What evidence exists that shows the Grays and Reptoids were involved in religion?

Religious tapestries in museums in Europe clearly depict Grays and flying saucers. Some of the tapestries date back over 1000 years. Reptoid images are carved on pyramids all over South and Central America and on buildings in ancient Sumer where they were worshipped as gods by both cultures.

Was Dr. Karla Turner right about people being frightened into believing aliens could only be here to help us?

Karla was able to gain insight into just how sinister the Reptoid agenda is. Women are more perceptive than men in a lot of matters. The abduction experience is a very traumatic one, and it can and does force many abductees into a Stockholm Syndrome mind frame. Their minds are so traumatized that they can only accept that the aliens MUST be benevolent. Otherwise they would go mad from terror. The Grays and Reptoids are not our friends. They are our keepers and consumers (the eating form of consumer).

In the interest of fairness, I will present questions about the views of Dr. Stephen Greer and CSETI. They are trying to make peaceful contact with representatives of the Federation of Sovereign Worlds. It is my opinion that this is a worthy project but won’t solve the more immediate problem we have with the Grays and Reptoids, who may not even be members of the council or subject to its rules. I just have the feeling that it was not worth the lives of any of the other extraterrestrial races to intervene in ancient or current harvests, or to fight our battles for us. Otherwise they would have intervened on our part in the past.

What has CSETI been doing to establish contact with aliens?

CSETI may have been making contact with aliens for several years now, which is why the powers that be have allowed CSETI access to the White house, Pentagon, Congress, UN, Parliament., etc., to give briefings. ( What other organizations in the UFO field of study are doing that?) There are many things that CSETI is doing that you will not find on the open access section of their web page.


I know a CSETI member who has been going to CSETI functions for a few years now. He has told me that at their conferences they make contact with aliens. I believe this is done by remote viewing.


He claims to have personally contacted: a humanoid type that was human from the head down but with the head of a Manatee, a Reptoid type, a humanoid type with a human body from the neck down but with a feline head, a humanoid type that reminded him of a huge egg in body shape, regular humanoid types, small entities that were two feet tall or less, several types that were of the Gray type of build but they were not Gray in color (the real ones are more of a purplish color), creatures that were in hooded robes where you could not make out their physical features, insect type creatures that were upright and walked on two legs, and humanoid types that had bird like features.


This is just a sampling of some of the types that have met with them. Some times several types meet with them at once as they are on board the same craft. There is a council that meets that has representatives from all sentient races present. Earth has and is being monitored as to how we are progressing in our growth as a sentient culture. Eventually as we outgrow our warlike tendencies, we are to be invited to join that galactic federation of species. This supposedly will only happen after we have solved the problems of war and greed.


Those advanced cultures are said to be totally into spiritual growth to better themselves too. The rumor being spread is that they don’t really operate at that level of technological advancement or have ulterior motives. This still doesn’t explain the seeming ulterior motives of the Grays. My CSETI acquaintance said there is evidence some of the Grays doing abductions are clones working for our own military using ARVs, the alien reproduction vehicles.


The cloned Grays are not perfect copies. It seems a copy is never as good as the original. Dolly the sheep clone has been reported to be somewhat abnormal, she became cannibalistic. Reports from abductees refer to some Grays being very slow moving and in an almost trancelike state.

There are also reports that humans were present on the abduction craft assisting the cloned Grays. My CSETI acquaintance reported that when meeting with real ETs he got a feeling of purity and holiness. He said the ruling council will not allow interstellar travel of a culture until they have grown up spiritually, and that is the reason many of our Mars probes are experiencing difficulties and our leaders know this.


When mankind matures, then more formal contact will be made on a major scale. Our leaders have been told this but their attitude is “how dare they tell me what to do.” After all, we really need to understand they have been on this planet longer then we have, so who is the real alien? He also stated, we are shooting some of their craft down now, and they are doing nothing in response. Why?


