There is a 5 point alignment between northwest corner Great Pyramid, subterranean chamber pit, southeast corner GP, southwest corner Q1 pyramid, northeast corner Sphinx temple and an offset temple just north of the Sphinx temple (see Figure 27). The northeast side of the last building should be directly adjacent to the wastegate line {and possibly accesses the wastegate valve}. The wastegate line should exit east of the Sphinx temple’s mid point . . . approximately 100’ east and 30’ below the surface. This is also the location of buried rose quartz granite that was discovered in 1980 by the Egyptian water department12. This granite is not local to this area but came from 500 miles to the south.

FIGURE 27. The Tunnel Layout

Giza plateau showing relative directions of “dead end” shaft (purple) and “water shaft”. The wastegate line (red) is angled towards the ancient Nile River and exited underwater in front of Sphinx Temple. Note angled temple next to Sphinx temple.

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The subterranean chamber pit is offset by 45 degrees. This is strictly for acoustical dynamics at the bottom of the pit shaft (presently buried). A plane placed at a 45-degree angle will maintain the unidirectionality and consistency of the compression wave (see Figure 28). Any other type elbow at the bottom of the pit would scatter and diffract the compression wave. To create the standing wave in the wastegate line and subterranean chamber it would be imperative to have the reflective elbow. The pit’s offset is exactly aligned with the tunnel.

FIGURE 28. The Pit’s Offset

(Left) The red arrow is aligned with the exit tunnel. The reflective elbow maintains the conformity of the compression wave. Not only does the reflective elbow completely explain the pit’s diagonal offset, but it also confirms that the compression wave is a major design consideration. The designers thoroughly understood complex fluid dynamics as well as complex acoustics. (Right) Red arrow shows direction of tunnel at bottom of the pit. This Ink injection picture shows some of the flows in the step area.

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The “Water Shaft” is a multiple room structure located under the middle pyramid's causeway (see Figure 27, 29). It took 4 years of continuous pumping to remove the water3. The “dead end” shaft is at the same elevation as the lowest chamber of the “Water Shaft”. In the northwest corner of the lowest room a small tunnel heads towards a possible juncture with the dead end shaft. This may be a mere coincidence but it strongly suggests the existence of a labyrinth of tunnels at this depth.

Nigel Skinner-Simpson has an excellent internet site regarding this shaft13.

FIGURE 29. The “Water Shaft”

Glimpses of the “water shaft” from Nigel Skinner-Simpson’s site.

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Indigenous teachings speak of hydrogen coming from the subterranean chamber3. Hydraulic ram pumps are designed to not have gas in the compression chamber. Trapped gasses are compressible and therefore dramatically reduce the shock wave impact. But the subterranean chamber has been designed specifically to retain gas (see Figure 30). What could cause gassing in the subterranean chamber? The rarefaction wave creates an observable negative pressure wave in the wastegate line, resulting in cavitation in the subterranean chamber. Cavitation is the near instantaneous vaporization (gassing) of fluids combined with near instantaneous collapse of a majority of the gas back to liquid form. This violent action results in loud sounds and chipping or flaking of surface materials11. There is chipping on the ceiling that corresponds to cavitation damage (see Figures 17, 20).

FIGURE 30. The Subterranean Chamber Gas Collector

(Left) The subterranean chamber at Giza has it’s output line at the bottom of the wall. This design minimizes gas escaping through the output line. (Right) A better design for automatically removing trapped gas involves having the output line at the ceiling. Therefore, the subterranean chamber was designed specifically to capture gas.

Dissolved limestone existed as an impurity in the water enabling electrolysis. The resonance, compression and cavitation, coupled with rushing water, multiple vortices, water impurities and the electrical nature of limestone would have resulted in gassing in the subterranean chamber. The water, H2O, is split into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Oxygen is readily dissolved into water and is reabsorbed. The hydrogen gas swirls on the ceiling of the subterranean chamber until it is diverted to the line to the Queen’s chamber (see below).

