Section 3

Yet we successfully overcame all problems. Why then is it impossible to defeat a well-defined enemy, far smaller and weaker than Germany, given the immensely improved weapons and surveillance equipment we have today? The real reason that the drug problem is not eradicated is because it is being run by the highest families in the entire world as part of a coordinated gigantic money-making machine.

In 1930, British capital invested in South America greatly exceeded capital investment in British “dominions.” Graham, an authority on British investments abroad, stated that British in-vestment in South America “exceeded one trillion pounds.” Remember, this was 1930, and one trillion pounds was a staggering sum of money in those days. What was the reason for such heavy investment in South America? In a word it was drugs.

The plutocracy controlling British banks held the purse strings and then, as now, put up a most respectable facade to cover their true business. No one ever caught them with dirtied hands. They always had front men, even as they do today, willing to take the blame if things went awry. Then as now the connections with the drug trade were tenuous at best. No one was ever able to lay a finger on the respectable and “noble” banking families of Britain, whose members are on the Committee of 300.

There is great significance in that only 15 members of Parliament were the controllers of that vast empire, of which the most prominent were Sir Charles Barry and the Chamberlain family. These overlords of finance were busy in places like Argentina, Jamaica and Trinidad, which became big money-spinners for them through the drug trade. In these countries, British plutocrats kept “the locals” as they were contemptuously called, at bare subsistence levels, hardly above slavery. The fortunes extracted from the drug trade in the Caribbean were vast.

The plutocrats hid behind faces like Trinidad Leaseholds Limited, but the REAL MEAT, then as now, was drugs. This is
true of today where we find that Jamaica’s Gross National Product (GNP) is made up almost entirely of sales of ganja, a very potent form of marijuana. The mechanism for handling the ganja trade was set up by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger under the title “Caribbean Basin Initiative.”

Up until a relatively short time ago, the true history of the China opium trade was quite unknown, having been as well covered up as it is possible to do. Many of my former students in the days when I was lecturing, would come and ask me why the Chinese were so fond of smoking opium? They were puzzled as are many still today, over contradictory accounts of what had actually taken place in China. Most thought it was merely a case of the Chinese workers buying opium on an open market and smoking it, or going to some of the thousands of opium dens and forgetting their terrible existence for a while.

The truth is that the supply of opium to China was a British monopoly, an OFFICIAL monopoly of the British government and official British policy. The Indo-British opium trade in China was one of the best kept secrets, around which many misleading legends grew up, such as “Clive of India” and the tales of derring-do by the British Army in India for the glory of “the Empire,” so well written by Rudyard Kipling, and tales of “Tea Clippers” racing across the oceans with their cargoes of China tea for the high society drawing rooms of Victorian England. In reality, the history of British occupation of India and Britain’s Opium Wars are some of the most dastardly blots on Western civilization.

Almost 13% of the income of India under British rule was derived from the sale of good quality Bengal opium to the British-run opium distributors in China. “The Beatles” of the day, the China Inland Mission, had done a great job in proliferating the use of opium among the poor Chinese laborers (coolies, as they were called). These addicts did not suddenly materialize out of thin air, any more than did teenager addicts in the U.S.

THE POINT TO REMEMBER IS THAT BOTH WERE CREATED. In China a market for opium was first created and then filled by opium for Bengal. In the same way, a market for marijuana and LSD was first created in the United States by methods already described, and then filled by British plutocrats and their American cousins with the help of the overlords of the British banking establishment.

The lucrative drug trade is one of the worst examples of making money out of human misery; the other being the legal drug trade run by the pharmaceutical drug houses under Rockefeller ownership, in the U.S. for the most part, but with substantial companies operating in Switzerland, France and Britain and fully backed by the American Medical Association (AMA). The dirty dope transactions and the money it generates flows through the City of London, together with Hong Kong, Dubai and latterly, Lebanon, thanks to the invasion of that country by Israel.

There will be those who doubt this statement. “Look at this business columns of the Financial Times,” they will tell us. “Don’t tell me that this is all related to drug money”? OF COURSE IT IS, but don’t imagine for one minute that the noble lords and ladies of England are going to advertise the fact. Remember the British East India Company? Officially, its business was trading in tea!

The London “Times” never dared tell the British public the it was impossible to make VAST PROFITS from tea, nor did the illustrious paper even hint at a trade in opium being plied by those who spent their time in London’s fashionable clubs or playing a chukka of polo at the Royal Windsor Club, or that the gentlemen officers who went out to India in the service of the Empire were financed SOLELY by the enormous income derived from the misery of the millions of Chinese coolies addicted to opium.

The trade was conducted by the illustrious British East India Company, whose meddling in political, religious and economic affairs of the United States has cost us very dearly for over 200years. The 300 members of the British East India Company's board were a cut above the common herd. They were so mighty, as Lord Bertrand Russell once observed, “They could even give God advice when he had trouble in Heaven.” Nor should we imagine that anything has changed in the intervening years. EXACTLY the same attitude prevails today among members of the Committee of 300, which is why they often refer to them-selves as the “Olympians.”

Later the British Crown, i.e., the Royal Family, joined the British East India Company’s trade, and used it as a vehicle to produce opium in Bengal, and elsewhere in India, controlling exports through what was called “transit duties,” that is, the Crown levied a tax on all producers of opium duly registered with the state authority, who were sending their opium to China.