They have the capability to turn this planet into a burnt out cinder if they wanted to. The very fact that they have done nothing in response should be screaming out as to their benevolence. Personally, I think the Grays and Reptoids are waiting to have a major harvest when the council is not in the area monitoring us. They are just not ready to start yet. There is another possibility. We may be shooting down craft belonging to the bad faction of Grays. The federation may not be doing anything about that because they think the bad Grays are getting what they deserve. The bad Grays wouldn’t turn us into cinders. Why would they wipe out the whole cattle herd because of a few bum steers.

Are the ET-CSETI conferences for real?

There is something that is bothering me about this situation. The abductee who reported (in either one of John Mack’s or Budd Hopkins’ books) getting the information from “good Grays” that the majority faction of Grays were bad, with bad intentions, went on to say that all the other races were deathly afraid of them. I am trying to put all these pieces together. Is there any chance those particular ET council representatives are just the hand puppets of the Grays and Reptoids and we are both just being used as pawns in an advanced psych-war game?


I am concerned mostly because the Grays and Reptoids have strong thought control technology. I know how they can control a human’s thoughts, emotions, and actions based on my interviews of abductees who have experienced it firsthand. It is strong stuff whether you have an implant (which enhances the effects) or not. I have no fear of ETs per se.

I just want to be certain that the Reptoids are not staging conference “puppet shows” as a disinformation medium. If they used something like that in a meeting with world leaders, they could get everybody to drop or even scrap their defenses. If no weapons are allowed in space, how can they explain the use of them on Earth in the past by the aliens themselves? Was that prior to the rule? Right now all the pieces don’t fit neatly into the puzzle. It remains puzzling.

Does CSETI have information about any underground bases being used for cloning Gray aliens using acquired alien biological techniques and equipment?

I was informed by a CSETI member that CSETI has information from their witnesses of the existence of an underground US government facility in Dulce, New Mexico which has been in operation for many years. They use alien derived cloning technology to create copies of the Gray aliens, or beings that are very similar. My source told me that this information has been released by others, notably Richard Sauder in his book “Underground Bases And Tunnels.”

What has Dr. Greer said regarding the government keeping advanced technology secret?

He said,

“We know from witnesses that we have, as well as from what I have personally observed, that there are technologies which resulted from study of these extraterrestrial devices that permit the generation of huge amounts of power for propulsion and electricity that do not involve internal combustion and put out no fumes or pollution. These technologies are fully operational. They are not theoretical. Yet, they are in ultra-secret black projects."

One of the most important men in aerospace history, a man named Ben Rich, head of Lockheed Skunk Works, wrote a book called “Skunk works,” which I recommend your readers take a look at. Before he died of cancer, he gave a talk at UCLA.

One of my team members was at the talk, and afterwards, Mr. Rich had about 15 people standing around him.” Ben Rich, who had been head of these ultra-secret black projects at Lockheed, turned to the group and said,

“We already have the means to travel among the stars. But these technologies are locked up in ultra-secret black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.”

And everyone’s mouth dropped open. Greer continued,

“If people think the Cold War was expensive, they should begin to look at the price tag for militarizing space. And I’m telling you that this is what’s happening. A lot of technology is going into programs that are tracking and targeting and attempting to destroy these extraterrestrial vehicles as they approach the Earth. We have firsthand witnesses who can verify that has happened and that we have hit them on a few occasions. If there is only a 10 percent chance that this is true, this is one of the most serious threats to world security ever. And it’s totally unnecessary. In my opinion, it’s the result of this whole issue being managed exclusively in a covert fashion. Therefore, it has circumvented normal dialogue, and normal diplomatic channels, that would be at our disposal as a people.”

A speech writer from Minnesota coined the term “military industrial complex.” In Eisenhower’s famous speech to the world, the last speech to the nation as president, January 1961, he warned us of the potential excesses and abuses of power of the military industrial complex. And the reason he did of course, he was a five-star general and a conservative, two-term Republican president, was because he had seen these abuses, up close and personal. And by the way, it related to the UFO issue.


