
America and the world stand on the brink of one of the most perilous epochs in this planet’s history.

According to the purveyors of conventional wisdom, communism is dead, the Cold War is over, and the greatest threats to world peace and security are rampant nationalism, inequitable wealth distribution, overpopulation, and environmental degradation. Yet the threat to a just world peace and comity among nations and peoples comes not from political fragmentation, ozone holes, greenhouse gases, an overabundance of people, a shortage of natural resources, or even from the frequently offered scenarios of “rogue” elements in the former USSR acquiring control of nuclear weapons.

The true, imminent danger to America and to all nations seeking peace and good will stems from widespread acceptance of the monstrous falsehood that in order to live in an “interdependent” world, all nation-states must yield their sovereignty to the United Nations. This lie is given dignity by other lies, chief of which is that Soviet totalitarianism has been buried forever.1 A too wide acceptance of these dangerous falsehoods is resulting in:

  1. a massive transfer of wealth from the taxpayers in the West to the still-socialist governments of the East that remain under the control of “former” communists

  2. the gradual but accelerating merger or “convergence” of the U.S. and Russia through increasing economic, political, social, and military agreements and arrangements

  3. the rapidly escalating transfer of power — military, regulatory, and taxing — to the UN. Unless the fiction underlying these developments is exposed, national suicide and global rule by an all-powerful world government are inevitable

“The Bush Administration,” Time magazine noted on September 17, 1990, “would like to make the U.N. a cornerstone of its plans to construct a New World Order.”2 That observation merely stated the obvious. In his speech to the nation and the world on September 11, 1990, Mr. Bush stated: “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge....” He proceeded to announce his hopes for “a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.”3


It became abundantly clear to veteran students of “world order” politics that a major new push for world government had begun. Only a few years ago, any such attempt would have flopped miserably. During the 1970s and 80s, the UN’s record as an enclave of spies, a sinkhole of corrupt spendthrifts, and an anti-American propaganda forum for terrorists, Third World dictators, and Communist totalitarians, had thoroughly tarnished its carefully manufactured image as mankind’s “last best hope for peace.”

From 1959, when the UN could boast an 87 percent approval rating, the annual Gallup Poll showed a continuous decline in popularity for the organization. By 1971, a Gallup survey reported that only 35 percent of the American people thought the UN was doing a good job. By 1976, Gallup claimed that the support had dropped to 33 percent. In 1980, it declined further to an all-time low of 31 percent. “At no point since [1945],” said Dr. Gallup referring to his latest figures, “has satisfaction with the overall performance of the world organization been as low as it is today.”4 The John Birch Society’s long and frequently lonely billboard, bumper sticker, petition, letter-writing, and pamphleteering educational campaigns to “Get US out! of the United Nations” had made good sense to many Americans.


In the early years of the Reagan Administration, UN-bashing became positively respectable, even fashionable. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick could be seen and heard almost daily denouncing the world body’s anti-Americanism, tyranny promotion, and fiscal profligacy. Editorials opposing UN actions and the organization itself began appearing with frequency in local and regional newspapers, and occasionally even in major national news organs.
Anti-UN sentiment had already reached the point in 1981 that veteran UN-watcher Robert W. Lee could report in his book, The United Nations Conspiracy:

“Today the UN is increasingly regarded not as a sacred cow, but rather as a troika composed of a white elephant, a Trojan horse, and a Judas goat.”5

The supermarket tabloid Star, while not exactly a consistently reliable heavyweight in the news and analysis category, expressed the sentiments of a large and growing segment of the American people with a November 3, 1981 article by Steve Dunleavy entitled, “Rip Down This Shocking Tower of Shame.”

In March of 1982, syndicated columnist Andrew Tully authored a piece headlined: “[Mayor] Koch Should Chase UN Out of Town.”6 Many similar articles and editorials could be cited, but perhaps one of the most surprising was the August 24, 1987 cover story by Charles Krauthammer for The New Republic, entitled “Let It Sink: The Overdue Demise of the United Nations.”