Prior to 1896, when the trade was still “illegal”—a word used to extract greater tribute from the producers of opium— there never having been the slightest attempt to stop the trade, colossal amounts of opium were shipped out of India on board “China Tea Clippers,” those sailing ships around which legend and lore were built, which supposedly carried chests of tea from India and China to the London exchanges.

So audacious did the British East India Company lords and ladies become that they tried to sell this lethal substance to the Union and Confederate Armies in pill form as a pain killer. Is it difficult to imagine just what would have happened had their plan succeeded? All those hundreds of thousands of soldiers would have left the battlefields totally hooked on opium. “The Beatles” were much more successful in turning out millions of teenage addicts in later years.

The Bengal merchants and their British controllers and bankers grew fat and intolerant on the enormous amounts of
money that poured into the coffers of the British East India Company from the wretched Chinese coolies opium trade. BEIC profits, even in those years, far exceeded the combined profits made in a single year by General Motors, Ford and Chrysler in their heydays. The trend in making huge profits out of drugs was carried over into the 1960’s by such “legal” drug death merchants as Sandoz, the makers of LSD and Hoffman la Roche, manufacturers of Valium. The cost of the raw material and manufacturing of Valium to Hoffman la Roche is $3 per kilo (2.2 pounds). It is sold to their distributors for $20,000 per kilo. By the time it reaches the consumer, the price of Valium has risen to $50,000 per kilo. Valium is used in huge quantities in Europe and the United States. It is possibly the most used drug of its kind in the world.

Hoffman la Roche does the same thing with Vitamin C, which costs them less than 1 cent a kilo to produce. It is sold for a profit of 10,000 percent. When a friend of mine blew the whistle on this criminal company, which had entered into a monopoly agreement with other producers, in contravention of European Economic Community laws, he was arrested on the Swiss-Italian border and hustled into prison; his wife was threatened by the Swiss police until she committed suicide. As a British national he was rescued by the British consul in Berne as soon as word of his plight was received, removed from prison and flown out of the country. He lost his wife, his job and his pension because he dared to disclose Hoffman La Roche secrets. The Swiss take their Industrial Espionage law very seriously.

Remember this the next time you see those lovely advertisements of Swiss ski slopes, beautiful watches, pristine mountains and cuckoo clocks. That is not what Switzerland is about. It is about dirty multi-billion dollar money laundering which is carried out by major Swiss banking houses. It is about the Committee of 300 “legal” drug manufacturers. Switzerland is the Committee’s ultimate “safe haven” for money and protection of their bodies in time of global calamity.

Now mind you, one could get into serious trouble with the Swiss authorities for giving out any information on these nefarious activities. The Swiss regard it as “industrial espionage” which usually carries a 5-year term in prison. It is safer to pretend that Switzerland is a nice clean country rather than look under the covers or inside its garbage can banks.

In 1931 the managing directors of the so-called “big Five” British companies were rewarded by being made Peers of the Realm for their activities in drug money laundering. Who decided such matters and bestows such honors? It is the Queen of England who bestows honors upon the men in the top positions in the drug trade. British banks engaged in this terrible trade are too numerous to mention, but a few of the top ones are:

  • The British Bank of the Middle East

  • Midland Bank

  • National and Westminster Bank

  • Barclays Bank

  • Royal Bank of Canada

  • Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank

  • Baring Brothers Bank

Many of the merchant banks are up to their hocks in pigswill drug trade profits, banks such as Hambros for example, run by Sir Jocelyn Hambro. For a really interesting major study of the Chinese opium trade, one would need access to India Office in London. I was able to get in there because of my intelligence service and received great assistance from the trustee of the papers of the late Professor Frederick Wells Williamson, which provided much information on the opium trade carried on by the British East India Company in India and China in the 18th and 19th centuries. If only those papers could be made public, what a storm would burst over the heads of the crowned vipers of Europe.

Today the trade has shifted somewhat in that less expensive cocaine has taken over a good part of the North American market. In the 1960’s the flood of heroin coming from Hong Kong, Lebanon and Dubai threatened to engulf the United States and Western Europe. When demand outpaced supply there was a switch to cocaine. But now, at the end of 1991, that trend has been reversed; today it is heroin that is back in favor, although it is true that cocaine still enjoys great favor among the poorer classes.

Heroin, we are told, is more satisfying to addicts; the effects are far more intense and last longer than the effects of cocaine and there is less international attention on heroin producers than there is on Colombian cocaine shippers. Besides which, it is hardly likely that the U.S. would make any real effort to stop the production of opium in the Golden Triangle which is under the control of the Chinese military, a serious war would erupt if any country tried to interdict the trade. A serious attack on the opium trade would bring Chinese military intervention.

The British know this; they have no quarrel with China, except for an occasional squabble over who gets the larger share of the pie. Britain has been involved in the China opium trade for over two centuries. No one is going to be so foolish as to rock the boat when millions upon millions of dollars flow into the bank accounts of the British oligarchists and more gold is traded on the Hong Kong gold market than the combined total traded in London and New York.