It related to the fact that there were ultra-secret projects that evolved in the 40’s, 50’s and early 60’s that he knew about, and he knew they were lying to him about what they were doing, the amount of money being spent on them, the types of technological breakthrough that had ensued, even events that were happening related to these extraterrestrial vehicles.


We know Eisenhower knew this was being withheld from him, because we have a witness who was in Army intelligence assigned to the White House who knew the president and knew the president’s concerns. He’s willing to testify under oath before Congress about this.”

Does Congress know about the advanced technological secrets?

Dr. Greer said,

“There are some members who do. That’s part of the problem. I know of several members of Congress who have personal knowledge of the subject. In fact, I know of a couple who were at a secret air show at Norton Air Force Base in November 1988 at which an Alien Reproduction Vehicle was test flown for them in a hanger. It levitated for them and went up and all around.


I have eyewitnesses to this event and eye witnesses to the members of Congress who were there. But these members of Congress, in my opinion, are in all likelihood part of the covert management of the subject. In that sense, they’re probably part of the problem. Let me be clear. I’m not saying that there has not been anyone who’s ever been in government who has known about it. I’m saying it’s handled in a very secret, black project way that bypasses the normal oversight of Congressional committees, of presidents, of presidential appointees and so on, which should be intact if you have a working constitution.


If there are military programs in place that are mismanaging the issue and trying to militarize space, that is a very big danger for the world and it should be openly discussed. On the other hand, you’ve got extraordinary promise in terms of us evolving into an interplanetary society. It’s one that would have these technologies, not for exclusive military use or misuse, but for peaceful energy generation so we can evolve into a civilization that does not have to cannibalize the planet in order to have an advanced technological civilization.


At this moment, we do not have a sustainable civilization. And everyone knows it. I’ve talked to Federal Reserve Board officials who have talked to me about this. And yet, the ability to create that does exist. But there are many vested interests that would like that kept quiet. I presume if you owned a $10 trillion oil field, the information I’m giving you now would not be very welcome. And the disclosure of these technologies would be unwelcome because oil then would only be valuable for the creation of plastic, other substances and lubricants."

Why does the secrecy continue?

Dr. Greer said,

“There’s a tremendous amount of greed and a tremendous amount of power. And I think, fundamental to it, is a faulty paradigm, a paradigm that is based on fear, mistrust of the human race and in humanity and a tendency to be afraid of an extraterrestrial presence that they don’t fully control and understand. And beyond that, there are manipulations related to maintaining the status quo of the industrial base of the world and the military raison d’etre (reason for existence). Let’s face it: If you have a situation in which there is global peace, and you cannot resurrect a bogeyman or an evil empire in space to justify a multi-hundred billion dollar military and intelligence outlay, then it becomes problematic as far as having a raison d’être for a military industrial complex.


There are some vested interests that would like to see the relationship between humans and extraterrestrials militarized, because it would support the continuation of an increasingly large global military operation. All of that is based on a paradigm that I believe is dysfunctional and needs to go the way of the dinosaurs. We need to begin to look at these problems with a totally different perspective and avoid this recreation of problems of the past as we step into the future. We’re trying to drag an “us versus them” military perspective when we should look at it in a very different way.”

Are the aliens hostile?

Dr. Greer said,

“Our research indicates there is no evidence that extraterrestrials are hostile toward humans. They may not be friendly toward our military based upon what our military is doing, but it doesn’t mean they’re hostile toward humanity. There is a tendency to be afraid of that which we do not understand and that which we cannot control. That tendency in humans needs to be overcome, because it creates and sows the seeds for potential catastrophe.”

Does CSETI have evidence of extraterrestrials contacting the managers of secret programs?

Dr. Greer said,

“There are reports of the landing of one of these extraterrestrial crafts and the emergence of some of these ETs at Edwards Air Force Base in 1954 when President Eisenhower was present. The extent of that communiqué and involvement, I don’t know.