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A line from the subterranean chamber to the Queen’s chamber niche (see Figure 32) is the most controversial element of the pump layout. Yet, this line is not a required element for the pulse generator or pump. Not required because the trapped air within the subterranean chamber would be absorbed by the water within a couple of weeks of running. Although this line is not required, it is a logical element for the assembly (see Figure 32).

Evidence to support the existence of the line are:

  • An anomaly within the subterranean chamber corresponds to a starting point.

  • A recess filled with rubble in the Queen’s chamber niche corresponds to an ending point.4

  • Indigenous teachings state hydrogen was produced in the subterranean chamber for utilization in the upper chambers.3

  • Salt encrustation leading from Queen’s chamber down to subterranean chamber shows consistency of fluid movement.2

The subterranean chamber is designed specifically to trap gas and to funnel the gas to the specific location of the line’s starting point.

FIGURE 31. The Pit Cut in Queen’s Chamber Floor

The niche in the Queen’s chamber extends below the floor level. Kunkel was emphatic about Perring’s drawings showing the pit extending down further into the floor. Also notice the chamber’s floor is sunken from the horizontal shaft that enters it. This allowed fluid to pool in this room before it exited down the horizontal shaft to the well shaft entrance.

FIGURE 32. The Gas Line Out of Subterranean Chamber.

A line may have existed (9) between the Subterranean Chamber (6) and the Queen’s chamber (10). This line allowed gas and water to escape the subterranean chamber’s ceiling. The water would pool in the Queen’s chamber and flow down the horizontal passage floor (11) and drained into the well shaft (4). Any gasses would exit the horizontal passage (11) into the Grand Gallery (12) into the King’s chamber (13) and out the air shafts(14).

The anomaly in the subterranean chamber is a small recess that extends beyond the west wall and extends above the ceiling (see Figure 34). This is the precise location chosen on the model to remove trapped air (see Figures 35). This line was utilized for removal of air and other gases from the initial flooding and later gas accumulation. The water and gas perked into the Queen's chamber. The water would pool in the room and then run down the horizontal passage to the top of the well shaft where it drains. The gas would exit through the air shafts. This allows the pump to be totally self-contained and self-correcting14.

FIGURE 33. Air Removal from Subterranean Chamber

Originally there was no way to remove air from the subterranean chamber other than to run it long enough to absorb the air into the water. Air absorption would take weeks. A Schraeder valve was added to the model’s ceiling to remove the trapped air.

FIGURE 34. The Air Removal Line at Giza

The “small recess” is located at the best location to remove air and other gases. This is the location that is used on the fluid dynamics model. Notice extensive water erosion. Photo: Edgar brothers.

FIGURE 35. The Air Removal Line of the Model

(Left) The model is filling and the air is being removed from the rear line. Notice how the air is automatically funneled to the back quarter of the subterranean chamber by design. (Right) The ‘small recess’ that was added to the model.

The amount of water perked up to the Queen's chamber was restricted by the shaft size, possibly in the range of 6“. A check valve would have been present at the top of the small recess. The backside of the check valve is the ceiling of the small recess. Although it is not clear which gas perked up to the Queen’s chamber niche: air, hydrogen, oxygen or a mixture, the only direction for the gas to escape is up thru the King's chamber airshafts.

Chris Dunn has shown significant evidence to support the idea that hydrogen was created in the Queen’s chamber through mixing of chemicals2. This contradicts hydrogen production in the subterranean chamber with delivery to the Queen’s chamber. What we share in common is that fluids entered into the Queen’s chamber and the fluids pooled there. The room is sunken from the horizontal shaft that enters it (see Figure 31). We also believe that the fluids ran down the horizontal passage to the top of the well shaft where it would drain. This is the only area that has any clash when unifying our works.