Those individuals who fondly imagine they can do some kind of a deal with a minor Chinese or Burmese overlord in the
hills of the Golden Triangle apparently have no idea of what is involved. If they had known, they would never have talked
about stopping the opium trade. Such talk reveals little knowledge of the immensity and complexity of China’s opium trade, British plutocrats, the Russian KGB, the CIA, and U.S. bankers are all in league with China. Could one man stop or even make a small dent in the trade? It would be absurd to imagine it. What is heroin and why is it favored over cocaine these days? According to the noted authority on the subject Professor Galen, heroin is a derivative of opium, a drug that stupefies the senses and induces long periods of sleep. This is what most addicts like, it is called “being in the arms of Morpheus.” Opium is the most habit-forming drug known to man. Many pharmaceutical drugs contain opium in various degrees, and it is believed that paper used in the manufacture of cigarettes is first impregnated with opium, which is why smokers become so addicted to their habit.

The poppy seed from which it is derived was long known to the Moguls of India, who used the seeds mixed in tea offered to a difficult opponent. It is also used as a pain-killing drug which largely replaced chloroform and other older anesthetics of a bygone era. Opium was popular in all of the fashionable clubs of Victorian London and it was no secret that men like the Huxley brothers used it extensively. Members of the Orphic-Dionysus cults of Hellenic Greece and the Osiris-Horus cults of Ptolemaic Egypt which Victorian society embraced, all smoked opium; it was the “in” thing to do.

So did some of those who met at St. Ermins Hotel in 1903 to decide what sort of a world we would have. The descendants of the St. Ermins crowd are found today in the Committee of 300. It is these so-called world leaders who brought about such a change in our environment that enabled drug usage to proliferate to the point where it can no longer be stopped by regular law enforcement tactics and policies. This is especially true in big cities where big populations can conceal a great deal of what transpires.

Many in the circles of royalty were regular opium users. One of their favorites was the writer Coudenhove-Kalergi who wrote a book in 1932 entitled “REVOLUTION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY"  which was a blueprint for the return of the world to a medieval society. The book, in fact, became a working paper for the Committee of 300’s plan to deindustrialize the world, starting with the United States. Claiming that pressures of over-population are a serious problem, Kalergi advised a return to what he called “open spaces.” Does this sound like the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot? Here are some extracts from the book:

“In its facilities, the city of the future will resemble the city of the Middle Ages...and he who is not condemned to live in a city because of his occupation, will go to the countryside. Our civilization is a culture of the major cities; therefore it is a marsh plant, born by degenerated, sickly and decadent people, who have voluntarily, or involuntarily, ended up in this dead-end street of life.”

Isn’t that very close to what “AnkarWat” gave as “his” reasons for depopulating Phnom Penh?

The first opium shipments reached England from Bengal in 1683, carried in British East India Company “Tea Clippers.” Opium was brought to England as a test, an experiment, to see whether the common folk of England, the yeomen and the lower classes, could be induced into taking the drug. It was what we could call today “test marketing” of a new product. But the sturdy yeomen and the much derided “lower classes” were made of stern stuff, and the test marketing experiment was a total flop. The “lower classes” of British society firmly rejected opium smoking.

The plutocrats and oligarchists in high society in London began casting about for a market that would not be so resistant, so unbending. They found such a market in China. In the papers I studied at the India Office under the heading “Miscellaneous Old Records,” I found all the confirmation I could have wished for in proving that the opium trade in China really took off following the founding of the British East India Company-funded “China Inland Mission,” ostensibly a Christian missionary society but in reality the “promotion” men and women for the new product being introduced into the market, that new product being OPIUM.

This was later confirmed when I was given access to the papers of Sir George Birdwood in India Office records. Soon
after the China Inland Mission missionaries set out to give away their sample packages and show the coolies how to smoke opium, vast quantities of opium began to arrive in China. “The Beatles” could not have done a better job. (In both cases the trade was sanctioned by the British royal family, who openly supported the Beatles.) Where the British East India Company had failed in England, it now succeeded beyond its wildest expectations in China, whose teeming millions of poor looked upon smoking opium as an escape from their life of misery.

Opium dens began proliferating all across China, and in the big cities like Shanghai and Canton, hundreds of thousands of miserable Chinese found that a pipe of opium seemingly made life bearable. The British East India Company had a clear run for over a 100 years before the Chinese government woke up to what was happening. It was only in 1729 that the first laws against opium smoking were passed. The 300 board members of BEIC did not like it one bit and, never one to back down, the company was soon engaged in a running battle with the Chinese government.

The BEIC had developed poppy seeds that brought the finest quality opium from the poppy fields of Benares and Bihar in the Ganges Basin in India, a country they fully controlled this fetched top price, while the lower grades of opium from other areas of India were sold for less. Not about to lose their lucrative market, the British Crown engaged in running battles with Chinese forces, and defeated them. In the same manner, the U.S. government is supposedly fighting a running battle against today’s drug barons and, like the Chinese, are losing heavily. There is however one big difference: The Chinese government fought to win whereas the United States government is under no compunction to win the battle which explains why staff turnover in the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is so high.

Latterly, high grade quality opium has come out of Pakistan via Makra on the desolate coastline of the country from whence ships take the cargo to Dubai where it is exchanged for gold. This is said to account in part for heroin being favored over cocaine today. The heroin trade is more discreet, there is no murder of prominent officials such as became an almost daily occurrence in Colombia. Pakistani opium does not sell for as much as Golden Triangle or Golden Crescent (Iranian) opium. This has greatly spurred heroin production and sales which threaten to overtake cocaine as the number one seller.