My sense is, there may have been some types of approaches like that, but very quickly, secretive and covert interests around the world have taken that information and have sat on it and probably then misused it. My own sense is that there is this terrible irony that perhaps some very interesting technological breakthroughs have occurred as a result of these initiatives and that they are now being used to create devices and space weaponry to target and destroy extraterrestrial vehicles. There’s a huge history here that we can only view through a glass dimly. But this needs to be brought out.


Regardless of whether we ever find out the truth of what’s happened in the past, what we’ve got to begin to look at is the future. I don’t believe the future consists of trading the Cold War for Star Wars. I don’t believe most humans want that. It is utterly unnecessary. However, there are very powerful vested interests that would like to see the situation manipulated in that direction, and they range from right-wing, religious kooks who are going to try to portray extraterrestrials as demons to military industrialists who are going to try to portray them as enemies.

And all of them are going to have some kind of agenda to try to make hay out of that xenophobia. Calmer heads must prevail and stand up and say,

“Wait a minute. This is unnecessary, and we need to approach this question of inter-species relations and interplanetary relations in a way that involves preventative diplomacy, proactive efforts and communication.

CSETI has pioneered that effort globally.


We are training teams to go out to where UFOs are being seen and try to establish that kind of rapport and communication. It’s a very experimental effort, but it’s beginning to work. We’ve had some extraordinary encounters take place, up to and including landings and near-landings of these objects a few hundred feet of us. We’re trying to move that forward so that, even if the governments are too dysfunctional to deal with it, perhaps a citizen’s diplomacy effort could make some positive headway.


By the way, I don’t feel we need to get permission from anyone to do that. I tell people that they do not have to be like passive cows in a pasture. We are citizens of this planet, as well as citizens of the United States. There’s no reason we need to sit back and ask permission of anyone to attempt to create some positive communication and rapport with these life forms. It’s actually one’s civic responsibility to do that, particularly when you realize there’s as much dysfunction as there is in covert and governmental circles.”


<Thanks to Dr. Greer for his insight.>

When the Reptoids, Greens, and Grays were living among the native tribes of Central and South America, did they try to raise those people’s consciousness, stop them from waging war against each other, and stop barbaric human sacrifices? Judging by the historical record, the aliens did not have our best interest at heart (if they have hearts).


A human leader in Central America took on the name of the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl. This human leader seemingly was just as bloodthirsty for human sacrifices as the Reptoids. When the Reptoid Quetzalcoatl left the area, the human counterpart called for an end to human sacrifice. That was because the aliens were not around to use mind control on him and he realized their desires were not his.


The aliens can exercise a very strong influence over humans with their mind control capabilities. They can take over your mind and march you around like a zombie. They can get 100% control and make you do anything against your will. They can make some people want to do human sacrifices and other people want to be the sacrificed one. So the aliens could have used their mind control techniques to stop the humans from continuing with human sacrifices at any time. The Reptoids could have given the human population a mass religious experience to curtail the human sacrifices permanently. But they never did. Therefore the aliens wanted the dead bodies.


The sacrifices were usually teenagers or babies, not old people. The old people were too tough. So the Reptoids true needs were showing. The Reptoid’s need for meat drove the sacrificial practice system they forced on the ancient populations.

The Anasazi have a legend that many of their people were taken into caves that led underground by “Ant People,” never to return. Where can you find information about this legend?

The “author” of ancient Native American legends is not only unknown, but also long dead. Using a search engine on the Internet, I pulled up references to ant and lizard people legends of the SouthWest Indians.

There is even more detailed information at several university web sites. I think you will find this very interesting: The Hopi of the desert southwest, descendants of the mysterious Anasazi people, have a strange tradition. They believe that as a people, they migrated from a series of previously-extant “worlds,” usually interpreted as “ages” or “epochs;” but these are also seen as subsequent cavern-worlds, each one lower than the next, each one eventually abandoned and destroyed in turn.


