit precess over time, something astronomers still debate).

Your calendar should be adjusted as the months and years pass.

Remember the adjustments mentioned earlier relative to a pole shift.

If the intruding comet continues to cycle around the Sun, there will be patterns that will be noticeable as to close approaches. But this is what drove the ancients literally crazy, as the comets became known as “the lawless ones”. They failed to obey the regular rhythms of the cosmos as the other planets, the Sun and the Moon. The big comet orbits changed constantly and even the rates of change were unpredictable. Modern large comets like Hale Bopp did the same thing and this totally baffled modern astronomers. My theoretical work explains this as due to the variable drag of the comet tail as it is drawn into the ever growing comet nucleus.

The alignments of the inner planets, our Moon and the Sun are known to be times when rough weather are bound to occur. With the addition of a large raging comet in the alignment there is certain to be severe weather, high winds, flooding, and possibly meteor streams which might include rocks big enough to reach the ground before burning up in the atmosphere.

Planting and harvesting times are dependent of many factors. If the Earth lost days or weeks worth of daily sunlight, then we could be cast into a mini ice age in which the northern climates would be totally uninhabitable and even the temperate of equatorial climates might have shortened growing seasons.


There are no simple answers and the list of possibilities is nearly endless. It is known that the dinosaurs existed for millions of years in a very tropical climate. It appears that this is the normal climate of Earth and that we are just now beginning to warm up to “normal” (e.g. there is no greenhouse warming).


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Mass Migrations

If after a pole shift you first measure the latitude and determine that you are more than 45 degrees north latitude and there is has been a long period of loss of sunlight due to cloud cover, then you will have to decide if a rapid mass migration may be required. This would be the most difficult situation for a large group of people, but remaining at a high latitude for any length of time would be near impossible.

This is also will be one of the main difficulties with the elite who have stocked cave cities for a long stay, eventually they will also be left with the same conditions as everyone else, only they will be in worse shape to make any kind of move after spending even a number of weeks in a cave, let alone a number of months or years. They will emerge not knowing where at all they are and will have to rebuild the calendar and begin rebuilding a survival existence.


Those that started immediately or prepared far earlier will have had the best chance of survival for the long term. Short term survival is just the first step to long term survival. In the scenario of a forced mass migration, you will not be able to bring very much with you, so all of your stored goods may be for naught.

The two possible methods of moving people will be over land and over water. Each has its set of perils. For every degree of latitude that you are above 45 degrees, you will have to move southwards about 70 miles. This is using the assumption that the earth is slanted at about the same 23.5 degrees from the plane of the planets. If it has tilted more, then you may have to move farther.


Since it is unlikely that the tilt angle will change by very much except in only the most severe precessional pole shifts, the number of 70 miles south for every degree above 45 degrees north latitude can be used as a number. As you can see there are many complex factors and one would need a very solid understanding of astronomy and the stars to rebuild all aspects of the new calendar. That is why the “priests” of the ancient cultures were so highly regarded . . .because the existence of the entire society literally depended on their knowledge and daily work.

One last word about migrations is that in history migrating people have not faked well, so the decision would be a difficult one to make.


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Will Man Survive?

The rules of nature are quite simple, and in the case of survival as an intelligent species (one that is capable of altering and controlling its environment) the rule of ultimate survival is clear and very simple.

As a species... collectively... if you do not use the time and resources allotted to you to gain access to outer space and gain the knowledge to survive... you will be doomed to extinction.

This clearly leads to some secondary basic rules of nature regarding the use of time and resources.

Petty wars and the use of resources to fight these wars can have only one possible result... and nature in its own time and manner will repay those species... collectively... who fail to control their leaders who promote these wars.

If there is a smaller group that attempts to use the resources of the many to save their own few and selective hides... these especially will be doomed to die a most lonesome and hideous demise.

The successful species that eventually will populate the stars will not allow those “unsuccessful” species to enter their hard-earned space and bring their petty wars and selfish ways into the cosmos. This is called the “rule of survival of the successful” ...and is universally understood and commissioned to be executed upon those who fail at the first three rules.

These rules are stated to be inherent and self-evident. As a species we have failed. There are no less that 54 wars ongoing at the time of this writing. World leaders are out of control. As an observer of the Sun and comets, and a person with inside contacts to very high levels of the intelligence agencies, I will say that the writing has been on the wall for some time and there is little doubt that the leaders in these intelligence communities have been warned.


Let the reader decide... based on the inherent rules of survival... will man survive?


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