The vile opium trade was talked about in the upper-crust circles of English society for many years as “the spoils of the Empire.” The tall tales of valor in the Khyber Pass covered a vast trade in opium. The British Army was stationed in the Khyber Pass to protect caravans carrying raw opium from being pillaged by hill tribesmen. Did the British royal family know this? They must have, what else would induce the Crown to keep an army in this region where there was nothing of much worth other than the lucrative opium trade? It was very expensive to keep men under arms in a far away country. Her Majesty must have asked why these military units were there? Certainly not to play polo or billiards in the officers’ mess.

The BEIC was jealous of its monopoly in opium. Would-be competitors received short shrift. In a noted trial in 1791, a certain Warren Hastings was put on charges that he helped a Friend to get into the opium trade at the expense of the BEIC. The actual wording which I found in the records of the case housed in India Office gives some insight into the vast opium trade:

“The charge is that Hastings has granted a contract for the Provision of Opium for four years to Stephen Sullivan, without advertising for the same, on terms glaringly obvious and wantonly profuse, for the purpose of creating an INSTANT FORTUNE for the said William Sullivan Esq.” (Emphasis added.)

As the BEIC-British government held the monopoly in opium trading, the only people allowed to make instant fortunes were the “nobility,” the “aristocracy,” the plutocrats and oligarchical families of England, many of whose descendants sit on the Committee of 300 just as their forbears sat on the Council of 300 who ran the BEIC. Outsiders like Mr. Sullivan soon found themselves in trouble with the Crown if they were so bold as to try and help themselves get into the multi-billion pound Sterling opium business.

The honorable men of the BEIC with its list of 300 counselors were members of all the famous gentlemen’s clubs in London and they were for the most part members of parliament, while others, both in India and at home, were magistrates. Company passports were required to land in China. When a few busybodies arrived in China to investigate the British Crown’s involvement in the lucrative trade, BEIC magistrates promptly revoked their passports, thus effectively denying them entry into China.

Friction with the Chinese government was common. The Chinese had passed a law, the Yung Cheny Edict of 1729, forbidding the importation of opium, yet the BEIC managed to keep opium as an entry in the Chinese Customs Tariff books until 1753, the duty being three taels per chest of opium. Even when British special secret service (the 007 of the day) saw to it that troublesome Chinese officials were bought off, and in cases where that was not possible, they were simply murdered.

Every British monarch since 1729 has benefited immensely from the drug trade and this holds good for the present occupant of the throne. Their ministers saw to it that wealth flowed into their family coffers. One such minister of Victoria’s was Lord Palmerston. He clung obstinately to the belief that nothing should be allowed to stop Britain’s opium trade with China. Palmerston’s plan was to supply the Chinese government with enough opium to make individual members become greedy. Then the British would withhold supplies and when the Chinese government was on its knees, supplies would be resumed—but at a much higher price, thus retaining a monopoly through the Chinese government itself, but the plan failed.

The Chinese government responded by destroying large cargoes of opium stored in warehouses, and British merchants
were required to sign INDIVIDUAL agreements not to import any more opium into Canton. BEIC responded by sending scores of fully-loaded opium carrying ships to lie in the roads of Macao. Companies beholden to BEIC, rather than individuals, then sold these cargoes. Chinese Commissioner Lin said,

“There is so much opium on board English vessels now lying in the roads of this place (Macao) which will never be returned to the country from which it came, and I shall not be surprised to hear of its being smuggled in under American colors.”

Lin’s prophecy roved to be remarkably accurate.

The Opium Wars against China were designed to “put the Chinese in their place” as Lord Palmerston once said, and the British Army did that. There was simply no stopping the vast, lucrative trade which provided the British oligarchical feudal lords with untold billions, while leaving China with millions of opium addicts. In later years the Chinese appealed to Britain for help with their immense problem and received it. Thereafter respective Chinese governments realized the value in cooperating instead of fighting with Britain—and this held good during the bloody rule of Mao Tse Tung—so that today, as I have already mentioned, any quarrels that come about are only over the share of the opium trade each is entitled to.

To advance to more modern history, the Chinese-British partnership was solidified by the Hong Kong agreement which established an equal partnership in the opium trade. This has proceeded smoothly, with an occasional ripple here and there, but while violence and death, robbery and murder marked the progression of the Colombian cocaine trade, no such baseness was allowed to disturb the heroin trade, which, as I said earlier, is once again coming into the ascendancy as we near the end of 1991.

The major problem that arose in Sino-British relations during the past 60 years concerned China’s demand for a larger slice of the opium-heroin pie. This was settled when Britain agreed to hand Hong Kong over to full Chinese government control which will come into effect in 1997. Other than that, the partners retain their former equal shares of the lucrative opium trade based in Hong Kong.

The British oligarchical families of the Committee of 300 who were entrenched in Canton at the height of the opium trade
left their descendants in position. Look at a list of prominent British residents in China and you will see the names of members of the Committee of 300 among them. The same holds good for Hong Kong. These plutocrats of a feudal era, that they seek to return to the world, control the gold and opium trade of which Hong Kong is THE center. Burmese and Chinese opium poppy growers get paid in gold; they do not trust the U.S. paper $100 bill. This explains the very large volume of gold trade in the Hong Kong exchange.

The Golden Triangle is no longer the largest producer of opium. That dubious title has since 1987 been shared by the Golden Crescent (Iran), Pakistan and Lebanon. These are the principle opium producers, although smaller quantities are once again coming out of Afghanistan and Turkey. The drug trade, and more: especially the opium trade, could not function without the help of banks as we shall demonstrate as we proceed.