Stephen Mehler has proposed that the hydrogen was originally produced by water3. He believes that chemicals were utilized when the water supply diminished. Who is correct? Maybe it’s a bit of both.

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  • The walled enclosure around the Great Pyramid was a moat.

  • The water supply for the moat provided more water than the Great Pyramid consumed.

  • The causeway removed the excess water.

  • The subterranean chamber is not an air compression chamber. (Kunkel)1

  • The water-saturated subterranean chamber transmits shock waves to the ceiling.

  • There was an air/gas removal line in the northwest area of the subterranean chamber.

  • The air/gas removal line is connected to the niche in the Queen's chamber.

  • The air/gas removal line also perked water into Queen's chamber.

  • The well shaft functions as water return line from the Queen's chamber.

  • The well shaft minimizes the reverse pulse in the descending passage.

  • The grotto functioned as an expansion chamber to limit reverse pulse.

  • The subterranean chamber's antechamber functioned as an acoustic filter.

  • There is water output through the “dead end” shaft.

  • The water output may have been connected to with the "water shaft".

  • There is a check valve at the end of the ”dead end” shaft.

  • A gate valve was the fine-tuning mechanism for the standing wave in the wastegate line.

  • The pit is connected via tunnel to a wastegate in front of the "Sphinx Temple" (Nile River).

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He who solves this puzzle will have to combine mechanical effects and shape effect. The shape is an energy lens (Patrick Flanagan)15 that utilizes ‘e’ for exponential energy growth. (Rick Howard)16 Low level radiation placed at the King’s chamber elevation causes the shape to start running. (William Kapsaris)17


The shape greatly affects the ozone layer as well as subterranean fluids. (Anatoli Golod)18 The shape traps mass particles and develops an energy field or bubble that surrounds the pyramid. This bubble has demonstrated the ability to block all known forces. (Joe Parr)4 The shape also produces beneficial health effects (Kirti Betai20, Patrick Flanagan15, Anatoli Golod18, and others)

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Hopefully the reader will come away from the viewing of the subterranean chamber pictures with the solid impression that there exists significant water erosion. This physical evidence can only have been created by the tunnel layout as described. The physical evidence destroys the Orthodox view that the subterranean chamber was left as an unfinished and abandoned room.


Some readers will agree with the pump but deny the pulse generator aspect. Others agree with the pulse generator but deny the pump. Either way, most will agree that there was a machine under the Great Pyramid. May all of us see that the tomb theory has little to do with reality.

FIGURE 36. Erosion Dents
Water erosion paths are readily evident. Photo: Santha Faiia

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From the beginning there was a reason for the model construction. My wife and I moved onto property that was off the power grid. Alternate energy solutions were needed to make the homestead functional. A gas generator and solar panels supply the power until a wind generator is installed. We needed to transfer water from a small pond to our garden some 300’ away (see Figure 37). There is 2’ of drop from the pond to the garden. Gravity feed was prohibitive with such nominal drop. The pyramid pump functions beautifully for the transference.


The standard hydraulic ram pump works well as long as the output is higher than the source. To use a standard ram pump, an intermediate water tower is required that is at least five times the pump’s head. (i.e. If the pump is 4’ below the pond then the water tower must be at least 20’ above the pump.) Here’s where the pyramid pump really shines. The pump requires no water tower and it is twice as efficient as a standard hydraulic ram pump. The pump is run with the well shaft valve turned off to increase pumping efficiency.

FIGURE 37. The Pyramid Pump’s Special Function

(Top) A standard hydraulic ram pump does not transfer water laterally without an intermediate water tower. (Bottom) The pyramid pump performs lateral transference efficiently.

FIGURE 38. Fluid Dynamic Pictures

A few of the hundreds of pictures taken with ink injected into the subterranean chamber model.