But the advent of Mikhail Gorbachev’s “new thinking” in the late 1980s coincided with the beginning of a remarkable rehabilitation in the public’s image of the UN. First Gorbachev, and then Boris Yeltsin, won plaudits for reversing the traditional Soviet (or Soviet surrogate) practice of using the UN as a venue for strident anti-American diatribes. Yassir Arafat and his PLO terrorists dropped their regular anti-Israel philippics. And the UN’s “peacekeepers” won a Nobel Prize and worldwide praise for their roles as mediators in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Central America, Southern Africa, and the Middle East.

Then came Operation Desert Storm, the holy war against the aggression of Saddam Hussein. And mirabile dictu, the United Nations was once again the world’s “last best hope for peace.” Suddenly UN “peacekeepers” began to appear almost everywhere — with more than 40,000 troops in the field in Africa, Asia, Europe, Central America, and the Middle East7 — and every new day now brings new appeals for the world body’s intervention and “expertise.”


On United Nations Day 1990, a new Gallup Poll indicated that “American support for the United Nations ... is higher than it has been in over 20 years.” According to the national polling organization, “Fifty-four percent of Americans now think the United Nations has done a good job of solving the problems it has had to face....” The poll cited the “rapprochement between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S., and the dissolution of the Iron Curtain,” as well as the developing Persian Gulf situation, as major factors contributing to the enhancement of the UN’s image.8

Gallup reported that “almost six out of ten Americans think that the U.N. has been effective in helping deal with the current [Iraq-Kuwait] crisis, with only 8% saying that the U.N. has not been at all effective.” Even more disturbing, if accurate, is the poll finding that 61 percent of those surveyed thought it a good idea to build up the United Nations emergency force to “a size great enough to deal with ‘brush fire’ or small wars throughout the world.”9

The euphoria following the Persian Gulf hostilities temporarily boosted George Bush’s approval rating to an all-time high for any president. Rude economic realities and an accumulating number of political problems then caused his star to plummet just as rapidly as it had risen. The UN’s gains, however, appear to have been more durable. As reported by Richard Morin (“U.N. Real Winner After Gulf War,” Salt Lake Tribune, January 24, 1992), a survey by the Americans Talk Issues Foundation “found that approval for the United Nations actually increased from 66 percent in June to 78 percent in November [1991], a period when other measures of war-induced euphoria were sinking fast.”

The Tribune reported:

[H]alf of those questioned — 51 percent — agreed that “the U.S. should abide by all World Court decisions, even when they go against us, because this sets an example for all nations to follow.”

That was up from 42 percent in May.

More than half also would support increasing the amount of dues that the United States pays to the U.N. to “help pay for a U.N. space satellite system to detect and monitor such problems as arms movements, crop failures, refugee settlements and global pollution.”

And, remarkably, 38 percent of those questioned said United Nations resolutions “should rule over the actions and laws of individual countries, where necessary to fulfill essential United Nations functions, including ruling over U.S. laws even when our laws are different.”

While we recognize that pollsters often structure their polling questions to achieve results that will influence rather than accurately reflect public opinion, and these surveys may be exaggerating the rise of pro-UN sentiments, there is little doubt that the world organization is experiencing a dramatic turnaround in citizen acceptance. In large measure, this has resulted from the enormously effective UN drum-beating campaigns of the Establishment news media.

The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post have led the way, with an avalanche of fawning editorials, news stories, and op-ed columns glorifying the alleged accomplishments and yet-tobe-realized potential of the UN. These pro-UN public relations pieces have been reprinted in thousands of newspapers and have also found their way into the mainstream of broadcast journalism.


Unfortunately, the religious media have followed along with their secular brethren in promoting this unquestioning faith in the salvific capability of the United Nations. One of the more egregious examples of this misplaced fervor appeared in a lengthy January 19, 1992 editorial in Our Sunday Visitor, the nation’s largest Catholic publication. Headlined “UNsurpassed,” the piece declared: “If the John Birch Society had its way and the United Nations had ceased to exist back in the 1950s, 1991 would have been a far more dismal year.”


The editorialist then proceeded to praise the UN’s latest “accomplishments”:

It is unlikely that international support for the liberation of Kuwait and the dismantling of the Iraqi war machine would have been so easily marshaled by the United States. Cambodia’s warring factions would most likely still be warring. Terry Anderson and his fellow hostages would still be languishing in Lebanon. Croats and Serbs would still be locked in their death grip with no international organization pressing for a cease-fire. And El Salvador would still be a vast cemetery slowly filling up with the victims of its fratricidal opponents....