How do banks with their great air of respectability fit into the drug trade with all of its attendant filth? It is a very long and complicated story, which could be the subject of a book on its own. One way in which banks participate is by financing front companies importing the chemicals needed to process raw opium into heroin. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank with a branch office in London is right in the middle of such trade through a company called TEJAPAIBUL, which banks with Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. What does this company do? It imports into Hong Kong most of the chemicals needed in the heroin refining process.

It is also a major supplier of acetic anhydride For the Golden Crescent and the Golden Triangle, Pakistan, Turkey and Lebanon. The actual financing for this trading is hived off to the Bangkok Metropolitan Bank. Thus, the secondary activities connected with processing opium, while not in the same category us the opium trade, nevertheless generates substantial income for banks. But the real income of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank and indeed all banks in the region is financing the actual opium trade.

It took a lot of research on my part to link the price of gold to the price of opium. I used to tell anyone who would listen,

“If you want to know the price of gold find out what the price of a pound or a kilo of opium is in Hong Kong.”

To my critics I answered,

“Take a look at what happened in 1977, a critical year for gold.”

The Bank of China shocked the gold pundits, and those clever forecasters who are to be found in great numbers in America, by suddenly and without warning, dumping 80 tons of gold on the market.

That depressed the price of gold in a big hurry. All the experts could say was, “We never knew China had that much gold where could it have come from?” It came from the gold which is paid to China in the Hong Kong Gold Market for large purchases of opium. The current policy of the Chinese government toward England is the same as it was in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Chinese economy, tied to the economy of Hong Kong—and I don’t mean television sets, textiles, radios, watches, pirated cassette and video tapes—I mean opium/heroin—would take a terrible beating if it were not for the opium trade it shares with Britain. The BEIC is gone but the descendants of the Council of 300 linger on in the membership of the Committee of 300.

The oldest of the oligarchical British families who were leaders in the opium trade for the past 200 years are still in it today. Take the Mathesons, for instance. This “noble” family is one of the pillars of the opium trade. When things looked a bit shaky a few years ago, the Mathesons stepped in and gave China a loan of $300 million for real estate investment. Actually it was billed as a “joint venture between the People’s Republic of China and the Matheson Bank.” When researching India Office papers of the 1700’s I came across the name of Matheson, and it kept on cropping up everywhere—London, Peking, Dubai, Hong Kong, wherever heroin and opium are mentioned.

The problem with the drug trade is that it has become a threat to national sovereignty. Here is what the Venezuelan Ambassador to the United Nations said about this world-wide threat:

“The problem of drugs was already ceased to be dealt with simply as one of public health or a social problem. It has turned into something far more serious and far-reaching which affects our national sovereignty; a problem of national security, because it strikes at the independence of a nation. Drugs in all their manifestations of production, commercialization and consumption, de-naturalizes us by injuring our ethical, religious and political life, our historic, economic, and republican values.”

This is precisely the way the Bank of International Settlements and the IMF are operating. Let me say without hesitation that both these banks are nothing more than bully-boy clearing houses for the drug trade. The BIS undermines any country that the IMF wants to sink by setting up ways and means for the easy outflow of flight capital. Nor does BIS recognize nor make any distinction when it comes down to what is flight capital and what is laundered drug money.
The BIS operates on gangster lines. If a country will not submit to asset-stripping by the IMF, then it says in effect, “Right, then we will break you by means of the huge cache of narco-dollars we are holding.” It is easy to understand why gold was demonetized and substituted with the paper “dollar” as the world’s reserve currency. It is not as easy to blackmail a country holding gold reserves as it is one having its reserves in paper dollars.

The IMF held a meeting in Hong Kong a few years ago which was attended by a colleague of mine and he told me the seminar dealt with this very question. He informed me that the IMF agents told the meeting that they could literally cause a run on any country’s currency, using narco-dollars, which would precipitate a flight of capital. Rainer-Gut, a Credit Suisse delegate and member of the Committee of 300, said he foresaw a situation where national credit and national financing would be under one umbrella organization by the turn of the century. While Rainer-Gut did not spell it out, everybody at the seminar knew exactly what he was talking about.

From Colombia to Miami, from the Golden Triangle to the Golden Gate, from Hong Kong to New York, from Bogota to
Frankfurt, the drug trade, and more especially the heroin trade, is BIG BUSINESS and it is run from the top down by some of the most “untouchable” families in the world, and each of those families have at least one member who is on the Committee of 300. It is not a street corner business, and it takes a great deal of money and expertise to keep it flowing smoothly. The machinery under control of the Committee of 300 ensures this.

Such talents are not found on the street corners and subways of New York. To be sure the pushers and peddlers are an integral part of the trade, but only as very small part-time salesmen. I say part-time because they are caught and rivalry gets some of them shot. But what does that matter? There are plenty of replacements available.

No, it is not anything the Small Business Administration would be interested in. IT IS BIG BUSINESS, a vast empire, this dirty drug business. Of necessity, it is operated from the top down in every single country in the world. It is, in fact, the largest single enterprise in the world today, transcending all others. That it is protected from the top down is borne out by the fact that, like international terrorism, it cannot be stamped out which should indicate to a reasonable person that some of this biggest names in royal circles, the oligarchy, the plutocracy are running it, even if it is done through intermediaries.