While still in the murky “third world,” the Hopi ancestors came into contact with the mysterious “Ant People,” an ectomorphic race or species which greatly resemble the Gala of Sumerian myth. At some point they also came into conflict with the “Serpent People,” and like other tribes, their underworld myths are filled with cataclysms and floods. At least one of their previous worlds was said to have been “in the East,” and combined with the flood element, is very similar to Apache and Aztec traditions.


I was told an account by a tour guide who would accompany Native Americans to kivas on National Park System Land. This account is attributed to a present-day Hopi and is obviously an oral tradition that the speaker attributes to the Ancestral Pueblo Indians (often called Anasazi—not to the liking of modern Pueblo descendants). Their legend says this is the fourth world. The third world was ended by a great flood and some humans were rescued by the Ant People. The Ant People were much larger than today (about four foot tall), although they did live in the ground.


At the end of the third world, the Ant People made some kind of commitment [I do not recall to whom] that they would keep these refugees safe during the upcoming flood. So they stored away food, brought the people down and plugged all the holes to the surface. The problem came when the flood lasted longer than expected and rations ran low. The Ant People, being honorable people, kept their commitment to keep the humans safe by giving their own rations. Eventually the waters did recede and the humans were back on the land emerging from a hole as represented in the kivas.


But the Ant People having not eaten for some time had shrunk to their present miniature size. I don’t know how much credit to give to this account, but I recognize many elements that are relevant to many tribes of the Southwest. I regret I am unable to cite references; but I did want to offer this information. Please feel free to use it as you see fit. To the best of my knowledge this information is strictly an oral account and has no copyright. Additionally, they believed in Achivas, the sacred ceremonial places to honor the Earth. These are the places that Shaman would go into the Earth to do their most sacred work.

The reason that Achivas are built into the Earth for sacred work is because according to legend, at the destruction at each of the ages of mankind the people that were pure of heart went down into the bosom of the Earth and there remained protected. According to them they dwelt in the center of the earth with a group of beings that they call the Ant People.


Drawings of the Ant People are remarkable similar to the Gray aliens of today, large heads, little stocky bodies, long spindly fingers, in some cases 4, 5, or 6 digits. Some of these drawings have the indication of telepathic thought waves coming from the beings’ head themselves. The Native Americans believed that the home of the Kachinas was on top of a mountain where there were great cloud formations.


Today we know that UFO’s often hide in what we call lenticular clouds, which are cloud formations that seem to be produced to conceal the ships from the visible eye spectrum. Real lenticular clouds move with the rest of the clouds. Whereas the UFO clouds do not, often sitting 5 hours in one place.

Native American myths
Could some of the most intriguing clues we have in regards to aspects of the UFO and unusual animal death phenomena lie in the mythic tradition of this and possibly other unique bio-regions in the Southwestern United States?


We do know that 12 different Indian tribes used the San Luis Valley as a sacred hunting and vision-quest area. No Native American ventured into the valley during the winter months where it is not uncommon to find nighttime temperatures at minus 20 degrees for weeks at a time. Although no Indians lived in the San Luis Valley full-time, the oldest known continuously inhabited dwellings in North America, the Taos Pueblo, are found at the extreme southern edge of the valley.


Several Southwestern Indian tribes consider the San Luis Valley, most specifically the San Luis Lakes area, to be the location of the Sipapu or place of emergence. The Indians believe that they were led underground to safety at this location just before a cleansing period of Earth changes. The Navajo version mentions our current time period as being the end of the fifth world.


According to their tradition, they were warned of the upcoming cataclysms by sky Kachinas (fireballs?) signaling them the time to travel to the Sipapu was at hand. Once underground, it is said, they were cared for by Ant People for several generations until it was safe to reemerge and repopulate the new world.


From the “Star Warriors Papers”

by Robert Morningsky, an Apache/Hopi Indian.

“THE LIZARD PEOPLE” - The Reptile is cold-blooded, the warmth of passion is not found within. They seek warmth outside themselves, and survive by stealing the warmth of the fire of other things. This is the way of the Reptile.