Now in its fifth decade of existence, the U.N. is finally coming into its own, thanks in part to the demise of the superpower standoff that hobbled the international organization for much of its existence. Nations are finding the mediation efforts of U.N. negotiators preferable to either unilateral actions or a bloody status quo of unwinnable conflicts.


Similar paeans of praise can be found in leading Protestant periodicals. New Age publications which have multiplied in number and influence in the past decade virtually worship the UN. Readers of this book will be in a far better position to benefit from our presentation in the pages that follow, and to understand unfolding world events, if they keep in mind the two major principles underlying virtually all of our federal government’s foreign and domestic policies: “convergence” and “interdependence.”


The plan to bring about a convergence or merger of the U.S. and the USSR is not a recent policy response to the supposed reforms of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. It first came to light officially in 1953 when public concern over large tax-exempt foundation grants to communists and communist causes prompted Congress to investigate. Of particular concern were the funding activities of the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations.


Perhaps the most startling revelation of that investigation came when Ford Foundation president H. Rowan Gaither admitted to Norman Dodd, staff director of the Congressional Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations:

Of course, you know that we at the executive level here were, at one time or another, active in either the OSS, the State Department, or the European Economic Administration. During those times, and without exception, we operated under directives issued by the White House. We are continuing to be guided by just such directives.... The substance [of these directives] was to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.10

At that time — even though the activities of the foundations coincided exactly with Gaither’s startling admission — it was simply too fantastic for many Americans to believe. It still is. Asked to assess such information, most Americans ask: Why would some of our nation’s wealthiest and most powerful capitalists use their great fortunes to promote such a goal? This compelling question has stymied many good Americans for decades.

If you, too, are perplexed about this seemingly suicidal practice, you will find it explained — and condemned — in the pages that follow. Of one thing there can be little doubt: Our nation is plunging headlong toward “convergence” and the eventual “merger” referred to by Rowan Gaither many years ago.

Simultaneously, our nation — along with the other nations of the world — is being steadily drawn into the tightening noose of “interdependence.” Our political and economic systems are being intertwined and increasingly are being subjected to control by the United Nations and its adjunct international organizations. Unless this process can be stopped, it will culminate in the creation of omnipotent global governance and an “end to nationhood,” as Walt Whitman Rostow once phrased the goal he shared with many others.11 These were (and still are) the ultimate objectives of Gaither, his world order cronies, and their modern-day successors.

Thirty-five years after Mr. Gaither’s admission, U.S. Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) warned America of “establishment insiders” who are “bringing this one-world design — with a convergence of the Soviet and American systems as its centerpiece — into being.” “The influence of establishment insiders over our foreign policy has become a fact of life in our time,” the Senator charged. “... It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order.” In this 1987 Senate speech, Senator Helms also identified the organizations through which these insiders operate:

A careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as a new world order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberg Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles.12

Unfortunately, because of the tremendous power that these Establishment Insiders* wield in our major media, Senator Helms’s warning never reached the American people. It was drowned under a flood of one-world propaganda on the Gorbachev “revolution” and the “new potentialities” for world peace through a revived and strengthened United Nations.

Yet, contrary to the many seductive pro-UN siren songs, the lessons of history about the relationship of man to government loudly and clearly proclaim that far from guaranteeing a new era of peace and security, the centralization of political and economic power on a planetary level can only bring about global tyranny and oppression on a scale never before imagined.


In late September of 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain journeyed to Germany for his third meeting with Adolph Hitler. Blind to the menace of Hitler’s “new world order” (Hitler’s own words),13 Chamberlain returned from that now-infamous meeting brandishing an agreement he had signed with der Fuehrer and proudly proclaiming that he had won “peace with honor” and “peace for our time.” He was greeted with clamorous huzzahs by British politicians, the press, and throngs of citizens who also blindly called the betrayal “peace.” Within months, Europe was convulsed in conflict, and soon even America was dragged into the bloodiest war in world history.

The peril America and the free world face today is every bit as real, though far greater in scope, than what a peace-hungry world faced in 1938. National sovereignty is threatened as never before. As UN power grows, the entire world stands on the brink of an era of totalitarian control. We must pull back before it is too late — too late to save our country, our freedoms, our families, and all we hold dear.