The main countries involved in growing poppies and the cocoa bush are Burma, Northern China, Afghanistan, Iran, PaKistan, Thailand, Lebanon, Turkey, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia. Colombia does not grow the cocoa bush but, next to Bolivia, is the main refiner of cocaine and the chief financial center of the cocaine trade which, since General Noriega was kidnapped and imprisoned by President Bush, is being challenged by Panama for first place in money laundering and capital financing of the cocaine trade.

The heroin trade is financed by Hong Kong banks, London banks and some Middle East banks such as the British Bank of the Middle East. Lebanon is fast becoming the “Switzerland of the Middle East.” Countries involved in the distribution and routing of heroin are Hong Kong, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy, Monaco, France (Corsica and Marseilles) Lebanon and Pakistan. The United States is the largest consumer of narcotics, first place going to cocaine, which is being challenged by heroin. Western Europe and Southwest Asian countries are the biggest users of heroin. Iran has a huge heroin addict population—in excess of 2 million as of 1991.

There is not a single government that does not know precisely what is going on with regard to the drug trade, but individual members holding powerful positions are taken, but of by the Committee of 300 through its world-wide network of subsidiaries. If any government member is “difficult,” he or she is removed, as in the case of Pakistan’s Ali Bhutto and Italy’s Aldo Moro. No one is beyond the reach of this all-powerful Committee, even though Malaysia has been successful in holding out up until now. Malaysia has the strictest anti-drug laws in the world. Possession of even small amounts is punishable by the death penalty.

Like the Kintex Company of Bulgaria, most smaller countries have a direct hand in these criminal enterprises. Kintex trucks regularly ferried heroin through Western Europe in its own fleet of trucks bearing the EEC marker Triangle Internationale Routier (TIR). Trucks bearing this marker and the EEC recognition number are not supposed to be stopped at customs boarder posts. TlR trucks are allowed to carry only perishable items. They are supposed to be inspected in the country from whence they originated and documentation to this effect is supposed to be carried by each truck driver.

Under international treaty obligations this is what happens, thus Kintex trucks were able load their cargoes of heroin and certify it as “fresh fruit and vegetables;” and then make their way through Western Europe, even entering high-security NATO bases in Northern Italy. In this manner, Bulgaria became one of the principal countries through which heroin was routed.

The only way to stop the huge amounts of heroin and cocaine presently finding their way to markets in Europe is to end the TIR system. That will never happen. The international treaty obligations I have just mentioned were set up by the Committee of 300, using its amazing networks and control mechanisms, to facilitate passage of all manner of drugs to Western Europe. Forget perishable goods! A former DEA agent stationed in Italy told me, “TIR=DOPE.”

Remember this the next time you read in the newspapers that a big haul of heroin was found in a false-bottom suitcase at Kennedy Airport, and some unlucky “mule” pays the price for his criminal activity. This kind of action is only “small potatoes,” sand in the eyes of the public, to make us think our government is really doing something about the drug menace. Take for example, “The French Connection,” a Nixon program embarked upon without the knowledge and consent of the committee of 300.

The entire amount of opium/heroin seized in that massive effort is somewhat less than one quarter of what a single TIR truck carries. The Committee of 300 saw to it that Nixon paid a heavy price for a relatively small seizure of heroin. It was not the amount of heroin involved, but a matter of one whom they had helped up the ladder to the White House believing that he could now do without their help and backing, and even go against direct orders from above.

The mechanics of the heroin trade go like this: wild Thai and Burmese Hill tribesmen grow the opium poppy. At harvest time, the seed-bearing pod is cut with a razor or sharp knife. A resinous substance leaks through the cut and starts to congeal. This is raw opium. The crop of raw opium is made up into sticky roundish balls. The tribesman are paid in 1 kilo gold bars— known as 4/10ths—which are minted by Credit Suisse. These small bars are used ONLY to pay the tribesman—the normal-weight gold bars are traded on the Hong Kong market by the big buyers of raw opium or partly processed heroin. The same methods are used to pay hill tribesman in India —the Baluchis— who have been in this business since the days of the Moguls. The “Dope Season,” as it is called, sees a flood of gold traded on the Hong Kong market.

Mexico has started producing relatively small amounts of heroin called “Mexican Brown” which is much in demand by the Hollywood crowd. Here again the heroin trade is run by top government officials who have the military on their side. Some producers of “Mexican Brown” are making a million dollars a month by supplying their U.S. clients. On occasions when a few Mexican Federal police are prodded into taking action against the heroin producers, they are “taken out” by military units who seem to appear as if from nowhere.

Such an incident occurred in November 1991 at an isolated airstrip in Mexico’s opium producing region. Federal narcotics agents surrounded the strip and were about to arrest people who were in the act of loading heroin when a squad of soldiers arrived. The soldiers rounded up the Federal narcotics police agents and systematically killed all of them. This action posed serious threat to Mexican President Goltarin, who is faced with loud demands for a full-scale investigation into the murders. Goltarin is over a barrel; he can’t back off from calling for an inquiry, and neither can he afford to offend the military. It is the first such crack in the tight chain of command in Mexico that stretches all the way back to the Committee of 300.

Raw opium from the Golden Triangle is pipelined to the Sicilian Mafia and the French end of the business for refining in the laboratories that infest the French coastline from Marseilles to Monte-Carlo. Nowadays, Lebanon and Turkey are turning out increasing amounts of refined heroin and a large number of laboratories have sprung up in these two countries in the past four years. Pakistan also has a number of laboratories but it is not in the same league as France, for example.