“The Children of the Reptile have also left their tracks on Mankind’s history. Where there has been deceit and lies, where there has been fear and turmoil, therein, the Children of the Reptile have resided. Seeking to emerge into the World of the Sun, they feed upon the Fire of others. Never forget this! Keep your fire under your control.”


(The fire of man burns hotter than a thousand suns. Yield not its flame, and the universe shall feel your warmth)


“Seek the Path of the Reptile and you shall find one of the greatest deceits of all time. It was the serpent that aspired to Godhood. It was the Serpent that wanted Man’s adulation and it was the serpent that wanted man’s soul (passion).


“Those who seek your passion, your spirit, or your soul, are the ‘Children of the Reptile.’”


<End Of Article>

The Indians did not “speak with forked tongue” about these legends. The Reptoids are pictured as having forked tongues. The Reptoids apparently lied to the Indians in the past about something very important, hence the expression. The Reptoid treachery was long remembered. It is really amazing that the Reptoid legend for lying would be passed down orally through all the generations.


It had to be the Reptoids, because snakes and lizards with forked tongues do not “speak” to Indians or anyone else for that matter. They are for the most part silent creatures. And the Indian legends call them “Lizard Men,” not giant talking snakes. So when the Reptoids speak to humans with that forked tongue of theirs, they are probably lying. So think about it, when the Native Americans accused treaty-breaking white men of “speaking with forked tongue,” that insult was one of the greatest insults “of all time.” And the Native Americans were right again there too.


The pale faces had told very big lies. I wish I knew what lies the Reptoids had told the ancient Maya, Aztecs, and Teotihuacanos. If their descendants still have knowledge of that lie, I would like to find out what it was. The fact that the Indian legends ring true, and archeological evidence backs them up, shows the Indian legends were not spoken with forked tongue.

You claim you have every confidence that the Native Americans have honestly repeated the experiences of their ancestors. Therein lies your problem. Did you ever play telephone as a kid? Information passed on orally always gets garbled.
Playing telephone” was not how the Native American elders passed on their history from one generation to the next. It was done by the oldest and wisest of their people.


Insinuation that their history is inaccurately passed on by foolish children is an insult to the Native Americans and their heritage. How would we feel if the Native Americans insulted our religions and history by saying it was passed on by giggling children and is the result of much false input, so the stories are corrupted beyond any credibility? There is no reason to cast doubt on the religion and history of the Native Americans. I know they are telling the truth.

Why did different ancient cultures around the world build pyramids? Why would they all put so much effort into constructing that specific type of structure? Why haven’t archeologists addressed these questions?

I’m starting to think that some very educated people are incapable of grasping the big historical picture. What history is showing us is malicious interference on a global scale. Most of the pyramid complex sites were built 10,500 years ago.

  • How could uneducated cultures all over the world suddenly accomplish a coordinated building program that we would be hard pressed today to accomplish?

  • What school did they attend to learn the construction methods, construction equipment design, mathematics, precision measuring, hand tool design, drafting, strength of materials, construction material transportation methods, and other civil engineering skills needed for completing such an enormous and widespread project?

  • Where did these ancient peoples all learn precision astronomy so that each site could be perfectly aligned with an overhead constellation unique to each site?

There were no colleges offering astronomy courses 10,500 years ago. There were no colleges back then period. There are just too many impossible coincidences involved in all those pyramids springing up all over the world:

  • The flat top pyramids have been built at either the right latitude or altitude so that the temperatures are mild all year round at their locations. The flat top pyramids all have steps going up to the top.

  • They were all built simultaneously around 10,500 years ago.

  • The ancient peoples who built the pyramids had no common language or writing.

  • They had no way to communicate with each other but built similar structures simultaneously.

  • They were all able to assemble large work crews in their own countries simultaneously.

  • All the designers came up with similar plans, although they were thousands of miles apart.

  • Each pyramid designer showed a similar knowledge of precision astronomy in pyramid alignment.