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  • The Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association (GPG-RA) is home to the majority of the alternate pyramid researchers. Visit us at: http://GizaPyramid.com

  • Ukranian physicists Alexander and Anatoli Golod have built 17 large pyramid models, with the largest being 44 meters high. Within these structures, they have carried out extensive testing on some of the shape effects of pyramid structures. Dramatically affected ozone layer, lowered viscosity of nearby oil wells, non-freezing water within the structure, these are but a few of the shape effects of these energy lenses.

  • The Golod’s work can be viewed at: http://GizaPyramid.com/Russian/Research.htm

  • Chris Dunn delves extensively into advanced machining in ancient Egypt. In his book, and at his internet site, he shows numerous examples of high precision artifacts. Some of the greatest examples are the large granite boxes (13’-long x 7-½’-wide x 11’-high, 200,000 lbs.) of the Serapeum. Supposedly from a time when only copper tools existed, these granite boxes have perfectly straight sides (<0.0002” error) and perfect 90 degree corners.

  • For further pictures and details, please visit Chris’ site: http://GizaPower.com

  • Nigel Skinner-Simpson has an excellent internet regarding the “water shaft” located under the middle pyramid’s causeway: http://towers-online.co.uk/pages/shaftos1.htm

  • Hydraulic ram pumps were invented in the 1700’s and are very simple in design. A great explanation of hydraulic ram: http://www.animatedsoftware.com/pumpglos/ram_pump.htm

  • Scott Lee, a hydraulic ram pump designer, shared his 20+ years of experience with the basic hydraulic ram pump. Working extensively with alternate energy solutions, Scott’s work can be viewed at: http://hometown.aol.com/slee529282/ram.htm

  • Robert Patterson, a reverse engineering specialist, helped the project by sharing his vision for determining fluid dynamics within the subterranean chamber. Robert’s work can be viewed at: http://AncientGravitics.tripod.com

  • Edward Kunkel’s book has been republished by The Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation. The founder, Steven Myers, has been trying to build a working model of Kunkel’s vision since 1999. He’s had no luck with a running model as of 2005. Steven’s work can be viewed at: http://ThePump.org

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  • Edward Kunkel, The Pharaoh’s Pump

  • Chris Dunn, The Giza Power Plant

  • Stephen Mehler, The Land of Osiris

  • John DeSalvo, Ph.D., The Complete Pyramid Sourcebook

  • Peter Tompkins, The Secrets of the Great Pyramid

  • Mark Lehner, The Complete Pyramids

  • Richard Noone, 5/5/2000

  • Edgar Brothers, Great Pyramid Passages and Chambers

  • Flinders Petrie, The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, 1883

  • Phone conversation with myself, John Reid and Laura Lee, December 2002

  • Michael Lindeburg, P.E., Mechanical Engineering Review Manual, 7th edition

  • Edgar Evans Cayce, Gail Cayce Schwartzer, Douglas G. Richards, Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited, 145-146

  • Nigel Skinner-Simpson: http://towers-online.co.uk/pages/shaftos1.htm

  • Laura Lee, interview with myself, Stephen Mehler, and Chris Dunn, July 23, 2002. http://LauraLee.com

  • Patrick Flanagan, M.D., Ph.D., Pyramid Power

  • Rick Howard GPG-RA article. http://GizaPyramid.com

  • William Kapsaris GPG-RA article. http://GizaPyramid.com

  • Alexander & Anatoli Golod GPG-RA article. http://GizaPyramid.com

  • Volodymyr Krasnoholvets, Dr., GPG-RA article. http://GizaPyramid.com

  • Kirti Betai, M.D., Ph.D., GPG-RA article. http://GizaPyramid.com

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  • For my family who made all this possible - This couldn’t have been done without the support.

  • Special thanks to the Grand Unifier, Dr. John DeSalvo, for his creation: the GPG-RA

Left: Stephen Mehler and myself - Boulder, Colorado - October 2003

Right: Chris Dunn and myself - Bellingham, Washington - November 2005

The waterman glyph means “one who knows the secrets of the waters”.

The glyph is associated with the energy of the pyramids.

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