The route taken by the raw opium carriers of the Golden Crescent goes through Iran, Turkey and Lebanon. When the
Shah of Iran was in control of the country, he refused to allow the heroin trade to continue and it was forcibly discontinued-up until the time that he was “dealt with” by the Committee of 300. Raw opium from Turkey and Lebanon finds it way to Corsica, from where it is shipped to Monte Carlo with the connivance of the Grimaldi family. Pakistani laboratories, under the guise of “military defense laboratories” are doing a bigger share of refining than they were two years ago, but the best refining is still done along the French Mediterranean coastline and in Turkey. Here again, banks play a vital role in financing these operations.

Let us stop here for a moment. Are we to believe that with all the modern and vastly improved surveillance techniques, including satellite reconnaissance, available to law enforcement agencies in these countries, that this vile trade cannot be pin-pointed and stopped? How is it that law enforcement agencies cannot go in and destroy these laboratories once they are discovered? If this IS the case, and we still cannot interdict the heroin trade, then our anti-narcotics services ought to be known as “The Geriatrics” and not drug enforcement agencies.

Even a child could tell our alleged “drug watchers” what to do. Simply keep a check on all factories making acetic anhydride, THE most essential chemical component needed by laboratories to refine heroin from raw opium. THEN FOLLOW THE TRAIL! It is as simple as that! I am reminded of Peter Sellers in the “Pink Panther” series when I think of law enforcement efforts to locate heroin-refining laboratories. Even someone as bumbling as the imaginary inspector would have had no trouble in following the route taken by acetic anhydride shipments to their final destination.

Governments could make laws that would oblige manufacturers of acetic anhydride to keep scrupulous records showing who buys the chemical and for what purposes it is to be used. But do not hold your breath on this one, remember Dope=Big Business and Big Business is done by the oligarchical families of Europe and the United States Eastern Liberal Establishment.

The drug business is not a Mafia operation, nor one run by the Colombian cocaine cartels. The noble families of Britain and America’s top people are not going to advertise their role in the shop windows; they always have a layer of front men to do the dirty work.

Remember British and AMERICAN “nobility” never dirtied their hands in the China opium trade. The lords and ladies were much too clever for that, as were the American elite:

  • Delanos

  • Forbes

  • Appletons

  • Bacons

  • Boylestons

  • Perkins

  • Russells

  • Cunninghams

  • Shaws

  • Coolidges

  • Parkmans

  • Runnewells

  • Cabots

  • Codmans,

by no means a complete list of families in America who grew immensely wealthy from the China opium trade.

Since this is not a book about the drug trade, I cannot of necessity, cover the subject in an in-depth manner. But its importance to the Committee of 300 must be emphasized. America is run not by 60 families but by 300 families and England is run by 100 families and, as we shall see, these families are intertwined through marriage, companies, banks, not to mention ties to the Black Nobility, Freemasonry, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and so on. These are the people who, through their surrogates, find ways to protect huge shipments of heroin from Hong Kong, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan and ensure they reach the market places in the U.S. and Western Europe with the minimum cost of doing business.

Shipments of cocaine are sometimes interdicted and seized. That is mere window dressing. Often times the shipments seized belong to a new organization trying to break into the trade. Such competition is put out of business by informing the authorities exactly where it is going to enter the U.S. and who the owners are. The big stuff is never touched; heroin is too expensive. It is worthy of note that U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency operatives are not allowed into Hong Kong. They cannot examine any ship’s manifest before it leaves the port. One wonders why, if there is so much “international cooperation” going on—what the media likes to characterize as “smashing the dope trade.” Clearly the trade routes for heroin are protected by “a higher authority. “

In South America, apart from Mexico, cocaine is king. The production of cocaine is very simple, unlike heroin, and great fortunes are to be made by those willing to take risks for and on behalf of the “higher ups.” As in the heroin trade, interlopers are not welcome and often finish up as casualties, or victims of family feuds. In Colombia the drug mafia is a closely knit family. But such has been the bad publicity generated by the M19 guerrilla attack on the Justice Building in Bogota (M19 is the private army of the cocaine barons) and the murder of Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, a prominent prosecutor and a judge, that the “higher authority” had to rearrange matters in Colombia.

Accordingly, the Ochoas of the Medellin Cartel turned themselves in after being assured that they would not suffer any loss of fortune, harm of any kind, nor would they be extradited to the United States. A deal was struck that, provided they repatriated the bulk of their huge narco-dollar fortunes to Colombian banks, no punitive action would be taken against them. The OchoasJorge, Fabio, and their top man, Pablo Escobar, would be held in private jails that resemble a luxury-class motel room, and then be sentenced to a maximum term of two years— to be served in the same motel jail. This deal is ongoing. The Ochoas have also been guaranteed the right to continue to manage their “business” from their motel-prison.

But that does not mean that the cocaine trade has come to a screeching halt. On the contrary, it has simply been transferred to the second-string Cali cartel, and it is business as usual. For some strange reason the Cali cartel, which is equal in size to the Medellin cartel, has been—at least up until now—largely ignored by the DEA. Cali differs from the Medellin cartel in that it is run by BUSINESSMEN, who eschew all forms of violence and never break agreements.
Even more significant is that Cali does virtually no business in Florida. My source told me that the Cali cartel is run by shrewd businessmen unlike any seen in the cocaine business. He believes that they were “specially appointed,” but does not know by whom. “They never call attention to themselves,” he said. “They do not go around importing red Ferraris like Jorge Ochoa did, attracting immediate attention, because it is forbid-den to import such cars into Colombia.”