  • Each designer simultaneously got the same idea to align their pyramid complex successfully with an overhead constellation.

  • Each designer was able to align their pyramid site with an overhead constellation.. They all must have simultaneously developed alignment instruments and knowledge of how to do the alignment.

  • Each designer simultaneously developed a plan to feed, clothe, and shelter thousands of workers.

  • Each designer had to simultaneously provide the materials for the workers housing.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously enslave or recruit the thousands of workers.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously provide the personnel to enslave or recruit the workers.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously provide tools and construction materials to the workers.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously locate a source of sturdy building materials.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously organize and train their workers.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously recruit and train taskmasters.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously recruit and train overseers to maintain order.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously build food storage facilities.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously arrange a reliable food source for thousands.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously obtain cattle as breeding stock to

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously hire butchers, food carriers, and cooks.

  • Each designer was able to simultaneously build food and material transport carts and provide draft animals.

Are you starting to get the idea? The odds of all of those things happening simultaneously are astronomical. It should be evident that the aliens were simultaneously controlling the populations of the different countries to build each pyramid complex. They controlled their daily lives as well. Clay tablets found in ancient Sumer state that the “gods” directed them to have “warlords” governing each Sumerian city-state.


The warlords were directed by the gods to wage war on the other city-states. The gods also required all adults to take part in temple orgies. That was an overt breeding program. The various native tribes in Central America were directed to make war on each other also. Warriors were to be captured alive, brought back to the temples, and sacrificed to the gods. There were warlords in China also. I think you already know what warlords are going to do. Make war.


If anything, wars and battles in China resulted in extremely high body counts. Japan also had warlords, the shoguns. And guess what? A large pyramid complex has been found underwater near the Japanese island of Okinawa.


You can see some excellent pictures of it at "Japan's Mysterious Submerged Stone Structures - New evidence suggests they may have been used by Man"


The Reptoids were apparently in firm control of several major population centers. They exercised strong mental control over the people they wanted to dominate. They had no reservations about sending those people off to war to die. It meant incoming prisoners of war to be sacrificed to them. Yummy. If they were just watching our activities and not interfering, it would be a different story. But they were pushing our buttons, pulling our strings, directing us to kill and sacrifice people to them. It was all directed by them, the pyramid building, the many thousands of human sacrifices, all those wars, all those dead. These are not space brothers, they are SPACE BUTCHERS.


There is a pyramid complex at Sechin Alto, Peru that was built 3000 years ago by a people whose name we do not know because they had not gotten to a stage of development where they had developed a written language. In fact, they were just learning to make pottery when they became expert pyramid builders for no obvious reason. They moved about 60 million stone blocks to build many pyramids.


There is evidence that shows exactly what they were doing. There are hundreds of stone slabs with carvings on them located in a rectangular courtyard. The carvings show the processing of humans like cattle into sections, much like it is done in a meat packing plant.

They show the bodies being cut in half across the waist, legs and arms being cut off, eyes being removed, and all of the parts being stacked in neat sorted piles. There are piles of heads, separated vertebrae, limbs, and eyeballs. That eyeball pile is what caught my eye, so to speak.


Very recently it was reported in the news that several dozen eyeballs (probably from mutilated cows whose eyes are almost always missing) had been found dropped in someone’s backyard in the Midwest. It seems someone has a taste for eyeballs to this very day. I believe stuffed goat eyeballs are still a delicacy in the Middle East. There is no accounting for taste.


What seems to make this meat processing operation fit into the repeating pattern of harvesting humans for food, is that the archeologists working the site can find no burial grounds for the people that lived there and built the pyramids, or any trace of the many people that they routinely and methodically butchered. All of the evidence has vanished. The fact that there are no bones in evidence, is evidence that they were taken out of the area.


So there was a need for the end product (food) that caused it to be taken and eaten elsewhere. If this isn’t food to go, I don’t know what is.