Here is what this book claims the new world order under the United Nations would mean:

  • An end to your God-given rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, i.e., freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly, the right to trial by jury, etc. (Chapter 6)

  • National and personal disarmament along with conscription of U.S. citizens into a United Nations Army or Police Force to serve at the pleasure of the UN hierarchy. (Chapters 1 and 2)

  • The end of private property rights and the ability to control your own home, farm, or business. (Chapters 6 and 7)

  • Economic and environmental regulation at the hands of UN bureaucrats. (Chapter 10)

  • Loss of your right as parents to raise and instruct your children in accordance with your personal beliefs. (Chapter 8)

  • Coercive population control measures that will determine when — or if — you may have children. (Chapter 9)

  • Unlimited global taxation. (Chapter 10)

  • A centrally managed world monetary system that will lead all but the ruling elite into poverty. (Chapter 10)

  • Environmental controls that will mean the end of single family homes and personal automobile ownership. (Chapter 6)

  • The enthronement of an occult, New Age, new world religion. (Chapter 12)

  • Communist-style totalitarian dictatorship and random, ruthless terror, torture, and extermination to cow all peoples into abject submission. (Chapters 2 & 14)

All of this need not happen. As late as the hour has become, it is still not too late to avert catastrophe and save our freedom. The world’s future need not degenerate into what George Orwell wrote would resemble “a boot stamping on a human face — forever!” But the urgency of our situation cannot be overstated. Simply put, unless significant numbers of Americans can be awakened from their slumbers, shaken from their apathy and ignorance, pulled away from their diversions, and convinced to work, pray, vote, speak up, struggle, and fight against the powers arrayed against them, then such a horrible fate surely awaits all of us.

The terms “Establishment” and “Insiders” will be used throughout this text to refer generally to the elite coterie of one-world-minded individuals associated with the organizations named above by Senator Helms. For identification purposes, and to demonstrate the inordinate and dangerous influence these interests wield, individuals who are, or have been, members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission will be so noted parenthetically in the text as (CFR) or (TC) respectively. The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.
• Edmund Burke (1784)



1. For factual information and perspective on developments in the USSR and Eastern Europe, see, for example, the following articles from The New American: John F. McManus interview with Russian chess grandmaster Lev Albert, “Lev Albert’s Defense,” March 30, 1987; Kirk Kidwell, “Has the Soviet Union Changed?” August 29, 1988; Robert W. Lee, “U.S.S.R. & Eastern Europe,” January 29, 1991; James J. Drummey, “Nice Smile, Iron Teeth,” March 12, 1991; Robert W. Lee, “The New, Improved USSR,” November 19, 1991; William F. Jasper, “From the Atlantic to the Urals (and Beyond),” January 27, 1992; William F. Jasper, “Meeting Ground of East and West,” February 24, 1992.
2. George J. Church, “A New World,” Time, September 17, 1990, p. 23.
3. President Bush in a televised address before a Joint Session of Congress, September 11, 1990, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, September 17, 1990, Vol. 26 — Number 37, pp. 1359-60.
4. Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy (Appleton, WI: Western Islands, 1981), p. ix.
5. Ibid., p. xi.
6. Andrew Tully, “[Mayor] Koch Should Chase UN Out of Town,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune (CA), March 3, 1982.
7. Author in telephone interview with Matthew Norzig, UN spokesman at UN information Office, Washington, DC on September 11, 1992: 40,000+ UN troops in 12 operations in 13 countries.
8. “American Support for United Nations Highest in 20 Years; Strong Support for Permanent Peacekeeping Force,” The Gallup Poll News Service, Vol. 55, No. 23, October 24, 1990.
9. Ibid.
10. William H. McIlhany, II, The Tax-Exempt Foundations (Westport, CT: Arlington House, 1980), p. 63. See also Norman Dodd, videotaped interview of, The Hidden Agenda: Merging America Into World Government, Westlake Village, CA: American Media, one hour (VHS).
11. Walt Whitman Rostow, The United States in the World Arena (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960), p. 549.
12. Senator Jesse Helms, Congressional Record, December 15, 1987, p. S 18146.
13. Hermann Rauschning, Hitler m’a dit (Paris: CoopŽration,1939), quoted by Jean-Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich (New York: Macmillan, 1974), p. 155.

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