Cali cartel markets are in Los Angeles, New York and Houston, which closely parallel the heroin markets. Cali has not shown any signs of moving into Florida. A former DEA operative who is a colleague of mine said recently, “These Cali people are sure smart. They are a different breed to the Ochoa brothers. They act like professional businessmen. They are now larger than the Medellin cartel and I think we are going to see a lot more cocaine get into the United States than ever before. The kidnapping of Manuel Noriega will facilitate an easier flow through Panama of cocaine and money, what with so many banks there. So much for President George Bush’s Operation Just Cause. All it did was make life a great deal easier for Nicolas Ardito Barletta who used to be run by the Ochoa brothers and who is fixing to front for the Cali cartel.”

Based on my experience with the heroin trade I believe that the Committee of 300 has stepped in and taken over full control of the South American cocaine trade. There is no other explanation for the rise of the Cali cartel which is coupled with the kidnapping of Noriega. Did Bush take his orders from London regarding Noriega? There is every indication that he was literally PUSHED into invading Panama and kidnapping Noriega, who had become a serious impediment to “trade” in Panama, especially in the banking business.

Several former intelligence agents have given me their opinions which coincide with my own. Like the Gulf War that
followed in the wake of Panama, it was only after several calls from the British Ambassador in Washington that Bush finally plucked up enough courage to make his totally illegal move on General Noriega. That he was supported by the British press and the New York Times, a British intelligence run newspaper, speaks volumes.

Noriega was formerly the darling of the Washington establishment. He frequently hob-knobbed with William Casey and Oliver North and even met with President George Bush on at least two occasions. Noriega was often seen at the Pentagon where he was treated like one of those Arab potentates, and the red carpet was always laid out for him at CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia. U.S. Army Intelligence and the CIA are on record as having paid him $320,000.

Then storm clouds began to appear on the horizon at about the same time the Cali cartel was taking over the cocaine trade from the Ochoa brothers and Pablo Escobar. Led by Senator Jesse Helms, who sold out to Ariel Sharon and the Israeli Histradut Party in 1985, there suddenly began an agitation for the removal of Noriega. Jesse Helms and those of a like mind were backed up by Simon Hersh, a British intelligence agent working for the New York Times, which has been a British intelligence mouthpiece in the U.S. since the time that M16 boss, Sir William Stephenson, occupied the RCA building in New York.

It is very significant that Helms should have chosen to lead the charge against Noriega. Helms is the darling of the Sharon faction in Washington and Sharon was the principal gun-runner in Central America and Colombia. Moreover, Helms has the respect of the Christian fundamentalists who believe in the maxim: “Israel, my country, right or wrong.” Thus a powerful momentum was created to “get Noriega.” It is evident that Noriega could well prove a serious impediment to the international drug merchants and their Committee of 300 bankers, so he had to be removed before he could do some significant damage.

Bush was pressured by his British masters to conduct an illegal search and seizure operation in Panama that resulted in the deaths of no less than 7,000 Panamanians and wanton destruction of property. Nothing to implicate Noriega as a “drug dealer” was ever found, so he was kidnapped and brought to the U.S. in one of the most blatant examples of international brigandry in history. This illegal action probably best meets the Bush philosophy:

“The moral dimensions of American (read British royal family-Committee of 300) foreign policy require us to chart a moral course through a world of lesser evils. That’s the real world, not black and while. Very few absolutes.”

It was a “lesser evil” lo kidnap Noriega, rather than have him up-end the banks in Panama working for the Committee of 300. The Noriega case is a prototype of monstrous One World Government actions waiting in the wings. An emboldened Bush came right out in the open, unafraid, because we, the people have put on a spiritual mantle that accommodates LIES and wants no part of TRUTH. This is the world we have decided to accept. If it were not so, a firestorm of anger would have swept the country over the invasion of Panama, which would not have stopped until Bush was hounded from office. Nixon’s Watergate transgressions pale into insignificance next to the many impeachable offenses committed by President Bush when he ordered the invasion of Panama to kidnap General Noriega.

The government case against Noriega is based upon perjured testimony by a group of big men, for the most part, already convicted and lying through their individual and collective teeth to gel their own sentences lightened. Their performance would have pleased Gilbert and Sullivan immensely, were they alive today. “They made them the rulers of DEA,” might be apropos instead of, “They made them the rulers of Queen’s Navy,” from “HMS Pinafore.” It is an altogether grotesque scene to see how these con-artists are performing like not-so-well-trained seals for the U.S. Justice Department; that is if we care to insult such a nice clean animal by such an unworthy comparison.

Key dates conflict wildly, key details are altogether conspicuous by their absence, lapses of memory on crucial points
all add up to the obvious fact that the government has no case against Noriega, but that does not matter; the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) says “convict him anyway” and that is what poor Noriega can expect. One of the Justice Department’s star witnesses is one Floyd Carlton Caceres, a former pilot for the Ochoa brothers. Following his arrest in 1986, Carlton tried to ease his position at the expense of Noriega.