Photo of carvings from JayA.Frogel Website


While we are in this anthropological area, there is another example of alien influence that shows up in skulls that were found. There is a huge collection of skulls in the Cranium Room at the National Museum of Anthropology in Lima, Peru. They are skulls of the Nazca of, “Nazca Lines” fame. The skulls resemble the big heads of the Gray aliens. Also found with these archeological treasures was the skull binding equipment used to shape the skulls of infants into the Gray-like elongated and bulbous form.


So the Grays did not genetically alter the Nazca to resemble themselves, which was confirmed by DNA testing. The Nazca were not the only people on Earth to copy Gray head looks. It was done by Mallacca Islanders in the Pacific, Chinook Indians in the Pacific Northwest in North America, and by the ancient Egyptians too. Much like the Cargo Cult natives of the 20th Century, those ancient people found imitation to be the sincerest form of flattery.

Are you still waiting on CSETI to give them a chance to make formal contact with the alien delegation first before you publish your book? You may have a long wait. They have been trying for years.

At the request of the coordinator at CSETI, I had held up publication of this book for several months to give them a chance to meet with the aliens and set up some kind of mutually beneficial arrangement or treaty between our species. I will mention in this book what CSETI is trying to do and if someone else wants to follow my instructions and bring down a hovering UFO, oh well. It may light a fire under CSETI and they will step up their program, make contact, and go public. I can’t wait any longer.


CSETI could unknowingly be meeting and dealing with some cloned alien hand puppets that are mind controlled by the Reptoids, and not representatives of a Galactic Federation at all. They could be an alien twist on Judas goats. Those alien/CSETI meetings could just be a diversion while things are coming to a head. I plan to warn CSETI before my book comes out so they can try harder.

Is there any evidence that the human race was stocked on this planet and did not originate here through the evolutionary process? Did God put us here twice?

Yes. There is solid physical evidence. A modern type human skeleton was found under a layer of slate and determined to be 300 million years old. That predates the dinosaurs. A shoe print and a brass cup were found at a level that made them 500 million years old. (That was before anything crawled out of the oceans.) In the book titled “Forbidden Archeology” by Michael Cremo, those examples and many more are discussed, showing that man has been here before.

Why would God let intelligent species feed on each other? It seems very unfair.

The answer is amazingly simple: so that life can survive. Doing research for this book made me realize that God is incredibly fair in letting any life feed on any other life. Astronomers have determined that the universe is filled with vast quantities of organic compounds floating in space that composes the basic building blocks of life. Life forms made from organic compounds similar to those that we are made from are plentiful throughout the universe as a result. So we should be thankful for our food. It’s the circle of life.


There is truly no one at the top of the food chain. We all feed on the basic building blocks of life directly or indirectly. Even if top predators like Man, Reptoid, or killer whale died, they would be consumed by lowly worms, maggots, ants, bacteria, or in the case of the killer whale, assorted sea creatures. Even if our sun went supernova and blasted all life in our solar system to atoms, eventually the atoms would condense back into the familiar building blocks of life and new planets and suns would be formed.


Life would go on. So what is the meaning of life? Life is there so that life can go on. All life contributes to the continuance of life in general. So as a life form, this is your only shot at life in your present form in this time frame. Make it count. Enjoy it. You will be a part of eternal life whether you want to or not. You only have use of the atoms you are made from for a brief time. All life is part of the mix. So every religion that says there is life after death is 100% correct. Our lives go into other lives, both through our offspring and when our body is returned to become part of God’s other creatures.

This doesn’t mean that we should just relax and let the Reptoids harvest us for their food needs when they are in the neighborhood and need to restock their fleet of migration ships. That would shorten the life span prematurely of those of us that love life and living. With the right genetic and cloning technology, we could grow plain muscle type meat in advanced factories.


No intelligent or even dumb life form would be harmed in the making of the new style factory manufactured meat. They could even grow beef, chicken, and other types of meat. The Reptoids and cannibals would be happy to have unlimited human cloned meat. All the animal lovers would be thrilled too.


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